Many people are faced with the problem of body fat in various parts of the body: on the waist, hips, chin, abdomen, etc. For most women and many men, such “reserves” cause serious psychological discomfort. In the article, we will talk about the reasons leading to the formation of fat deposits, and how to remove the stomach in a minimum period.
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Causes of body fat
The main reason for the accumulation of body fat is the imbalance in the body of the processes of formation of adipose tissue (lipogenesis) and the breakdown of fats (lipolysis). If lipogenesis predominates, excess fat accumulates. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of local fat deposits.
Causes of an imbalance of lipogenesis and lipolysis:
- Irrational eating behavior: predominance of fats and carbohydrates in the diet, constant overeating, frequent high-calorie snacks, rare but large in volume, meals, eating habit at bedtime, eating foods high in calories.
- A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity.
- Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause or pathological conditions.
- Taking medications whose side effect is hormonal failure (corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, insulin, etc.)
Places of localization of fat deposits are individual and in most cases are predetermined at the genetic level. The first to grow are problem areas, “inherited”.
How to clean your stomach: basic rules
To remove fat from the abdomen, you need to reduce the total amount of fat in the whole body.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight in one specific place. The body in the process of losing weight burns fat from everywhere.
To accelerate this, you must adhere to the basic rules:
- Eat foods that are low in calories.
- Exclude fatty, sweet and floury foods from the diet. They are poorly absorbed, their decay products are retained in the intestine, thereby contributing to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdomen, especially in the lower part of it.
- In physical training, combine cardio exercises with exercises to build muscle.
- Perform not only exercises for losing belly, but also for the whole body.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water without gas per day.
- Monitor regular bowel movements. If there are digestive problems, it is necessary to reduce the use of foods high in protein, starch.
- Monitor posture: with incorrect deviation of the spine, the stomach begins to bulge over time.
- Completely eliminate the use of alcohol, especially beer.
Do not rely on imaginary effectiveness:
- wraps;
- vibro-massagers and simulators for the abdomen;
- corsets and tightening;
- tightening the abdomen in polyethylene during exercise.
Fat is not split under pressure from the outside. And if the first two methods really help to slightly remove the abdomen and sides by reducing the volume of fluid, then tightening is a threat to health.
The most effective exercises
To quickly remove your stomach, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with daily training. This will help more regularity and consistency. You need to train every other day. But if desired, it is possible every day, if it does not cause labor.
An individual approach is important in the choice of exercises: what is effective for one may not be suitable for another. And, of course, the sets of exercises for women and men are not the same.
For women
We offer a set of 4 exercises for beautiful ladies who want to get a flat stomach:
- Take the starting position: the legs are bent at the knees, the distance between the feet is 40 - 50 cm, the arms are extended forward. Tilt the body back at a 45-degree angle, bend your arms at the elbows. Hold for 5 - 6 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15 - 30 times.
- Take the starting position: lying on your back (a roller under the lower back), legs bent, distance between feet 40 - 50 cm, hands behind your head. Raise the body to the highest possible height from the floor, tighten the abdominal muscles, stretch your chin up, linger for 5 - 6 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15 - 30 times.
- Take the starting position: lying on your back, legs straightened and brought together, arms spread apart. Perform cross-arms and leg lifts (do not bend your knees, keep your feet parallel to the floor), try to reach your toes with your hand. During the exercise, it is allowed to lean on the free hand. Perform 15 repetitions on each side.
- Starting position: lying on the floor face down. Lean against your elbows and socks, raise your body above the floor and linger for 2 minutes if possible. Over time, complicate the exercise: the emphasis is on one leg, the second raise.
Performing the proposed exercises at home will not take much time, but will give a good result in a short time.
Ladies struggle with fat on the stomach more difficult. Putting the soft fat layer in this place, the body protects the female reproductive organs, and therefore it will be the last to part with it.
For men
It is also not easy for men to get rid of fatty deposits on the abdomen. But the problem is completely solvable, if you set a goal, have patience and start working. First of all, include jogging, cycling, or hiking in the evenings in day mode.
