Nasolabial folds are a skin defect in the form of thin grooves or pronounced creases that descend from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These folds visually add age and cause cosmetic discomfort. Modern correction methods help get rid of these wrinkles. But in addition to expensive and not always safe methods of rejuvenation, the procedure for smoothing skin creases can be carried out at home.
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Causes of nasolabial folds
Nasolabial folds are a type of facial wrinkles that are laid as early as adolescence, as they are anatomically determined - they form muscles that lie at different depths in the middle of the face. At a young age, the elastic skin covering the muscles smooths the severity of the creases, but with age, under the influence of external and internal factors, wrinkles deepen, forming a “mask of sorrow”.
Among the main causes of the appearance of deep skin defects are:
1. Genetically determined anomaly of collagen production, which manifests itself in a violation of the elasticity of the skin and the structure of muscle tissue.
2. Individual anatomical features of the structure of the face - the location of bones and muscles often resulting from birth injuries or pathology of fetal development.
3. Age changes:
- muscle and skin tone:
- moisture loss in cells and intercellular space;
- malnutrition;
- a decrease in the formation of elastin and collagen, leading to a violation of the tone - atony (weakening) or hypertonicity of muscle tissue;
- ptosis (sagging) of soft tissues that shift down due to gravity;
- a decrease in the severity of subcutaneous fat;
- density and architectonics (construction) of bone tissue:
- reduction of the lower jaw;
- displacement of the frontal bone (overhang);
4. Congenital or acquired malocclusion - malposition of jaw bones, lack of teeth leads to hypertonicity of individual facial muscles in the region of the nasolabial triangle.
5. Bad habits that reduce the elasticity of the skin.
6. Systemic diseases affecting the outflow of lymph, blood supply, tissue regeneration, metabolic processes.
7. Active facial expressions, increased articulation caused by professional specifics (actors, teachers, broadcasters) or emotionality.
8. Improper facial skin care or the impact on it of adverse external factors - climate, ecology of the microclimate of the workplace.
9. A sharp decrease in body weight.
In asthenic people, fatty tissue is less pronounced, smoothing the relief of the face, the jaw bones are narrower, which leads to excessive muscle tension (hypertonicity). According to the observations of orthopedists, a flat nape or plagiocephaly caused by some genetic abnormalities (Down syndrome), rickets, increased intracranial pressure, torticollis, or impaired care of a newborn leads to an early manifestation of nasolabial folds.
Deep wrinkles are also formed with congenital spasm of the chin muscles. Since the muscles around the mouth are the most active - they participate in chewing, expressing emotions, and speech, then excessive static tension is created, as a result of which the muscles located above are “pulled down”.
How to smooth nasolabial folds at home?
Watching how wrinkles appear and become more pronounced, women think about how to get rid of nasolabial folds.
The most affordable method for correcting the condition of the skin and facial muscles are:
- masks;
- compresses;
- peeling;
- gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck;
- massage.
Until the changes have affected the structure of the skin and muscle tissue, you can get rid of nasolabial folds using home methods.
Masks for nasolabial folds
There are a large number of masks that will increase skin tone, help retain moisture, provide cell nutrition. All mask components are natural, affordable and safe. The exception is people who are prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying a home remedy for wrinkles on the skin of the face, you need to make a test - apply a little on the inside of the forearm and leave for 10-15 minutes. If during this time there is no skin reaction - rash, redness, itching, then a mask or compress can be used.
1. Rejuvenate the skin of the face and eliminate the nasolabial folds of the fruit mask:
- To prepare the product, you need to take a medium-sized red apple and boil it in milk. Mash the apple and mix with milk. Apply a warm mass to the face, especially to the nasolabial folds and hold for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cold water.
- For the mask of "Indian dancers" you need to grate a half peach and mix the mass with 1 tablespoon of brandy. The resulting product is applied to the skin. Soak for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
2. Dilute the pressed yeast with warm boiled water or milk until the density of sour cream. Apply a mask on the cleaned face with a cosmetic brush and hold until the layer dries. Wash off the mask with warm infusion of chamomile or mint.
3. Honey is used to eliminate wrinkles, regenerate, nourish and tone the skin. It is applied as a “mono” - the mask consists of natural honey without other components or in combination with glycerin, egg and other ingredients:
- for dry skin, 1 yolk of raw chicken eggs is mixed with 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of liquid natural honey.The components are thoroughly mixed, applied with a brush to the problem area or the entire face and incubated for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Rinse with a cool decoction of herbs;
- for oily skin, a mask with honey is prepared with lemon juice. For 0.5 cups of liquid honey, you need to take the juice of 1 large lemon. Apply the same as in the previous recipe. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.
