If bed bugs have appeared at home, you can say goodbye to a quiet life. These small, creepy insects breed and spread very quickly throughout the apartment. Well, if they were not causing discomfort to anyone. But no! They feed on human blood, bite both adults and children. A red spot appears on the site of the bite, which itches heavily. Among other things, insects carry infections, often cause the development of various diseases, so the question of how to destroy bugs, you need to solve as quickly as possible.
Material Content:
- 1 Signs of the appearance of bugs in the apartment, in the house
- 2 Favorite places for parasites
- 3 The most effective folk remedies
- 4 Physical and thermal methods of killing bugs
- 5 Top 10 best-selling insect repellents
- 6 Processing Safety Rules
- 7 Disinfecting Services - When to Contact
- 8 Is it possible to get rid of bugs forever
- 9 Prevention of the appearance of insect parasites
Signs of the appearance of bugs in the apartment, in the house
It’s not so easy to understand that uninvited guests have settled in the apartment. Parasites are negligible, they can not be seen with the naked eye, they do not make any sounds. In addition, they are active at night. Bedbugs crawl onto an unprotected area of the body, pierce the skin with a sharp proboscis and suck out the amount of blood they need unhindered. A person, as a rule, does not feel insect bites, and does not wake up from them. This is explained simply - parasites inject a special substance into the wound that blocks nerve endings.
Vital activity of bedbugs cannot pass without a trace.
You can understand that bedbugs have appeared in your house or apartment by the following signs:
- new bites regularly appear on the body - red spots, the location of which resembles peculiar paths;
- the characteristic stench in the premises, similar to the smell of sour raspberries or spoiled cognac;
- small bloody traces on the bed, the appearance of which is associated with the leakage of a small amount of blood from the wound with a bite;
- dark brown, solid waste products of parasites.
Bedbug bites are often confused with allergic reactions. The skin is very itchy, turns red, swells. In this case, it is important to exclude the bites of other insects. To understand that this is not an allergy is simple - the symptoms do not disappear after taking antihistamines.
If you suspect that bedbugs have started up in your house, you need to confirm or deny this as soon as possible and begin to take any measures. The surest way to do this is to see insects with your own eyes. Cover the bed with a white sheet, turn off the light and wait for the night. At about 02:00, turn on the light and look sharply at the sheet. If parasites live in the house, several of them will definitely show up on the bed.
Favorite places for parasites
Alone, bed bugs can crawl throughout the apartment. But it is much easier to detect them in crowded places. Insects do not like light, prefer to hide in the dark, where it is warm and where it is difficult to find.
So, most often bedbugs are localized in such places:
- under the mattress;
- in vents;
- in household appliances;
- for pictures;
- inside and under furniture, in crevices;
- behind skirting boards;
- in outlets;
- under the carpets.
In places of accumulation of insects there is a sharp unpleasant odor. You can also find bedbug eggs and adult animals themselves there. Even if living parasites have time to run away, you will see chitinous "skins" and dark brown feces.
Read also:how to get rid of bugs forever
The most effective folk remedies
The use of folk remedies is justified only if the insects have not yet managed to spread throughout the apartment, but are still localized in separate areas. In most cases, the destruction of bugs through folk methods is ineffective. They do not kill, but only scare away parasites.
So, to fight insects, you can use:
- wormwood;
- tansy;
- vinegar solution;
- ammonia;
- pure meth
- a preparation made on the basis of a soap solution containing camphor and turpentine;
- a mixture of naphthalene, kerosene and cresol, etc.
Attention! When working with chemicals, you must be extremely careful not to harm your health and the health of loved ones. Be sure to wear a mask and rubber gloves. Make sure that no one enters the room until the smell of toxic agents has disappeared.
Physical and thermal methods of killing bugs
Bed bugs do not tolerate high and low temperatures.
- If these parasites have divorced at home, treat the places of localization with boiling water, and wash the bedding at a temperature of +50 degrees.
- Bedbugs will not have a single chance if you put the washed clothes and linen in the dryer.
