The birthplace of Zamioculcas is tropical Africa. Many are interested in how Zamioculcas blooms. I must say that the flowering of this plant is a rarity even in nature, so do not really hope that the green pet decides to please its owner with such an amazing phenomenon in ordinary home conditions.
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Signs and superstitions associated with the flower
Many people believe that the plant is a kind of talisman that brings good luck in all financial matters. And the myth that it is a celibacy flower that brings failures in personal life is also very widespread.
If the tree shed leaves or withered - this is a bad sign. His mistress is threatened with separation from a loved one or even a divorce. Correct the situation can buy a new and healthy plant.
Most of the signs concern women and do not apply to the strong half of humanity. But in order for the flower to truly become a mascot, a man, having received it as a gift, must necessarily thank the giver with a few coins or bills. The tree must be treated like a living being, only then will there be a bestowal. It is necessary to speak with him gently and gently, ask for help and pay a lot of attention.
To attract money to the house, they often use this method: a small number of coins are dipped in water and “insisted”. Then the received “cash” infusion is watered. Coins do not need to be thrown away - they must remain in the bottle or container until all the liquid has evaporated.
Why does the dollar tree bloom
Since the plant blooms very rarely, there are many signs associated with the appearance of a plain and inconspicuous cob. Blooming zamioculcas is a good sign.
If a tree was presented as a gift to a woman or girl, after which it bloomed, the hostess of the plant will soon achieve happiness in her personal life. Therefore, the flower is even called "female happiness." The flowering of Zamioculcas can also promise to add to the family, success in work, good luck in business.
Is it possible to keep plants at home
Such a plant is not only possible, but also desirable to "settle" in your home. It is unpretentious, very decorative and feels great in the difficult conditions of a city apartment. Therefore, due to some superstitions, one should not refuse to decorate the interior of a house with a dollar tree.
The only caveat - the tropical plant is poisonous.
Given the above circumstance, when transplanting, dividing tubers, pruning leaves, you must be careful. It is better to work with gloves, since the ingestion of milky juice on the skin causes a strong burning sensation. For this reason, it is better not to keep the tree at home for people who have children of primary preschool age. In extreme cases, for the plant, it is necessary to find a place to which the kids will not have access.
Read also:zamioculcas
When and how often it blooms
Zamioculcas flower is appreciated for its beautiful glossy foliage. Nondescript inflorescences do not differ in any decorativeness and are small ears of light shade.
They appear on a low peduncle. This is due to the fact that the plant in nature is pollinated by a few crawling insects that need to quickly and easily get to the flower. As it ripens, the flower stalk bends down and brown berries with seeds form on it. But in indoor conditions they do not ripen.
In order for a plant to bloom in an apartment, it needs to create optimal light, water and temperature conditions.
Most amateur gardeners believe that this succulent can bloom only in adulthood, but this is wrong. A young tree is also capable of presenting such a “gift” if it is placed on an east or south window. In nature, these unique plants feel great on hot rocky African plateaus, and therefore, at home, it needs to create suitable conditions.
The flower is considered shade-tolerant, so it is often placed on the northern windows. But with a lack of light and heat, one does not have to expect the birth of inflorescences.
Zamioculcas is crying, what does it mean
Sometimes there is such a rare occurrence as crying plants. The most common cause is excess moisture in the air or excess liquid in the pot. In the first case, nothing needs to be done, in the second - it is necessary to exclude abundant watering and carefully monitor the state of the earth coma. Excessive moisture can provoke yellowing of the leaves and their decay.
Home Care
Rules of care and growing:
- The best soil is a special soil mixture for succulents. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to pour a thick layer of sand with expanded clay.
- The best location is in bright rooms near the south window. Lighting should be diffuse, as the scorching rays of the sun can leave burns on the leaves.
- Necessarily a little cooling in the winter - up to about 17 degrees.
- The flower in indoor conditions does not need spraying and does not like moist air. However, from time to time, the leaves need to be wiped with a slightly dampened soft sponge.
- Watering should be rare, but plentiful, and only with a fully dried earthen coma. Stagnation of water in the sump must not be allowed: after irrigation, all excess liquid must be poured out. The general rule is better disadvantage than excess moisture. In the cold season, watering should be reduced by 2 times.
- Top dressing is usual - with any fertilizer for succulents in the spring and summer about once every 2-3 weeks.
A plant can be propagated independently in the following ways:
- Rooting leaves. Slices are abundantly sprinkled with activated carbon powder, left to dry for 7-8 hours, then planted in prepared soil.
- Cuttings. On the stem must be 1 leaf and 1 bud. You do not need to immediately plant a stalk: the cut must be dried within an hour.
- Dividing the tuber into parts. This is most convenient to arrange when transplanting an adult and a very large plant.
It is necessary to transplant a young tree every spring, since the root system is actively developing and growing. Already an adult flower needs to be moved to a more spacious pot only when the roots begin to creep out of the drainage holes.
Read also: parables about life
The dollar tree is a stylish decorative foliage plant that can decorate any home. And to believe signs or not is everyone's personal business.