In order to ensure penetration of tonic and nutrients deep into the skin, you need to prepare it with compresses from a decoction of herbs: alyssum, hernia, wallflower, castor oil plant, coronaria cuckoo color, lily, parsley, Caucasian ash. Herbs can be used in any combination of 3-4 species at a time. Grind dry raw materials. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder of each herb, pour water (200-250 ml) and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and insist 20 minutes. In a warm broth, moisten a cloth or textile mask and apply to a cleansed face.
From a decoction of herbs, you can prepare cosmetic ice, which every morning (after washing) to wipe the face, focusing on the nasolabial folds.
To obtain a pronounced effect, home remedies are used regularly, alternating them after 6-7 days.
Exercises for the face from nasolabial folds
In addition to external means, masks and compresses, to reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds, an impact on the facial frame - facial muscles is also required. A good effect is given by special exercises that stimulate blood supply, collagen production and relieve hypertonicity. A set of exercises can be different.
It has been established that the following exercises are most effective:
- Fold the lips with a tube and pull it forward, until there is tension in the muscles around the mouth. Say a long “y” sound. Round lips with mouth as wide as possible. Pronounce the sound “o.” Alternate exercises until mild fatigue appears in the muscles of the face (20-25 times).
- Place your fingers in the corners of the lips and spread them to the sides by 0.5 cm, imitating a smile. Return your fingers to their original position. Alternate movements 35-40 times.
- The muscles of closed lips relax. With your nose, draw in air, filling the lungs. Pull your lips forward a little and, without straining your muscles, slowly exhale air through a slightly open mouth. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times.
- Massage the inner surface of the cheeks, slowly "rolling" a portion of air. Perform 30-40 seconds.
- Clamp the cheek muscles in the crease between the bent forefinger and thumb, so that the index finger rests on the projection of the nasolabial fold. To spread your arms to the sides, imitating a smile, hold in this position for 5-6 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat exercise 10 times.
- Lips “squeeze” inside the mouth, closing their teeth. Take a pen, pencil or a tablespoon in the mouth for the handle. Slowly raise the free end to the nose, smile and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds. Repeat exercise 10 times.
- Put the palms of the hands on the cheeks so that the outer rib and little fingers are located on the nasolabial folds. Slowly move the palms up, raising the corners of the mouth and skin of the cheeks and applying pressure with the edge of the palm to the nasolabial folds. Hold in that position for 10-20 seconds. Perform the exercise for a minute.
In addition to the above complex, to eliminate nasolabial folds apply gymnastics for the face from Carol Maggio, yoga for the face and other exercises. In order for the muscles to return to their previous tone, it is necessary to exercise regularly and constantly.
How to remove nasolabial folds with massage
To eliminate nasolabial folds, there are certain types of facial massage:
- contrast massage with spoons;
- honey massage;
- acupressure;
- Japanese massage "Asahi";
- massage using a mesoscooter.
The Japanese Asahi massage is a method of osteopathic treatment, since as a result the effect is not only on the skin, muscles, lymphatic channels, but also on the bones of the facial part of the skull.
Facial massage has contraindications and is not recommended for use with:
- some ENT diseases;
- pathologies of the lymphatic system;
- rosacea (a mesh of dilated vessels on the face);
- the presence on the face skin of lesions, rashes, dermatological diseases;
- thinned dry skin;
- fungal or viral damage to the skin of the face;
- after the behavior of chemical and hardware peeling;
- the presence of large moles or papillomas on the face;
- malignant neoplasms (cancer);
- asthenic face, as with intensive massage the subcutaneous tissue is thinner more.
For proper massage at home, you should know the direction and location of the massage lines on the face, the location of the lymph nodes. Too active and “hard” effects on the skin can lead to deformation and wrinkles. The same effect is achieved by massage without taking into account the massage lines along which the skin is less supple.
At home, it is recommended to massage:
- courses - 10 daily sessions 2 times a year;
- regularly 1 time per week.
In the absence of contraindications and the observance of the technique for performing any of the above types of massage, it will bring a visible reduction in the depth of the nasolabial folds, restoration of the oval of the face, and increased skin elasticity.
Anti-aging agents. Home cosmetics
For face correction, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetics. You can cook them yourself. Anti-aging products prepared at home do not contain synthetic substances, fragrances, dyes, preservatives. The hostess can be sure of the freshness and naturalness of the ingredients, if she does not save on quality products.
