Carrying out complex cosmetic procedures is best entrusted to a professional, because it is far from always possible to remove extended eyelashes at home. Outside the cabin, it will take much more time, but it is simply impossible to predict the result. But if such a need arose, you need to know how to carry out all the manipulations as safely as possible.

Features of removing extended eyelashes at home

Outside a beauty salon, you can only get rid of the beauty that was induced by the method of beam extension. If, for example, Japanese technology was used, in which each artificial hair is attached separately to its own cilia, then no advice will help here. The owner of a captivating look will have to go to the salon.

With beam extension, the attachment points are more clearly visible, so it will be easier to fake and remove artificial cilia.

Wanting to perform the procedure at home, you need to think about some circumstances:

  • the builder knows the composition of the glue used, so it will be easier for him to choose a solvent;
  • the master works immediately with two centuries, and since it is impossible to repeat it yourself, the home procedure will take much more time;
  • some solvents have an aggressive composition, so if you handle them inaccurately, you can damage the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition, experiments with home remedies may fail: cilia are attached to a fat-soluble glue, which is far from all oily formulations. Repeated application of the solvent may be necessary to remove it.

Having decided on this step, you must strictly follow the safety rules:

  • if it is not possible to soften the glue, you can’t try to separate the cilia by force, this is fraught with damage to the hair follicles, and in the worst case, if the infection gets into the wound, inflammation of the eyelid may develop (blepharitis);
  • the beams are removed by movements in the direction of eyelash growth, twitching in different directions can also damage the bulbs;
  • In no case should you pry up the bundles with sharp objects, for example, with needles - any awkward movement can lead to disastrous consequences.

The truth is that, having decided to grow lush, thick cilia, you need to be prepared for correction or removal in the cabin. Only a master professional, having the appropriate experience, will be able to carry out the procedure most quickly and painlessly.

If you decide to remove the consequences of building yourself, then using professional tools it can be done faster.

Professional Tools

Masters in salons use two types of funds - debonders and removers. Both can not be purchased at all cosmetics stores. Sometimes they are sold in pharmacies. But the easiest way to find them is in specialized departments selling accessories for beauty salons and hairdressers.

Both the debonder and the remover dissolve any kind of capsule well, both on the basis of glue and on the basis of resin. Given the rather aggressive composition of these funds, they need to be used especially carefully.


Debonder is the most powerful solvent. Most of these compounds contain acetone. The solvent is applied to the eyelid pointwise and is not used to completely remove eyelashes, but is used only for correction. This tool captivates with its low cost and cost-effectiveness. Since it is used pointwise, it is consumed very delicately.

Debonders are available in liquid and gel form. A dense texture should be preferred - since the gel does not spread, it will be easier to apply to individual capsules. Professional products are available in convenient bottles, under the lid of which there should already be a brush for spot application.

With inept handling, you can burn the mucous membrane of the eye.

  1. Before the procedure, the eyes must be sanitized and degreased with makeup remover lotion.
  2. Place a slightly damp paper patch or cotton pad cut in the shape of a month under the upper eyelid.
  3. Close your eye. Put a little money on the place of fixation of those beams that need to be removed. Wait 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pull with tweezers on the tips of the eyelashes - they should easily come off.
  5. After removing all unnecessary “stumps”, it is necessary to remove residual solvent, which can be done using any makeup remover.

Very often removed hairs "climb" along with their own. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. When building your own cilia, you have to withstand a large load, because several artificial ones are attached to one live hair.

In addition, the life cycle of eyelashes is 3-4 weeks. Therefore, their loss along with extended ones can be considered natural.


Remuver has a softer composition. As a rule, it contains components that care for eyelashes. It is convenient to apply, but costs several times more.

The product is available in liquid form, as well as in the form of a gel and cream. The cream is suitable for home use and it contains many nutrients. However, if you have never worked with such products, choose a gel - it is much denser, does not absorb into the skin and exerts its effect only on capsules. The gel is considered the least allergenic.

