Previously, each housewife had her own signature recipe for how to cook jelly. This dish still remains one of the most desserts in Russia. It is much better than shop and restaurant sweets.
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How to cook starch and jam jelly
To cook starch jelly, you need to cook starch yourself or buy it in a store. After that, you can begin to prepare a delicious, nutritious and healthy homemade jelly. It is also important to choose the right dishes. Before you cook jelly, you need to know: you can’t use metal utensils, but an enameled pan is perfect. If you use metal, as a result of the oxidation reaction, dessert will endanger life-threatening toxic substances.
Here is a simple recipe:
- Boil three liters of liquid;
- Add 500 grams of jam;
- Boil, introduce eight teaspoons of potato starch;
- Boil again.
Looks good jelly, poured into cups and decorated with sprigs of mint.
Frozen Berry Jelly
To pamper your loved ones with a berry dessert, you do not have to wait for the season. Dessert from frozen raw materials in their taste is the same as jelly from fresh "gifts of the forest." Starch jelly with berries will help you to taste summer in winter. You need to take strawberries or other berries. A good jelly will also come from ripe gooseberries, as well as from wild berries (lingonberries, blueberries, strawberries). It is undoubtedly worth making jelly from frozen berries, because it usually turns out bright in color and very fragrant.
Cooking method:
- Pour strawberries (500 g) into a cup, fill with water (8 glasses);
- Boil for twenty minutes. boil on a low flame;
- filter, pour into another pan;
- Boil, introduce starch and granulated sugar, mix;
- Remove from heat, insist under the lid for half an hour.
You need eight teaspoons of starch.
Cooking from compote
Kissels from compote also turn out tasty and beautiful in color. Compote can be used any: from cherry, plum, black or red currant, as well as from sour apples such as "Antonovka".
You can cook it like this:
- Boil three liters of any compote, remove from heat;
- Add three tablespoons of starch, mix thoroughly;
- Boil again;
- Simmer for five minutes.
Keep in mind: if you cook jelly for more than five minutes, it will become more liquid.
Milk Jelly Recipe
Jelly made of milk, poured into beautiful molds, will decorate any holiday table and will be a good treat for a children's holiday. This is a great alternative to industrial sweets with a lot of harmful dyes.
Here's how to cook it:
- Slightly warm a liter of milk;
- introduce granulated sugar, mix;
- boil, add 75 g of starch, add vanilla sugar;
- Boil for three minutes.
When the dish hardens, it must be poured into molds. The molds should be pre-greased with vegetable oil. If you add natural dyes to the dish (for example, beet, spinach or turmeric juice), the dessert will turn out to be colorful. Children will certainly appreciate the dessert and eat with great pleasure.
Tasty recipe: lingonberry pie
Cranberries are one of the most healthy berries. To make a delicious cranberry jelly, these berries are perfect. Harvested for the future, you need to take a little more than fresh ones, since, when melted, they will decrease in volume (excess water will go). Before cooking, the berries must be washed and moved.
Here's how to make a delicious dessert from it:
- Take a glass of berries, crush them with a pusher;
- Add sugar and vanilla to taste;
- Pour a liter of water, insist 15 minutes;
- Filter the mass;
- boil, introduce 4 teaspoons of starch;
- cook until the mass thickens.
After that, you need to wait for cooling.
Apple recipe
Apple jelly is a great option for summer residents. It is best to use sour apples because they are well-digested. But it’s better to put more sugar in order to remove a strong “acidity”.
Here is the prescription:
- Cut four apples, pour 5 cups of liquid;
- Remove from heat, mashed apples;
- Add liquid again, add sugar;
- Introduce 8 teaspoons of diluted starch, boil;
- Turn off the fire.
A dessert of apples goes well with lemon, so before serving in a cup you can add a little lemon juice or a slice of fresh lemon.
How to cook jelly from a pack
When you want to make dessert quicker, ready-made packs with concentrate are suitable.
To do this, you need:
- Boil 0.8 l of liquid;
- pour 0.3 l of cold liquid into a dry concentrate;
- shake the concentrate, pour into a container with boiling water;
- Stir again, reduce heat, boil for two minutes;
- Cool.
When choosing a ready-made concentrate, you should pay attention to the fact that the composition does not include dyes and harmful food additives.
Oatmeal jelly - an old Russian dish.
This is how it is prepared:
- Mix three cups of cereal and a half liter of liquid;
- Add a piece of white bread, cover with a towel and remove for two days;
- filter, introduce 500 g of liquid;
- pour salt to taste, boil;
- After boiling, immediately turn off the fire.
Eat this dish well with butter. This dish is ideal for those who observe Orthodox fasts, as well as for those who want to be healthy and beautiful.
Favorite dessert will turn out delicious and healthy, if you strictly follow the cooking technology.