After that, exercises will be useful:
- Bleeding the press.First, lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, perform 10 torso lifts. Then, in the same position, perform 10 leg lifts upward at a 45-degree angle (do not bend your knees). And finally, cross 10 times with your elbows stretching to your knees. Complete 2 approaches. Over time, increase the load.
- Pushups. Start 10 times and gradually bring up to 30 push ups. If possible, increase the load by placing your feet on a raised platform.
- Squats Perform 30 times in 3 sets. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells.
Tilting and twisting the torso to the side will also help to tidy up the stomach and pump up the press. In this case, it is advisable to take dumbbells in your hands to increase the load.
After childbirth
Many women after childbirth, even bringing the weight back to normal, find in themselves a hated figure flaw: a fat apron. Its appearance is due to the prolapse of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and rectus abdominis muscles. Do not despair. After 1.5 - 2 months after giving birth, you can start exercises that will help get rid of the problem.
Before starting home training, be sure to visit a doctor to exclude diastasis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, most abdominal exercises are prohibited!
- Lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, tighten your stomach, raise your pelvis and linger for 10 seconds. To start with, 5 repetitions are enough, gradually you can bring them to 20.
- Lying on your back with legs bent at the knees (arms are located above the chest or at the head), exhale, tighten the abdominal muscles and use them to pull the torso to the knees. On inspiration, straighten up. Perform 5 to 20 repetitions without touching the floor with your head in 2 sets.
- Lying on his stomach, resting on his forearms (while the arms are bent at the elbows at a 90-degree angle) and the toes of the feet, tear the whole body off the floor and stay in this position for the maximum possible time. The back should not bend. Perform 5 to 10 repetitions.
In addition to abdominal exercises, it is necessary to perform squats, bends and turns of the body, which also contribute to the training of abdominal muscles.
Before you start training for weight loss, you need to assess your physical condition: not all women can start exercising 2 months after giving birth.
Do not rush to training after cesarean section. Premature exertion can cause divergence of sutures or prolapse of the uterus.
Features of a diet to bring the body into shape
Even if you regularly visit the gym and perform special exercises, get rid of excess fat, remove the lower abdomen and lose weight without a diet will fail.
To bring your body to the desired shape, you must adhere to a number of simple rules:
- Exclude empty carbohydrates from the diet (flour, muffin, potato, sweet).
- Give preference to unrefined natural products.
- Avoid excesses in food, do not overeat.
- Do not overload before going to bed.
- Avoid starvation (the body will begin to make fat reserves, waiting for "hard times").
- Do not drink alcohol.
- Adhere to fractional nutrition (eat food in small portions, but 5-6 times a day).
- Reduce calorie intake by 20%.
- Introduce lean protein (low-fat fish, chicken, egg white) into your daily diet.
Of carbohydrates, preference should be given to complex ones (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice).
An example daily menu might look like this:
- 6:45 - 200 ml of water at room temperature;
- 7:00 - 100 g of oatmeal and fruit puree, tea without sugar;
- 9:30 - fried eggs from 2 eggs; green salad flavored with olive oil; 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice;
- 12:00 - 70 g of loose buckwheat; salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, dill and parsley, seasoned with lemon juice; tea with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey;
- 14:30 - 150 g of lean meat (veal, chicken or turkey); vegetable salad (from cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes) without dressing;
- 17:00 - 3 boiled egg whites; vegetables (to taste); juice;
- 19:30 - 200 g fat-free cottage cheese; green tea without sugar.
Eat this way for a week. Dishes are boiled or steamed without the use of oils and fats.
Effective ways to remove the lower abdomen
In addition to diets and physical training, the following effective methods will help remove fat from the abdomen:
- Soda baths with the strongest thermal effect, leading to active fat burning and helping to cleanse the body of toxins and slag deposits.
- Anti-cellulite self-massage. The most effective are can or spoon options.
- Wraps with a variety of components (honey, vinegar, coffee, mustard, clay, etc.).
And some more useful tips for those who want to get rid of fat on their stomachs: walk more often, go for bike rides, play outdoor games with children, and visit the pool.