Legumes are a source of valuable vegetable protein, necessary even for those who always have animal protein in their diet. Often, housewives do not include beans in their daily diet, because the process of preparing them seems complicated. But if you prepare it correctly, then the menu can be diversified not only with healthy, but also with delicious dishes. How to cook red beans with soaking will be discussed in this article.

How to cook red beans with soaking in a pan

Soaking beans is required not only for its speedy preparation. After this pre-treatment, the carbohydrates contained in legumes are absorbed in the body much better, which eliminates the occurrence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Soaking requires a ratio of beans and water in a ratio of 1: 2.

  1. Before you soak the beans, you need to rinse them well under warm water.
  2. Since the beans increase in size after they are soaked, it is better to take a container twice as large as the volume of the beans.
  3. Beans should be soaked for 6 - 8 hours, but you do not need to leave them in the same water for more than 10 hours, otherwise the fermentation processes may begin in them. Advice! In the summer, it is best to place the beans in the refrigerator during soaking.
  4. After swelling the beans, the water needs to be drained and washed again.

It is important to remember that the addition of third-party ingredients to the water, which helps the beans soften faster, leads to the destruction of important and useful trace elements in them.

Also, in the preparation of dishes from beans, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • if salt is salted at the beginning of the cooking process, its structure will be preserved;
  • adding salt at the end of cooking helps to digest beans;
  • beans cooked under the lid will turn brown at the end of cooking.

The proportions of water and beans

The washed beans should be placed in a pan and pour fresh water. At the beginning of cooking, it should cover the beans approximately 1 - 2 cm. In the cooking process, water is added gradually, as necessary. Cooking time depends on how long the beans have been stored - old beans will take much longer to cook.

It is important to remember that beans need to be cooked over low heat and do not close the lid tightly.

How much time to cook

How to cook beans? It all depends on what kind of dish you need legumes for.

  1. Salads, quiches, vegetarian jellies and beans with sauce require about an hour and a half cooking, because in this case the beans will have a holistic structure.
  2. For pastes, soups, baking, beans can be cooked longer so that later, when whipping it in a blender, there are no grains left. For these dishes, beans should be boiled for about two hours.

Bean readiness can be determined in a primitive folk way. From the pan you need to catch a few pieces of beans and try them. If they are all ready, then the pan can be removed from the fire.

How to cook red beans with soaking in a slow cooker

In order to boil the beans in a slow cooker, you must immediately determine the final dish, the choice of the program will depend on this.

  1. Beans are soaked according to the above scheme, washed and laid out in a bowl.
  2. Water should cover the beans about 3 cm, but in the process you still have to add it.
  3. If you want to keep the product intact, then you need to cook by turning on the Cooking program.
  4. For a more boiled-down option, it is better to use the "Extinguishing" program.

Advice to housewives! If the beans are cooked for a paste or cream soup, then 40 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add vegetables and dry herbs and then beat everything together in a blender. Such additives will greatly enrich the taste of the finished dish.

Cooking technology in a double boiler

It is a difficult task to cook beans for a couple, especially since in an ordinary double boiler without a special bowl for legumes and pasta it is impossible to cook it. If there is such a device, then the beans are soaked according to the usual recipe.

  1. Then it is poured into a special bowl and filled with water.
  2. The temperature for cooking beans is set at 85ºС. The supplied steam warms up the water, so the cooking process will take about 2.5 hours.

Advice to housewives! In a double boiler it is best to cook green green beans.

Microwave Soaked Beans

If you cook the beans in the microwave, then it will be ready in about 45 minutes, depending on the power.

  1. Prepared beans should be poured into a container designed for a microwave oven, and pour water so that it covers the seeds by 1.5 cm.
  2. Initially, the most powerful mode or the one that is specifically designed for beans is set. Cooking time 10 minutes.
  3. After this, the beans are removed and mixed. Water is added to it.
  4. Next, the average power and time are set for about 20 minutes.
  5. Then the beans are taken out again (at this stage it can be salted), water is added.
  6. In the same mode, the beans cook for another quarter of an hour.

It is interesting:beans: the benefits and harms

Bean dishes have a bright taste, can be combined with any products and significantly expand the boundaries of gastronomic addictions!