As a home peeling to eliminate dead skin cells, smoothing its surface, stimulating cell regeneration and respiration, use:
- coffee scrub, which is prepared from ground coffee beans, crushed into oatmeal flour, sour cream, taken in equal parts. Carefully mixed components are applied to the cleansed face and distributed in soft circular movements over the entire surface, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 5-7 minutes, the scrub is washed off with warm water.
- cabbage and linen scrub. A tablespoon of flaxseed is ground in a coffee grinder. A leaf of fresh white cabbage is passed through a meat grinder. Both parts of the scrub are combined and mixed. Peeling is applied to the cleansed and previously steamed face and massage the skin with soft circular movements for 3-5 minutes. Wash your face with cool boiled water.
After deep cleaning of the skin, you can apply a home-made tightening and smoothing mask:
- honey. Take 30 grams of beeswax, honey and onion juice. Melt the wax in a water bath, introduce the remaining components and stirring, cool to room temperature. Apply a thin layer of the mask to the face washed with warm water and leave for 25 minutes. Remove non-absorbed residues with a soft cloth.
- almond. For the mask, take 50 g of almond flour, 10 g of glycerin, 10 ml of medical alcohol, 1.5 g of camphor (available in pharmacies). Stir everything thoroughly and add boiled water until a pasty mixture is obtained. The resulting product is applied to the nasolabial folds and places with pronounced wrinkles for 1-1.5 hours. Wash your face and gently pat it with a soft cloth.
- gelatinous. Soak 2.5 g of edible gelatin in 25 ml of water. After the granules swell, add 10 g of honey and 60 g of glycerin to them. Place the mass in a water bath and bring to complete dissolution. Apply on face. After 30-40 minutes rinse with warm water.
At home, you can prepare an anti-aging cream, which can be made from the means available at any pharmacy:
- placenta (extract) - 4 ampoules;
- olive oil - 10 g;
- lanolin - 10 g;
- decoction of chamomile pharmacy - 10 ml.
Melt lanolin in a water bath, add vegetable oil, and other components. Beat well with a mixer. Apply as a night cream. Alternate with moisturizer. The course of rejuvenation is 20 days, then take a break for 1 month and repeat.
Beauty treatments in the salon
Modern salon rejuvenation procedures are represented by hardware and chemical methods.
Correction of nasolabial folds is carried out using:
- fillers;
- Botox
- hyaluronic acid;
- contour plastics;
- Facebook building methods.
Each of the above methods of getting rid of wrinkles and creases of the skin of the face has contraindications, side effects and, therefore, should be carried out in specialized cosmetology salons or clinics only by qualified specialists and using licensed products.
Nasolabial folds
Fillers are hyaluronic acid based gel products that fill the nasolabial folds. The drug is administered using the thinnest needle. The density of the gel is different. To correct small wrinkles, a less dense filler is used. To "raise" the expressed creases use a more dense.
Today they produce drugs that do not contain hyaluron.
A worthy alternative are fillers based on:
- polycaprolactone;
- polylactic acid;
- hydroxyapatite calcium.
The duration of the correction effect when using these fillers is much longer, but it is problematic to correct the introduction defects or the patient’s dislikes. Depending on the drug, the effect lasts from 6 months to 2-3 years. It is recommended to use injection fillers to correct nasolabial folds from 30-35 years old, but according to indications, the procedure can be performed at an earlier age.
Contouring of the nasolabial folds
Contour plastic surgery of the nasolabial folds, in addition to the use of fillers, is carried out by lipofilling. Replenishment of the lost volume occurs due to the injection of the patient's fat cells. Material is taken from her own fat depots — on her stomach or hips.
The resulting material undergoes special cleaning and is introduced into the problem area. The advantage of the method is complete safety, since the material is natural, does not cause an immune reaction in the form of an allergy.
The disadvantage of this method is the inability to predict the result, since even your own cells may not take root and the invasiveness of manipulations - the material is taken under anesthesia. Therefore, this procedure is used only in a clinic and, most often, as a component of plastic surgery - liposuction, facelift and other types of correction of appearance.
Until recently, correction of nasolabies with injections of biopolymer gels was very popular. The duration of the result was long, since the biopolymers did not resolve.
But contour plastic biopolymers had much more "minuses":
- gels could shift, forming unaesthetic tubercles;
- migrate inside, occurring in unexpected places of the face;
- cause inflammation and suppuration.
