A decrease in the volume of seminal fluid during ejaculation reduces the likelihood of conception, sometimes it signals internal disturbances, but it also happens in healthy men. It is useful for the stronger sex to know which indicators are considered critically low, the causes of this phenomenon, and how to increase sperm count.

The norm of the volume of ejaculate

For one sexual intercourse, an average of 2 - 5 mg of seminal fluid is excreted in a man. The exact amount is determined based on laboratory analysis. When evaluating spermograms, doctors are guided by the standards of the World Health Organization, and they change over time.

In 2010, WHO set the volume of 1.4 - 1.7 ml as the lower limit of the norm; the upper limit is not indicated.

Russian doctors are more likely to focus on an indicator of 2 ml, and a smaller number is considered a deviation.


The approximate volume of ejaculate can be measured independently at home. An hour after intercourse, sperm from a condom is poured into a graduated beaker or a syringe with a volume of at least 2 ml. Previously, a piston is removed from it, the needle hole closes so that the liquid does not spill out.

Measurements are preferably done more than once. In isolated cases, a decrease in sperm volume is not necessary. At constant values ​​below the norm, it is better to consult a doctor to check the condition of the genitourinary system and not lose the ability to conceive. The possibility of fertilization of the egg decreases to 5% when the amount of sperm is less than 1.5 ml. With this volume of ejaculate, the number of active male germ cells and their viability in the acidic environment of the vagina are reduced.

Causes of Sperm Decrease

Two groups of provoking factors are distinguished. The first includes inflammation of the genitourinary organs, infectious and chronic diseases, hormonal failure.The previous volume of ejaculate is restored after elimination of violations, only a doctor can diagnose, prescribe the necessary tests and choose the right treatment regimen. The second group includes natural factors and bad habits:

    • Age: after 40, the amount of testosterone decreases, which leads to a decrease in sperm volume.
    • Improper physical activity: overstrain or sedentary lifestyle.
    • Long stress.
    • Lack of fluid: the necessary volume of ejaculate does not have time to be developed if a man consumes less than 400 ml per 10 kg of body weight per day.
    • Improper nutrition: fasting and tight diets, overeating.
    • Pelvic injuries and bruises.
    • Smoking, alcohol abuse: the first habit contributes to the death of sperm, the second - the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Random sex: excessive activity or prolonged abstinence.
  • Testicular overheating.
  • Uncontrolled medication.
  • Work in hazardous industries.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

A man is able to regulate most of these factors on his own without the use of drugs, if the doctor has not revealed internal disorders and diseases.

How to increase sperm count

To increase sperm volume, medications, dietary supplements, and folk remedies are used. Sometimes it’s enough to change the diet, reconsider the way of life, break free from bad habits. The choice of method for increasing sperm volume depends on the cause of the violation.

Preparations, tablets and dietary supplements

When identifying diseases, the doctor prescribes medications: antibiotics for inflammation, hormonal drugs for hormonal imbalance, sedatives for stress. General strengthening complexes are prescribed if the volume of ejaculate is reduced due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Lack of selenium, zinc in combination with folic acid, L-picture, L-arginine, L-lysine negatively affects the quantity and quality of sperm.


These useful substances are contained in food products, are sold in the form of single-component finished preparations in pharmacies, and are part of fortifying complexes. Creams, sprays, and prolonged-release tablets prolong the volume of ejaculate, but these drugs give a short-term effect and do not solve the problem.

Biological supplements based on vitamin-mineral complexes and medicinal plants are considered an effective remedy:

  • Speman;
  • SpermPlant;
  • Profertil;
  • Spermactin;
  • Tribestan;
  • Verona
  • Spermine;
  • Tentex forte.

Supplements are taken in courses of 3 to 4 months, follow the instructions. They are sold over the counter, but it is best to consult a doctor before use.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods also help increase sperm volume. The following recipes received good reviews in men:

  • Mixture: pumpkin seeds are crushed and combined with honey, eaten at breakfast under Art. spoon.
  • Infusion: 10 dried rosehip berries are mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoon of elecampane, add half a liter of boiling water, stand for 30 minutes and take 3 days for 1 tbsp. spoon every 2.5 hours.
  • Fresh nettle cabbage soup.
  • Beekeeping Products: pollen flower pollen, drone and royal jelly, propolis, honey. They are consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Healing mixture of leaves of aloe, dried apricots, figs, dates, lemon, walnuts, raisins and honey. 100 g of the components are ground in a meat grinder or finely chopped, mixed and consumed in a teaspoon three times a day, the mixture is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Drink: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated carrots pour a glass of hot boiled milk, insist half an hour, drink in the evening for 2 weeks.
  • Decoctions of the fruits of hawthorn, plantain seeds, nettle leaves, calamus root, ginseng. These fees are sold in a pharmacy, they are insisted in boiling water and used according to the instructions on the package.

A tangible result is provided by the methods of alternative medicine: hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches, apitherapy - bee venom. These methods are allowed to be used only under the supervision of an experienced doctor.


The amount of ejaculate, its taste and smell is affected by food.It is useful to include dishes rich in animal proteins, amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B6, C, E in the daily menu. Here are some foods that increase sperm count:

  • lean meat, beef liver;
  • fish, seafood;
  • eggs
  • avocado;
  • broccoli;
  • grapes;
  • spinach;
  • bananas
  • green salad;
  • asparagus;
  • Garnet;
  • nuts
  • legumes, especially red beans;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • dark bitter chocolate.

A number of products reduce the amount of ejaculate. These include fried, fatty foods, sodas, fast food. Smoked meats and coffee are recommended to limit.

Lifestyle change

To stimulate sperm production, doctors advise you to forget about bad habits: quit smoking, do not abuse alcohol, even low alcohol. Beer enhances the formation of female hormones estrogen and destroys the male principle.

The volume of ejaculate is quickly restored if you revise and adjust your lifestyle:

    • Establish nutrition, but do not overeat.
    • Drink more fluids.
    • Regulate physical activity.
  • Less often visit baths and take hot baths, remove car seats with heating.
  • Do not wear tight underwear and pants, do not sit, throwing one foot on the other.
  • Control sexual contacts: abstinence for 2 days will help restore sperm count.
  • Perform Kegel exercises regularly to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  • Learn to resist stress.
  • It is reasonable to alternate work and rest.
  • Do not supercool.

The reduced formation of ejaculate cannot be ignored if a man plans to become a father in the future. In the absence of diseases, you can independently increase sperm volume. To do this, find the reason and choose the appropriate way to resolve the problem.