  1. As a preparation, eyelashes need to be degreased with makeup remover lotion.
  2. Stick on a slightly moistened cotton pad to the lower eyelid.
  3. On the eyelash growth line, apply the product with a cotton swab, brush or branded applicator, which is included in the remover kit.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, the product will dissolve the glue. Then you need to try to slightly pull the cilia with tweezers over the edge. If they do not stick well, wait another 2-3 minutes. In general, the wait can take up to 10 minutes.
  5. When the glue dissolves, you need to take a round brush washed from the mascara and begin to comb out the eyelashes, moving from the outer edge to the inside. To “loosen” the hairs, sometimes they can be pulled from the bottom up.
  6. If part of the product gets on the mucous membrane, you must immediately stop the procedure and rinse your eyes with plenty of water. When all artificial hairs have been removed, remove the remover with a soft lotion.

After the procedure, the skin of the eyelids may swell slightly. Sometimes there is a burning sensation.

To relieve inflammation, you need to wash with a cool decoction of chamomile, and at the end of all manipulations, lubricate the cilia with nutritious oil.

Using a fat cream

How to remove extended eyelashes if there are no professional tools at hand? You can read many tips for using oily cream. However, you should know that the idea will work only if your cilia are fixed to glue. It is fat soluble, and after a long exposure should soften.

If the hairs are planted on the resin, then neither cream nor any oil will help, because the resin is dissolved only by professional means.

  1. Before removing the eyelashes with a cream, you need to remove the remnants of cosmetics.
  2. Cover the lower eyelid with a paper patch.
  3. With a cotton swab tip, apply a thick layer of cream on the hairline and leave for 30 minutes to rest with your eyes closed. If this does not help, hold the cream for a while.
  4. Try combing your eyelashes with a brush from an old mascara.
  5. Remove cream with lotion.

More materials:how to remove extended eyelashes

How to remove eyelashes using oils?

Oils last longer, but they are most delicate with eyelashes. Only the adhesive base can be dissolved with oils, and they will not be able to remove the capsules from the resin.


Castor oil is very dense and poorly washed off. It forms a moisture-proof film on the skin, so if you apply it at night, in the morning you wake up with swollen eyes.

They should use the day, periodically lubricating the eyelashes and trying to disconnect them every half hour.


Burdock oil can be left overnight. They should moisten the halves of the cotton pads to attach them to the lash line. From above, everything should be fixed with a blindfold, and then go to bed. The next morning, cilia should fall.

Sunflower or olive

If there are no cosmetic oils in the house, you can use ordinary food oils. Remove eyelashes at a time will not work. They need to be periodically lubricated for two days. After this, the capsules will begin to crumble, and the hairs can be combed out.

Steam Removal

It is impossible to remove eyelashes only by steaming, but it will help speed up the procedure.

  1. Boil water. You can add a little soda or chamomile herbs to it - this is how you treat your face skin at the same time.
  2. Lean over dishes with hot water. Cover your head with a thick terry towel. Sit over the pan for 10 minutes.
  3. Then grease the eyelashes with a fat cream and after it is absorbed, try to disconnect the hairs with a previously washed mascara brush.

Eyelash Repair

Native eyelashes inevitably suffer from extensions. They are fully restored from 3 to 6 months. The more intensively you take care of them, the shorter this period will be.

After careful care, the cilia can come to life in a month. Every day before going to bed, do a restoring mask. Apply sea buckthorn, castor or burdock oil to the eyelash growth line and the entire length of the hairs. Leave the product for 15 minutes, and then remove the residue with a cotton pad. At the end of the procedure, wash with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

If we independently remove eyelashes at home, then you need to do this as soon as possible less traumatic. In no case should you just pull them out!

No specialist will recommend performing the procedure at home. If you decide to build it, be sure to include in your plans a trip to a cosmetologist who will delicately remove all remaining artificial hairs.