Surgery was used to remove the biopolymer, which left noticeable scars on the face.
Botox in the nasolabial folds
Another popular method for eliminating creases in the nasolabial triangle are injections of botulinum toxin (Botox). Botulinum toxin is a muscle relaxant, that is, it relaxes muscle fibers, relieves muscle hypertonicity, smoothes deep creases.
But many cosmetologists are confident in the low efficiency of correcting nasolabial folds with Botox. As a rule, the method is used in combination with other cosmetic procedures.
Hyaluronic acid in the nasolabial folds
Hyaluronic acid as the drug for the correction of wrinkles is used most often.
Its effect on tissue cells is accompanied by a number of positive effects:
- promotes restoration and cell growth;
- water retention in tissues.
Due to this, the skin looks young, healthy, smooth. The effect of rejuvenation lasts 6-12 months, depending on the characteristics of the body, the degree of degradation of the skin and the concentration of the active substance in the drug.
Sometimes injections of hyaluronic acid are accompanied by side effects in the form of:
- pain at the injection site;
- the appearance of edema, bruising, protrusions;
- gel displacement;
- suppuration (abscess);
- inflammation
- the formation of fibrous (connective) tissue, characteristic of adhesions, scars;
- an allergic reaction;
- hyperpigmentation (the appearance of dark spots).
Most often, the cause of negative consequences is an insufficient degree of purification of hyaluronic acid obtained from animal tissues or a violation of the methodology, and non-compliance with aseptic rules.
Gel migration or the formation of granulomas (subcutaneous congestion) can be corrected. Since hyaluronic acid is a natural substance, it is easily broken down using the enzyme hyaluronidase, which is administered if the patient is unhappy with the result of the correction.
Facebuilding nasolabial folds
Facebuilding, or literally face building, occurs due to the strengthening of the facial skeleton - facial muscles that lie at different depths. Their stimulation occurs as a result of a set of exercises aimed at training the muscles, relieving some of the excessive tension and toning the others.
R. Benz, a plastic surgeon, introduced the term into the practice of cosmetic rejuvenation. He developed and described in his book “A face without wrinkles in 5 minutes a day” 21 exercises that help prevent the formation of wrinkles, imperfections in the face, and prevent natural aging of the skin. The method is over 60 years old, but today it is very effective, subject to regular exercise.
Facebook building methodology includes:
- preparing the muscles of the face for exercise - warming up with massage;
2. performing exercises for various areas of the face. Exercises have performance features:
- static (motionless) and dynamic (moving) exercises alternate;
- special breathing, which is also an exercise - a strong inhalation through the nose and intensive exhalation through the mouth;
- each exercise is performed in 3 sets, lasting 10 seconds;
- the whole complex of exercises lasts at least 10-15 minutes;
- the complex is performed regularly - 1-2 times a day, 5 times a week;
- the entire course of rejuvenation takes 3 months.
3. The final stage of the complex is muscle relaxation.
For those who are tormented by the question - how to reduce nasolabial folds without operations and injections, the face-building technique can be a guide to action.
Mask nasolabial folds with makeup
But not everyone is shown cosmetic salon procedures or home methods for correcting wrinkles. For this group of representatives of the fair sex, the way out can be the competent application of decorative cosmetics.
In order to mask creases in the nasolabial triangle, the following decorative cosmetics will be required:
- moisturizer, which not only helps smooth out small wrinkles, but also facilitates the distribution of more dense products on the skin;
- makeup base. With its help, minor skin defects are smoothed out - enlarged pores, wrinkles;
- apply foundation on the face, the shade of which should be slightly darker than the natural complexion. For the age group of women, it is better to use a tonal product with a lifting effect;
- apply a color corrector or concealer to the nasolabial fold, which should exactly match the natural color of the skin or be only half a darker. Shade the tool so that the border between the corrector and the tonal tool is not visible;
- with the help of a light highlighter, emphasize the back of the nose, the area under the eyes and cheekbones, the central part of the chin and forehead, above the outer corner of the eye, above the upper lip;
- with a dark bronzer to mask the shots, the second chin, apply below the cheekbones and along the outer edge of the forehead along the contour of the hair;
- fix the result of sculpting with transparent powder.
Read also:how to remove the second chin at home
With the right shades of cosmetics and the experience of applying makeup, you can visually get rid of the nasolabial folds, and make the face much younger.
Each woman can choose the most suitable method for correcting nasolabial folds, since their assortment is large and continues to increase.