Buckwheat is one of the most popular crops. Usually it is boiled and used either as an independent dish (cereals), or as an excellent side dish for meat or vegetables. But it should be noted that this grain is quite “moody” and not everyone succeeds in coping with it the first time. Below is described in detail how to cook buckwheat so that it comes out really tasty, using the simplest kitchen and modern appliances.

Loose buckwheat on water in a pan

First, consider the simplest option - boiling cereals in a simple simple pan. Traditionally, it is boiled in filtered water.


To make the finished dish crumbly, you must fulfill three important conditions:

  • prepare a nucleus in a certain way;
  • not make a mistake with the choice of dishes;
  • strictly follow the step by step instructions.

In fact, there is nothing complicated.

First of all, you need to collect on the desktop all the necessary ingredients:

  • 210 g buckwheat;
  • 250 ml of drinking water;
  • 3-4 g of medium-sized salt;
  • oil (optional).

It's time to figure out how to boil buckwheat.

When all the products are complete, you can get started:

  1. First you need to sort out the croup. It may contain various foreign elements and plant debris. You have to work here manually.
  2. After this, buckwheat needs to be washed. This can be done under the tap or simply pour water into the cereal so that small debris floats to the surface.
    To make buckwheat more fragrant, it must be calcined in a dry pan without adding oil.
  3. With the groats finished. Take a saucepan and pour water into it. It is better to take dishes with a thick bottom - when heated, it will ensure the formation of the right amount of steam. In addition, porridge will not stick to the bottom.
  4. As soon as the water boils, add salt. It will dissolve very quickly.
  5. Pour the cereal into the pan and mix. When heated, foam may appear on the surface. It must be removed immediately.
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, it is necessary to cover it with a lid and make the fire minimal. Krupa must be languishing. This will take about a quarter of an hour. You cannot lift the lid all this time.
  7. After the specified time, turn off the fire, and put the pan with porridge in a warm place or wrap tightly. She should be well fed with steam.

After that, the finished porridge can be transferred to plates and eat with pleasure. For a larger flavor, it’s good to add a small piece of butter.

How to cook grits for garnish in a slow cooker

As you know, buckwheat is a unique side dish that is ideal for a wide variety of dishes. Therefore, the hostesses have to cook it quite often. Owners of multicookers to cope with this task is especially easy. They do not need to stand for a long time in the tedious wait and make sure that the precious side dish does not "escape" from the pan. The device will do everything by itself. You only need to load products into it and press the desired button. And free time can be spent on other urgent work.

To prepare the perfect crumbly side dish you will need:

  • 1 multi-glass of buckwheat;
  • 5 g of table salt;
  • 2 multi-glasses of water;
  • 30 g butter.

To cook buckwheat in a slow cooker, you must:

  1. Measure the right amount of cereal and carefully sort it out. For this, a special glass is used, which is included with each multicooker. The maximum capacity of a multi-glass is 180 ml.
  2. Rinse the cereal well under running water.
  3. Pour it from the bowl of the multicooker.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Close the lid of the device and set the “Porridge” mode on the panel (in some models there is a special “Buckwheat” mode). The standard cooking time is 30 minutes.

After the timer signal sounds, you can safely open the lid and lay out the side dish on the plates.

Microwave cooking

Another achievement of our time is a microwave. You can also cook buckwheat in it.

To do this, you will need:

  • buckwheat and ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • salt and oil (to taste).

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave:

  1. Pour the cereal into a deep bowl (bowl). It must be carefully sorted in advance so that porridge with garbage does not turn out.
  2. Add boiled hot water and quite a bit of salt. The fact is that buckwheat is very easy to salt. Therefore, it is better to immediately add a small amount.
  3. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in the oven chamber.
  4. As soon as the contents of the bowl begin to boil, it remains only to take time and wait.

For cooking buckwheat, there are several options.

  • Firstly, it can be cooked at maximum power. This will take approximately 7 minutes.
  • Secondly, with a power of 600 W, porridge has been boiling for 8 minutes. This mode is used by the owners of old (low-power) devices.
  • Third, you can set the defrost mode. In this case, the cereal will be cooked for at least half an hour. To make the porridge softer and more boiled, after the main time it can be held at a power of 200 watts for about 20 minutes.

You can add oil to the finished buckwheat to taste.
Microwave saves time, but requires constant visual control.

Recipe and proportions of buckwheat porridge in milk

Buckwheat cereal can also be prepared with milk. Moreover, the cooking technique remains the same. All stages that are used when cooking on water are saved.

Depending on the desired consistency, porridge can be made of three types: liquid, viscous or thick. For this, it is necessary to observe certain proportions of the starting components.

Groats and milk should be taken in the ratio:

  • 1: 3 - for thick porridge;
  • 1: 4 - for viscous;
  • 1: 5 - for liquid.

To cook, for example, thick buckwheat porridge with milk, you will need:

  • 100 g of buckwheat;
  • 1.5 cups of whole milk;
  • some salt (to taste);
  • 25 g of sugar (or honey);
  • butter.

Porridge is prepared according to the usual technology:

  1. The first step is to sort out and rinse the cereals well.
  2. Transfer it to the pan (or stewpan).
  3. Pour milk, salt and add sugar.
  4. Put the pan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil.
  5. Reduce the flame and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. In order to avoid burning, the products should be stirred occasionally.
  6. Fill the finished porridge with oil and let it stand for a while under the lid.

