Salted mushrooms are a delicious and versatile product. They act as a full-fledged independent dish, and as an ingredient in salads / savory pastries, and also combine perfectly with meat and vegetables. Many housewives may have a logical question: how to salt the mushrooms so that their taste does not deteriorate, and the billets are stored for a long time? We will analyze all the subtleties of this process in our article.
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What mushrooms are more suitable for salting
All edible mushrooms can be salted. Processing methods may vary only slightly, depending on the particular type of product.
It is important to remember that you need to pay attention not only to the type of raw material, but also to the places of its collection, since the mushroom, like a sponge, instantly absorbs pollution and poisons from the air.
With cultivated varieties such as oyster mushroom and champignon, the danger is minimized, then with the rest of the mushrooms it is important to adhere to some rules:
- It is necessary to collect raw materials for salting in the forests, as far as possible from the places of settlement of people, industrial enterprises and highways. Such a product will contain a maximum of nutrients and vitamins, and will not cause poisoning.
- If the appearance of the fungus is in doubt, do not cut it and use it for food.
- It is extremely important to know well what edible mushrooms look like in order not to accidentally confuse them with poisonous ones. If there is not much knowledge on this topic, you should ask for help from experienced mushroom pickers.
- The best time for a “quiet hunt” is in the early morning, when the mushrooms are better seen.
- Only strong, whole specimens are taken for food.
Properly selected raw materials are the basis of delicious and safe pickles.
Preparing for salting
Before proceeding directly to salting, some preparatory work should be done:
- It is important to remember that freshly harvested raw materials must be processed within the next couple of hours, as forest mushrooms are prone to rapid spoilage.
- The resulting crop must be carefully sorted, removing spoiled, cracked specimens, so that the pickles are better stored.
- After this, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed with running water, cleaning from pieces of earth, foliage, sand and other debris.
- Then large specimens are cut into several parts, while the smaller ones separate the leg from the cap. Some mushrooms begin to quickly darken, so the already chopped raw materials are put in any container filled with water. Some salt is also added there.
As soon as the raw materials are cleaned and prepared, the moment comes to choose the necessary method of salting. How to salt mushrooms? Everything will depend on their type.
How to salt mushrooms hot
This type of heat treatment involves the use of brine. In it, the raw materials are first boiled, then laid out in previously washed glass containers. After, the mushrooms are poured with boiling brine and corked.
An important addition: exclusively mushroom caps should be salted hot.
To prepare such a mushroom snack per kilo of any mushrooms, you will need such components:
- a spoonful of salt;
- peppercorns;
- half a glass of filtered water;
- lavrushka.
To the above ingredients, optionally, you can add leaves of cherry, currant, clove flowers, dill. Mushroom caps must first be separated from the legs.
Salting of mushrooms is carried out as follows:
- In the pan, you need to boil the required amount of water, add salt and add the remaining spices.
- Then the mushrooms are laid. After boiling again, the fire decreases. It is important to remove foam from the brine surface.
- Cooking time is no more than half an hour, all this time the mushrooms must be stirred to avoid burning. Finished raw materials will begin to sink to the bottom, but the brine should remain transparent.
- Now boiled mushrooms are laid out in previously processed containers, poured with brine and corked.
The blanks are allowed to cool, after which they are transferred to storage somewhere where it is cool and dry.
The method is convenient for its simplicity and speed: you only need to boil a pickle for mushrooms and boil them in it. But cold and dry methods are much more time-consuming.
With garlic for the winter
One way to hot pickle mushrooms is to cook them using garlic. This vegetable will add a savory flavor and mouth-watering aroma to the pickle.
To prepare a tasty snack, you will need the following components:
- 1 kg of any mushrooms;
- half a glass of water;
- 3 tablespoons of coarse salt;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 8 leaves of currant;
- 10 peas of black pepper;
- 2 large umbrellas overripe dill.
Prepare the pickle as follows:
- Mushrooms are pre-cleaned, washed, cleaned legs and especially large hats are divided into several parts.
- Raw materials are poured with water, salted and boiled over medium heat for no more than 20 minutes, constantly removing foam.
- In a prepared jar, you need to lay mushrooms and spices in layers. When the container is full, it is filled with a cooled brine and corked.
Store canned food without direct access to light and in cool. They are ready for use in a month and a half.
Cold pickling of mushrooms
Salted mushrooms for the winter can be prepared in the cold way.
Its main difference from all the others is that the mushrooms are soaked in water for a couple of days, during which they regularly change the liquid.
After this, the prepared raw materials are laid out in a barrel in layers, alternating with spices and salt. Then the container is covered with a clean cloth, and the load is placed on top.
As the mushrooms settle, the tank is filled to the top with fresh raw materials with spices and salt. Do this until the bowl is completely filled with rammed mushrooms.
Such barrels are stored only in the cold, best of all - in the basement.
Salted champignons for the winter
By the above principle, champignons can be easily prepared.
It is done like this:
- To begin with, mushrooms are cleaned, washed, legs removed. After this, the raw materials are poured with clean water for a couple of days. The fluid must be changed twice daily.
- Spices, finely crushed garlic, salt are spread in a prepared container. A layer of champignons is laid on top, which should not be thicker than 6 cm. It is important to observe the proportion - 2 tablespoons of salt are taken per 1 kg of raw material. Spices are added to taste.
- After that, the container is covered with a clean cloth, the load is placed on top, and the entire "structure" is sent to a dark place for salting.
- If you plan to harvest a large number of mushrooms, then as the workpiece settles in a barrel, fresh mushrooms, salt and spices are added to it.
Completely mushrooms salted in this way will be ready in a month and a half.
Dry cooking
This method is the fastest - you can enjoy mushrooms in 2 weeks.
When salting, no liquid is used - only the mushrooms themselves and salt.
It’s very easy to make pickles:
- First, the mushrooms are cleaned of dirt with a soft cloth or brush, after which they are wiped and put into a pre-disinfected container.
- Spread the raw materials in layers, each of which is salted.
- When all the ingredients are laid out, pure matter is placed on top, and a heavy load is placed on top of it. The workpiece is sent to the cold.
As salting out, mushroom juice is released, which should completely cover the mushrooms.
Solim Gruzdi
For pickling, fresh mushrooms are taken without signs of spoilage and decay. Thoroughly clean them of dirt and, if necessary, cut into several parts.
For 1 kg of raw materials, 4 tablespoons of salt will be needed. No spices are used for salting, as this method is designed to reveal the natural taste and aroma of mushrooms.
It is best to use a glass or wooden container. Metal or clay can degrade the taste of the finished product.
- Pure breasts are laid out in layers, sprinkling with salt, after which a thick cotton towel and a heavy load are placed on top. It is best to use stone.
- The billet is sent to the cold, and in a couple of weeks it will be possible to put crispy and fragrant breasts on the table.
There is nothing complicated in cooking salted mushrooms. The main thing is to choose a quality product, then carefully prepare it for salting and strictly adhere to the technology. This is the only way to get a really tasty snack. Give it a try!