Breast correction surgery is not suitable for everyone, so girls dissatisfied with their own size often think about how to enlarge the mammary glands at home. The volume of the mammary glands is laid at the genetic level. With improvised means, it will not be possible to change it to 2 - 3 sizes for a long time, but raise the chest, make it more elastic, adjust the shape, tighten the skin according to the strength of each girl.
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How to increase breasts with a set of exercises?
The female breast consists of connective, glandular tissue and fat, muscles occupy 5% of the volume.
Exercise helps to increase not the mammary glands, but the pectoral muscles to which they are attached.
The inflated muscles lift the chest, as a result, the shape improves, the skin becomes denser.
The following exercises are helpful:
- Push ups. To stand a step away from the wall, rest your palms on its surface and lean forward, bending your elbows. It is important to keep your back straight. The load on the pectoralis major muscle increases with a wide setting of the arms. Repeat 10 times three times with intervals of 30 seconds.
- Classic push ups. This exercise is performed as well as the previous one, but with emphasis on the floor or bench.
- Squeezing the palms. Stand up straight, tighten the abdomen and buttocks, palms connected perpendicular to the floor at the level of the chest, place your elbows to the sides. On inspiration, squeeze your palms, on exhalation, relax, perform 10 to 20 times.
- "Cobra". Lie on your stomach, close your fingers on the back of your head. On inspiration, raise the top of the body, on the exhale lower. So repeat 10 times twice with a break for rest.
- Bending the knees.Lie on the floor with your back, put your hands next to the torso, rest your palms on the floor, bend your legs. On inspiration, smoothly raise your knees, touch your chest, on exhale, return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.
- Dumbbell Bench Press. Lie with your back on a bench, with your feet resting on the floor. On inhalation, raise and straighten your arms with dumbbells, on the exhale, lower to the sides parallel to the floor, bend the elbow joint 90 degrees. Run 8 times.
- Mahi dumbbells. Stand up straight, on inhale raise your arms forward to shoulder level, lower on exhalation. Run 8 times.
Exercises are done regularly every other day. The first positive changes will become visible after 3 weeks, and the result appears after 2.5 - 3 months.
Folk remedies at home
A number of plants contain natural phytoestrogens, if the body has a low level of female hormones, they make up for the deficiency.
To enlarge the breast, decoctions and infusions of the following plants are used:
- Hop cones. A pinch of the collection is poured with a cup of boiling water, left for 20 minutes under a covered towel, take 2 - 3 sips after a meal during the day.
- Flax seeds. Half a teaspoon of the product is poured into a glass of boiling water and stirred for a minute until thickened. Do not filter the drink, consume 100 ml before meals.
- Oregano. A pinch of grass is insisted in a mug of boiling water for 30 minutes, they drink 2 sips during the day.
- Fenugreek seeds. Half a teaspoon is kept for 3 hours in 200 ml of water, then heated to a boil, filtered and consumed during the day for 2 - 3 sips.
- Red clover. A teaspoon of the collection is poured into a mug of boiling water and kept for 10 minutes in a water bath. Drink sips throughout the day, filter before use.
- Alfalfa. Prepare and take as red clover.
Decoctions and infusions are used with caution, do not exceed the dosage. If a woman has a normal level of estrogen, then plant phytoestrogens will begin to suppress them.
Breast Enlargement Products
It is useful for girls with a small bust to eat foods enriched with phytoestrogens, this element contains:
- nuts
- vegetable oils: olive, sea-buckthorn, sunflower, linseed;
- soybeans;
- legumes;
- dark grapes.
Products do not directly affect breast size, but they act indirectly. They stabilize the level of estrogen, on which the condition of the mammary glands depends.
Can i change the size of the bust with iodine?
Breast augmentation with iodine is considered the "grandmother" method. It attracts by its simplicity and cheapness, but is not recognized by traditional medicine. Judging by the reviews, this method does not give a 100% positive result, but sometimes it helps. Iodine increases blood flow, because of which the breast is temporarily increased. There are contraindications for use:
- breast disease;
- excess in the body of iodine;
- temperature rise;
- pregnancy, lactation.
The drug is applied with a cotton swab: draw parallel lines towards the center at a distance of 3-4 mm, without capturing the nipples. The procedure is repeated daily. You can not draw lines in the same places, this will cause a skin burn. The result is difficult to predict, but positive changes will come faster if the use of iodine is combined with other methods: exercises, massage.
Hormonal pharmacy drugs
Hormone pills are more often used as a contraceptive or for menstrual irregularities. Breast augmentation is considered a side effect.
Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor: he will pick up tablets taking into account the state of health, body weight, age.
The following drugs are popular among women:
- Regulon;
- Yarina;
- Jeanine.
Hormonal pills are taken according to the scheme: 21 days in a row with a 7-day break during menstruation. After taking, sometimes negative consequences arise: nausea, weight gain, headaches, tension in the mammary glands.
Another type of pharmacy drug to add breast volume is dietary supplements based on phytoestrogens:
- Maxibust coffee;
- Push up natural
- Feminal
- Soy Isoflavones.
Women’s reviews of these supplements are contradictory: some do not see changes, others notice a breast enlargement, but after the end of use, the size becomes the same. Doctors are wary of dietary supplements, because uncontrolled intake sometimes leads to hormonal failure.
Massage and special creams
After regular massages, the skin is tightened, the density and elasticity of the breast increases, because of which it rises. Various techniques are used to correct the bust: classic, Japanese, Chinese, cryomassage and others. At home, it is easier to use traditional methods:
- stroking with your fingertips from the center to the base;
- rubbing in a circular motion from the nipples to the edges;
- tapping with fingertips;
- palm vibrations;
- pinching the skin.
During the procedure, use vegetable oil, preferably olive, sea buckthorn, from grape seed. It is useful to combine massage with a contrast shower: direct the stream in a circular motion to the mammary glands, alternate warm and cool water.
Creams, serums for breast augmentation are divided into two types. Some contain collagen, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, peptides. These components condense, moisturize the skin, and fight sagging. The second include phytoestrogens. Depending on the composition, manufacturers promise an increase in the volume of glandular tissue, fat. Reviews of the action of creams are contradictory: from enthusiastic to those accusing of quackery.
How to visually enlarge a breast without surgery?
The bust looks smaller than it really is if you choose the wrong underwear, clothes, accessories.
The following female tricks help visually increase volume:
- It is important to purchase a bra in size so that it supports the mammary glands from below, but does not squeeze. In an unsuccessful bra, the chest sags or clings to the muscles, because of this, its volume decreases by 1 size. Push-up bras, bras with inserts noticeably increase the chest.
- Visually add volume to clothing items: corrugated blouses, sweaters with horizontal stripes or a large pattern, blouses with pleats, ruffles, small details.
- In loose baggy clothes, the chest is "lost." For girls with a small bust, fitted styles, the top of light shades, are suitable.
- In women with a stately posture and a flat back, the bust looks more solid, in the stoop - less.
It is not possible to quickly enlarge the breast without surgery, it is possible to create only the appearance of volume with the help of female tricks. Other methods will require time, perseverance and patience, but they increase the bust by 1 - 1.5 sizes. Products and herbs affect the condition of the breast indirectly, hormone therapy helps for a short time, gives negative side effects. The safest and most effective way - physical exercise, massage and contrast shower.