To solve the problem of how to enlarge breasts at home, there are several simple and affordable ways that can do without the costly services of a plastic surgeon. If you immediately resort to several, not mutually exclusive methods, you can achieve tangible results.
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How to increase breasts with a set of exercises?
Like any method that does not involve radical intervention, the recommended measures will require persistent and consistent work on your own appearance. This requires daily efforts leading to a natural enlargement of the mammary glands, which can be further emphasized and visualized.
There are always two possible ways to work on a posed task, one of which is surgical intervention with an unknown result and significant financial costs. The second is a conservative process that requires some effort on itself. How to solve the problem, only the mistress of the improved area can determine.
A set of exercises will help increase the size of the mammary glands to 3 sizes. It will not force the breast itself to grow intensively, because there are practically no muscles in the fat layer of the mammary glands (they are located below the lipid layer and it will be necessary to develop them), but by tightening the muscle tissue and strengthening it, you can visually increase the tubercles with the mammary glands by about 2 -3 cm
Different sources provide several sets of exercises to increase the volume of the breast, but the most not expensive according to the efforts and not requiring special efforts, the following:
- prayer - hands folded palm to palm and exert counter pressure on each other, which leads to tension of all muscles of this segment;
- push-ups from the floor with arms wide apart;
- deflection of the spine from a supine position, which is borrowed from yoga and performed with maximum tension of the chest and shoulder girdle;
- a boat at which rocking on the stomach occurs, with the legs wrapped around the legs, slightly above the foot;
- bench press with dumbbells up on outstretched arms from a sitting or lying position on the floor;
- an institution behind the head with dumbbells or the same tension of the power expander, in a sitting position with a straightened back;
- classic squats with arms extended forward, without support, the back is held straight, the chest is straightened;
- everyone knows the movement of morning exercises - straight palms with abrupt movements are relegated to the forearms and return to their original position.
In order for the muscles to increase faster in volume, gain tone and volume, you can visit the gym 2-3 times a week. On the day of club training, home exercises can not be done.
The alternation of different physical activities on muscle tissue will lead to the rapid achievement of the result.
The effect also depends on the use of appropriate products that supply components for intensive muscle growth and improve breast elasticity.
Folk remedies at home
Folk remedies for breast augmentation include not only new recipes, but also proven methods from the past. They have been used for centuries to add sexuality, which is the main means of attracting male attention. Traditional medicine has hundreds of ways to increase a girl's breasts using natural and herbal ingredients used internally or for topical application.
The folk remedies often used at home include:
- drinking non-traditional drinks or eating certain foods (eating raw dough, bread crusts, honey infused in a refrigerator with peeled walnuts, or heavy beer);
- compresses from food products for which raw or boiled potatoes, chopped cabbage or cottage cheese are used warmly;
- compresses from medicinal products (blue clay, essential oils, rice or oatmeal, steamed bran with the addition of olive oil);
- decoctions with hop cones, strawberry leaves, oregano;
- a cocktail of cereals (barley, corn, millet, and oats), which is drunk a couple of sips before each meal;
- tea from strawberries and hop cones, which alternate and drink with the addition of milk.
Alternative methods suggest an indispensable correction of the diet, as it is rightly noted that normal digestion and a healthy immune system lead to a faster result.
Therefore, the inclusion of certain products in the menu will serve to more effectively move towards the intended goal.
Breast Enlargement Products
In order to enlarge the mammary glands, it is recommended to include in the daily menu products containing the substances necessary for the growth of muscle mass and body fat over the developed muscles of the chest.
To do this, you need:
- phytoestrogens (linseed oil and flax seeds, soybeans, fenugreek and fennel seeds, bananas);
- increased amounts of magnesium and fiber (cauliflower and broccoli, nightshade: eggplant, tomatoes and bell peppers, pumpkin);
- vitamins and minerals (red grapes, strawberries and strawberries);
- potassium (dried fruits, raisins and dried apricots);
- protein and water-soluble vitamins (low-fat meat and fish, dairy products, lard and hard cheese).
Spices (cloves, ginger and thyme) and greens - oregano, parsley, dill, and celery must certainly be present in the diet for breast enlargement.
Hormonal pharmacy drugs
You can increase the volume with the help of hormonal drugs, which are quite easy to get at the pharmacy. But self-assignment in such things is absolutely contraindicated. For optimal action on the mammary glands, it is required to affect 4 hormones, but if you make a mistake with the dosage, this can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, hormone therapy is carried out only by the attending physician. In this case, it is worthwhile to think twice before deciding to artificially interfere with metabolic processes that occur in the body in a physiological manner.
Massage and special creams, gels
To grow the subject of female pride recently, massage with the use of special massage creams and gels, which are produced by well-known cosmetic lines, is often recommended recently. A hand massage of the breast, carried out in compliance with a certain sequence of movements, can be combined with hydromassage carried out with the help of a shower and a contrasting change in water temperature.
By the way, in Asian countries it is believed that reflexology and acupuncture are most effective for this purpose, but they should only be carried out by an appropriate specialist.
How to visually enlarge a breast without surgery?
There are several ways to increase breasts without surgery.
- Do physical exercises to develop the muscles located under the breast.
- Consume certain foods.
- Apply traditional medicine methods.
- Massage your breasts.
If you combine all of these methods in one comprehensive method, after a while you can achieve tangible results. And if you get the right fit and elastic gait, these results will be noticeable to others.
In addition, there are hundreds of ways to visually enlarge the chest with the help of special bras with pads and details of clothing (ruffle, frill, neckline, belts, vests and even loose-fitting sweaters). The secrets of female beauty are often revealed when studying the correct selection of toilet items.
Can i change the size of the bust with iodine?
Supporters of the theory of the possibility of breast enlargement with iodine have many arguments in favor of this method. It involves applying an iodine mesh to the chest without affecting the halo around the nipples. However, doctors believe that such therapy has many contraindications. Given that the iodine network was used earlier to treat bruises and some pathological processes, it is better to experiment with other methods that are more secure and do not require much effort.