- Insects are also very sensitive to low temperatures. In winter, the method of freezing is often used. Open all the windows, let the house cold, and leave the apartment like this for a day. For this period, residents must be evacuated from the house. It is highly likely that after such a procedure all parasites will be killed. In the summer, this is unlikely to succeed. Unless you can put bedding and clothes for a while in the freezer.
- You can partially remove bugs with a powerful vacuum cleaner. Physically, a stream of air will blow out from the cracks of insects, their eggs and larvae. Just remember, it’s unlikely that all parasites can be destroyed, because there are hard-to-reach places where no vacuum cleaner can reach.
Top 10 best-selling insect repellents
A more effective way to control insects is the use of special preparations of industrial production. The market offers a wide range of products that differ in composition, principle of operation and price.On the label of each of them did not forget to write "effective tool", although in fact, there are really good drugs. So, let's figure out what tools are most often bought to kill parasites.
- "Hector" - an effective tool that can destroy even resistive bugs. The drug does not smell, does not harm people and animals.
- “Insect Control” is an aerosol containing poisonous substances. Insects swallow them and die. Effective in the fight not only with bugs, but also with other parasites.
- “Cefox” is a concentrated liquid from the group of insecticides. The tool is recommended both for professional use and for self-processing.
- CIMEX - liquid in a glass jar. The product must be diluted with water, and then sprayed throughout the apartment using a spray bottle.
- "Ecociller." A feature of this product is its environmental safety. The product is harmless to humans, pets and indoor plants. A preparation based on diatoms was made.
- GET is an odorless suspension with which you can permanently kill bugs. The main component of the drug is chlorpyrifos.
- "Fufanon Super" is an oil concentrate that refers to organophosphate insecticides. Destroys bed bugs within an hour after processing. The entire population dies in 3 to 4 hours.
- RAID is one of the most popular drugs available in aerosol form. Contains imiportin, pralletrin, cypermethrin. It remains effective against bugs for several weeks, but is most active during the first 24 hours.
- "Argan" is a professional product, produced in the form of a concentrate. Before processing it must be diluted with water. The activity of insects decreases after a few hours.
- Dichlorvos. The active components of the drug paralyze the nervous system of parasites. The advantages of the product include an affordable price, prolonged action and high efficiency in the fight against bedbugs.
To choose a good remedy for bedbugs, read reviews on available products, look at the ratings. Some drugs are advertised, but ineffective, expensive, but do not kill parasites, but just scare them away.
Processing Safety Rules
If you plan on disinfecting the house yourself, carefully observe the precautions. Most drugs contain toxic substances, poisons, chemicals that can harm not only parasites, but also human health.
During the processing of the premises, people and animals should not be inside them. Before opening the container with the drug, protect exposed skin with rubber gloves and protective clothing, and the respiratory tract with a respirator or mask.
Disinfecting Services - When to Contact
On their own, you can cope with bedbugs only in those cases if they did not have time to lay eggs and spread throughout the house. If parasites are everywhere, do not even try to destroy them yourself. Contact a specialized service. A team of pest controllers will come to your home to conduct professional disinfection. Specialists use expensive drugs, with the help of which they efficiently and quickly destroy bugs.
Is it possible to get rid of bugs forever
The only way to get rid of parasites forever is through careful processing of the apartment, furniture, bedding.
Use the services of professionals. It is faster, safer and more efficient.
Drugs that can be bought on the market or in the store either do not kill, but drive away or paralyze insects, or retain their effect for some period. If during this time all the parasites have not died, the remaining can lay eggs and again spread throughout the house.
Prevention of the appearance of insect parasites
The best way to overcome bugs is to prevent their appearance.This recommendation is especially relevant if these parasites already lived at your place, or they live with neighbors. Simple preventive measures will help in this.
- Throw away old furniture in time. Do not make a warehouse out of your home.
- Do not buy upholstered furniture in the market, because insects can already live in it.
- Change bed linen at least once a week, wash at a temperature of +60 degrees.
- And, of course, follow the hygiene of the premises, regularly carry out wet cleaning, take out the trash on time, ventilate mattresses, blankets.
The appearance of bugs in the house is a very unpleasant problem. These creepy insects bite, carry infections. Start the fight against parasites as soon as they found traces of their appearance. Use not improvised means, but special preparations. And even better - call a professional pest control.