In general, every housewife probably knows how to cook buckwheat porridge. That's just to make it truly tasty and crumbly only by experienced culinary specialists. The main secrets of preparing an appetizing and fragrant dish are presented below.
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How to cook buckwheat porridge on a side dish?
Buckwheat porridge is a wonderful healthy and satisfying side dish, which goes well with chicken and meat. In addition to the cereal itself (2 cups), it is taken: 2 times more drinking water, a pinch of salt, a couple of tablespoons of non-aromatic sunflower oil.
- First, buckwheat is carefully sorted and washed with cold water. As a result, the water from the cereal should begin to drain completely transparent.
- In a dry frying pan, clean and dried buckwheat is fried until golden. 5-7 minutes are enough for the croup to get rid of excess moisture, become more crumbly, aromatic.
- After such preparation buckwheat will boil less, although it will retain its softness and tenderness.
- Fried cereal is poured into boiling water. Salt and vegetable oil are added to the pan. After boiling again, foam is removed from the surface of the container.
- Garnish is cooked for 8-9 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat and infused for a couple of minutes under a closed lid.
A dish with a lot of melted butter or ghee is served.
Cooking Recipe
If the device has a special mode for the discussed cereals or the “Milk porridge” / “Pilaf” options, then it can be safely used for cooking buckwheat. Of the products will be used: 3 tbsp. milk, a pinch of coarse salt, 1 small spoon of granulated sugar, 1.5 tbsp. cereals, 35 g of butter.
- First, buckwheat is carefully selected from dirt and low-quality grains, and then washed with cold running water until the liquid becomes clean.
- Cereals are fried at will. If you want to make the porridge as tasty as possible, you should do it in the Baking program. Once the grains have dried well, you can add butter to the bowl and continue cooking in the same mode with constant stirring for another 3-5 minutes. As a result, buckwheat should again become dry and acquire an appetizing golden hue.
- Groats are poured with slightly warmed milk. You can simply get the dairy product out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes room temperature.
- Sugar and salt are added to the bowl of the device.
- After thorough mixing, porridge in milk will be cooked in one of the suitable modes for 55 minutes.
The dish is served as a side dish or as an independent dish with dried fruits and butter.
Loose buckwheat porridge on the water
Very often, buckwheat becomes the main dish on the menu during a therapeutic diet or aimed at weight loss. Under such conditions, it is necessary to minimize its calorie content. The easiest way to do this is cook it on the water. It is important to take a quality filtered fluid. In addition to water (2 tbsp.), You will need to prepare: 1 tbsp. buckwheat, a pinch of salt and a little vegetable oil.
- Croup is moved from debris and inclusions. Next, the product is thoroughly washed. In the process, you need to rub it well with your fingers.
- Then, buckwheat is dried and fried in a dry pan. If the diet does not prohibit this, you can add a small piece of butter to the dishes.
- After boiling water, buckwheat is laid out in it. After boiling again, the liquid is salted, foam is removed from the surface.
- The dish will languish under a closed lid on a minimum fire for about 15-17 minutes. All this time the mass cannot be mixed.
When the liquid has completely boiled out of the container, you can turn off the fire, cover the pot or cauldron with a paper towel, cover it with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave it to insist for another hour. If desired, you can cook loose buckwheat porridge in the water according to a similar scheme in any multicooker model.
Hearty and tasty dish with meat in pots
If you cook buckwheat in pots and generously add it with meat, then such a dish is quite suitable even for a festive table. Especially if you take beautiful dishes and decorate the top of the treats in an original way. For example, grated cheese with spices. The recipe includes: 1 tbsp. cereals, a small spoon of salt, 370 g of pork pulp, a large carrot, a pinch of black pepper, 2 small onions, 4 tbsp. l non-aromatic oil.
- The meat is washed, dried with paper towels and slightly beaten. Next, it is cut into small pieces and fried in any oil on the brown.
- Vegetables are peeled and chopped in a convenient way.
- Onions and carrots are added to the finished meat, salted, sprinkled with pepper, mixed and cooked for another 7-10 minutes. You can add a little water to the mass. All products must be ready.
- Two servings will need two 0.7 L pots. Half a glass of pre-prepared buckwheat is poured into each. It must first be washed and dried in a pan.
- Meat with vegetables is added to buckwheat.
- It remains to pour in a container a glass of water, salt and pepper the components, then mix the mass and put the pots in a cold oven.
- They will cook for 80 minutes at 210 degrees.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the dish and, if necessary, add boiled water.
Buckwheat with mushrooms
The easiest way to cook buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. Such mushrooms do not require any preliminary preparation. They are added to the dish raw. Taken: 1 tbsp. buckwheat and twice as much water, 240 g of mushrooms, half a small spoon of salt, onion, 35 g of butter, 2 tbsp. non-aromatic oil, 3 pinches of ground pepper.
- Pre-washed and dried in a pan, the cereal is poured with water and sent to cook.The mass needs to be salted.
- Onions and mushrooms are finely chopped and fried in non-aromatic oil. Components salt and pepper.
- Roasting is mixed with finished buckwheat, after which the pan is closed with a lid, wrapped in a blanket and infused for half an hour.
You can also shift buckwheat with mushrooms into a mold and send to the oven for 45 minutes at 140 degrees.
Cooking in a thermos - step by step recipe
In the field, it is easiest to cook buckwheat porridge in a large thermos. To do this, take: 320 ml of boiled water, 180 g of cereal, half a small spoon of salt.
- Buckwheat gets over from obvious impurities and is thoroughly washed with running water. It is convenient to do this through a sieve.
- The washed product is poured into the thermos through a funnel.
- Salt dissolves in freshly boiled water, after which the cereal is poured with liquid.
- It remains to close the container and leave it for 45-50 minutes. The dish will cook on its own.
- As a result, the treat will be soft and crumbly.
You can lay cereals in a thermos in the evening. Thus, in the morning on the table will be a hot, delicious breakfast. It remains only to supplement it with butter or other mouth-watering additives.