There are many ways to cook semolina porridge in milk - on the stove, in the microwave or in a slow cooker. Regardless of how the dish will be prepared, it is important to adhere to several rules - the porridge should be without lumps, the right density and taste good. Properly prepared food will appeal to children and adults. It will be an ideal breakfast, and if you fill the dish with honey, add berries or dried fruits, you can get a serving of useful substances and provide the body with energy until the next meal.
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The nuances of making semolina porridge in milk
The taste of semolina porridge is familiar to many from childhood and not all of these memories are pleasant - a thick brew of white color with unpleasant lumps settled in the memory and left negative emotions. However, others not only remember with pleasure, but also continue to cook semolina in milk, enjoying a light pleasant taste. The thing is that semolina porridge in milk has its own nuances of cooking, which will help to get the perfect, appetizing, correct consistency of the dish.
- So that milk does not burn during cooking, you need to pour a little clean water on the bottom of the tank. If this has not been done, you can avoid burning white liquid by adding a pinch of salt to it.
- Quite often, experienced and not-so-housewives run off milk, leaving an unpleasant trace on the stove and a fairly stable burnt smell. To prevent this, a piece of butter will help, which should rub the sides of the pan on top.
- Manka is a product rich in carbohydrates, which many experts negatively respond to. In order not to harm health and in particular the figure, it is recommended to breed milk with water. It is especially important to do this if the product is homemade and is characterized by increased fat content.The ideal option is to dilute milk with a clean liquid 1: 1.
- It is imperative that the proportions of cereal and liquid be observed in order to obtain a dish of the correct consistency. So porridge of medium density will turn out if you take 3-4 tablespoons per 0.5 liter of milk. decoys. For children, the ratio of liquid to cereal should be at least 1 tablespoon. cereals per 400 ml of liquid (the older the child, the more you can increase the amount of semolina).
- To avoid the appearance of unloved lumps in the porridge, it is important to properly pour the cereal into a heated liquid. For this, the semolina is first mixed with sugar in a separate container, after which it is introduced into the boiled milk with a thin stream and intensively stirred. It is important to avoid boiling food during the cooking process, otherwise lumps cannot be avoided.
- Good for cooking cereals to take a container with a thick bottom. Do not cook porridge and other dishes in milk in aluminum pans.
After cooking, you can beat it with a blender or whisk - so it will become more magnificent and airy. Dried fruits, berries, jam or honey will help improve the taste of the finished dish.
How to cook with the addition of water?
Water when cooking semolina in milk will not only not harm, but will also positively affect the taste and useful properties of the dish. It will make porridge a lighter and more nutritious product, moreover, this option is ideal for young children. The proportions when cooking semolina porridge of water and milk are selected depending on the fat content of the cow product and the age of the child (if the dish is prepared as baby food). How to dilute milk with water when cooking cereals for babies, a specialist will tell.
To prepare a traditional dish, you should take:
- water - 250 ml;
- milk - 250 ml;
- semolina - 4 tbsp;
- some salt and oil;
- granulated sugar to taste.
First, water is poured into the cooking container, followed by milk. All this goes to the stove and boils until boiling. After turning on the fire, the liquid should be slightly added so that it does not burn.
Separately, sugar and semolina are mixed in a bowl until smooth. When the liquid on the stove boils, you need to reduce the heat and pour out the sugar-semolina mixture, stirring intensively with a spoon.
Cook porridge for 4-6 minutes, stirring the product all the time. After cooking, it is important to let the dish brew, and then pour on plates, not forgetting to season with honey or delicious jam.
Milk semolina in a slow cooker
Preparing semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker quickly, using a minimum set of products. The advantages of cooking in this miracle pan are that it will surely turn out delicious without burning and lumps.
Preparing food based on:
- milk - 350 ml;
- butter - 12 g;
- semolina - 70 g;
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.
First, liquid is poured into the multicooker bowl, after all the loose components. You need to fill them up slowly, constantly stirring. Then the container closes, and the dish is cooked in the "milk porridge" 12 minutes. Before serving the dish, you need to season it with butter. On top of the semolina, laid out on portioned plates, you can put fresh mint leaves.
On milk powder
Cooking semolina porridge in milk powder can not be called traditional, but to taste the dish will turn out to be appetizing enough and, importantly, without lumps. In addition, milk powder has a longer shelf life than fresh milk, so it can always be purchased in advance and then used to cook dishes.
To cook a delicious porridge without lumps, you should stock up:
- milk powder - 4.5 tbsp;
- water - 0.5 l;
- semolina - 80 g;
- salt - a pinch;
- butter - for dressing;
- fruit, jam - optional.
Pour cereal with milk into a pan for cooking porridge and mix everything thoroughly. Next you need to send the remaining bulk components. Further, pure cold water is poured into the container and everything is thoroughly whipped.
When the mixture is ready, it must be put on fire and boiled after boiling, stirring constantly, for 4-6 minutes. If the dish during cooking seems thick, you can safely dilute it with boiled water. Add butter and sweetness to the finished dish.
Liquid porridge for children
It is much easier for young children to eat a semolina dish with semolina without lumps.
You can cook such porridge from:
- semolina - 2 tbsp .;
- milk - 200 ml;
- water - 200 ml;
- Sahara.
Water and milk are mixed and put on fire. After boiling, cereal with sugar is added to them and everything is cooked for 4 minutes. If the baby is small, up to 8 months of age, you can add more milk. Sugar is added to children in small quantities. Older children can cook the finished dish with their favorite jam or chocolate.
Thick semolina porridge
Thick semolina with milk is a favorite delicacy of many athletes who want to quickly build muscle and maintain it in this state constantly. If you eat it in the morning along with your favorite dried fruits, the body will receive the necessary supply of energy for a long time.
Preparing a product based on:
- semolina - 4 tbsp;
- butter - 25 g;
- milk - 0.4 l;
- sugar - 2 tbsp .;
- dried fruits, honey.
To prevent milk from burning, first the cooking vessel is rinsed with cold water, then it is filled with milk. When the white liquid boils, you need to pour semolina with sugar into it, constantly stirring at the same time. When the porridge is ready, it should be seasoned with oil and serve. Jam or honey is added as desired.
In the microwave
In the microwave, porridge from semolina is cooked very quickly, but experts advise resorting to this method of cooking very rarely.
For 1-2 servings of the dish you will need:
- semolina - 2.5 tbsp;
- sugar - 2, 5 tsp;
- milk - 250 ml;
- some salt.
In a separate container, you need to mix bulk products, then pour them into a cooking container and add milk. In the microwave, the dish should be cooked at full power, for 4 minutes. Every 60 seconds it needs to be removed and stirred to achieve the perfect consistency.
Doctors and nutritionists around the world advise you not to get carried away with semolina porridge, cooking it only several times a week as a supplement to the main diet. For children and people with problems in the digestive tract, it is better to cook the product in non-fat milk, with the addition of honey and dried fruits.