If you need to cook milk porridge for a child, then before use it can be crushed in a blender. The dish will become even tastier if you add the pulp of fresh fruits (apples, bananas and others) to it.

Tasty buckwheat in bags

Today, on the shelves of shops you can find buckwheat, packaged in special cooking bags. With their help, you can very quickly and without much hassle to cook loose porridge or flavorful side dish.

The use of cereals in bags has several significant advantages:

  • Buckwheat does not need to be prepared for work - it is already washed and does not contain vegetable debris.
  • It must be weighed, the amount of product is indicated on the package.
  • Croup during cooking does not burn.
  • There is no need to stir it, which allows you to spend free time on your own.
  • The pan always stays clean.

To get friable buckwheat porridge, you need to take:

  • 1 bag of cereal (this is approximately 80 - 100 g);
  • 1.5 liters of cold water;
  • 4 pinches of salt;
  • 15 to 20 g of butter.

Everything is done very simply:

  1. Pour water into the pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Put the bag in the pan and add salt.
  3. Reduce flame and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the bag from the water, cut off the edge and pour the finished porridge onto a plate.
  5. Add oil (if necessary) and mix.

If you do everything right, the porridge is friable and very fragrant.

How to cook in a double boiler

As you know, steamed foods retain more nutrients. That is why some housewives try to cook porridge in a double boiler. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do.

For work you will need:

  • 250 ml of drinking water;
  • 1 full glass of buckwheat;
  • salt.


How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler? Even a teenager can handle this job.

It is only necessary:

  1. Rinse the cereal. Alternatively, you can simply fill it with large amounts of water, mix with your hands, and then drain the liquid along with the garbage.
  2. Put buckwheat in a special bowl. This is a bowl with steam holes.
  3. Sprinkle salt on top of the grits (no need to mix).
  4. Pour it with water.
  5. Put the bowl in a double boiler, close the lid and set it on the timer for 35 minutes.
  6. After the signal, take out a bowl and loosen the finished porridge with an ordinary fork.

Usually oil is added to the still hot product. But those, for example, who are on a diet, do not need to do this. The dish will turn out quite tasty, satisfying and healthy.

Milk porridge in a slow cooker

Today, almost every home has a crock-pot. This smart unit is able to significantly facilitate the work of the hostess and save time, which is so lacking today. With the help of this tricky machine, for example, buckwheat porridge with milk is literally cooked in two.

Of the products you will need:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 90 g of buckwheat;
  • salt (on the tip of a knife);
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of butter.

You need to cook such porridge in stages:

  1. Rinse the cereal and clean it of debris.
  2. Lubricate the inside of the crock-pot with oil. This is necessary so that the porridge does not subsequently burn. In addition, the oil film in the upper part of the bowl will not allow the milk to rise high during cooking.
  3. Pour prepared buckwheat into the bowl.
  4. Add salt, remaining butter and sugar.
  5. Pour all the milk and mix.
  6. Close the lid and set the “Milk porridge” mode on the panel. If there is no such program, then you can use another one, such as: “Porridge”, “Buckwheat” or “Krupa”.
  7. Set the timer for 35 minutes.
  8. After the signal, do not immediately open the lid. First you need to let the porridge stand for 10 minutes in the “Preheat” mode. So it turns out softer and more boiled.

In fact, for cooking porridge, the hostess only needs to set the necessary modes on time. The multicooker will do the rest herself.

Steamed buckwheat in a thermos

According to experts, part of the beneficial substances contained in buckwheat disappears during the cooking process or disappears with steam. To preserve them, it is better not to cook cereals, but to steam them.

For this, it is good to use a regular thermos.

You will need a standard set of components:

  • 1 cup buckwheat and the same amount of boiling water;
  • salt.

Process description:

  1. First, as in any other case, buckwheat must be washed. The processing method can be chosen by anyone (as you like).
  2. Pour cereal onto a towel. This is done in order to remove excess moisture. When using wet buckwheat, the temperature of the absorbed liquid drops sharply and the croup is poorly steamed as a result.
  3. Pour buckwheat into a thermos.
  4. Pour boiling water over it.
  5. Add some salt. If desired, at this stage you can enter any spices or spices.
  6. Close the thermos tightly and leave it in this position for several hours. Ideally, all this should be done in the evening, so that in the morning for breakfast there was already ready porridge. Or you can take care of dinner in the morning.

It turns out excellent buckwheat on water, which in a plate can be supplemented with aromatic gravy or just a small piece of oil.

What to add to buckwheat to improve the taste?

Many believe that the only addition to buckwheat is oil. Of course, with it, loose buckwheat porridge really becomes more delicious and fragrant. But that's not all. There are many options with which you can improve the taste of boiled buckwheat.

You can add to it:

  1. Onion. To do this, it must first be cleaned, and then finely crushed. The prepared product is added to the porridge in the middle of cooking.
  2. Dried mushrooms. It is better to grind them into powder beforehand. You get aromatic porridge, cooked, in fact, on mushroom broth.
  3. Chopped boiled eggs, as well as fried onions or mushrooms. It is better to introduce them into the porridge after cooking and let the dish brew for 10 minutes.
  4. Meat stew. It should also be added to an already prepared dish.
  5. Fruit puree. With it, they mainly make porridge for kids.
  6. Sugar or honey (usually for milk porridge).
  7. Cottage cheese (for casseroles).
  8. Steamed vegetables (carrots, onions, pumpkin and others).
  9. Gravy and sauces.


All this from a simple porridge makes an unusually tasty dish that will surely appeal to households and will always be desired on the table.