Better than a refreshing cold kvass can only be a similar drink, prepared independently. It is relevant not only in the summer, but also at any other time of the year. To prepare a delicious drink at home, you just need to carefully study the tips of experienced housewives, how to make sourdough for kvass. In general, it is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills from the cook. There are both yeast and yeast-free recipes.

How to make yeast yeast for kvass?

Most often, recipes are used to prepare the basis of the drink in question, one of the main ingredients of which is yeast. They can be both dry and pressed. Such options allow you to prepare a soft drink as quickly as possible. They will need to use only the most affordable budget products.

Dry yeast

If the hostess has only dry yeast at hand, then you will need to immediately take 2 standard packages of such a product. This is 20 g. It is best to choose a quality French ingredient that will definitely not let the chef down. You will also need to take: 0.5 loaves of black bread, 50 g of sugar, 5 liters of boiled chilled water.

  1. The bread is cut into small cubes and thoroughly dried. The most convenient and quickest way to do this is with an oven. Bread slices are poured onto a baking sheet (without butter) and left for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. It is advisable to regularly stir the pieces during the drying process.
  2. If you stayed at home dry slices of bread, hardened naturally, they can also be used to make homemade kvass.
  3. Boiling water is poured into a jar of crackers, after which the ingredients are mixed well. A homogeneous sparse gruel should be in the container.
  4. Sugar is added to bread. If all homemade people like very sweet drinks, then its amount can be increased immediately to 200 grams. 50 grams is the minimum serving.
  5. The jar is covered with a towel and left to cool completely. Yeast can be added to the liquid when it is at room temperature.
  6. The mixture will ferment for about 3 days. To do this, it is convenient to place it on the window. If the street is very hot and sunny, you need to carefully monitor the leaven so that it does not ferment.

You can understand that the product is ready for bread crumbs that have completely sunk to the bottom. Before the first breakdown, kvass should be carefully filtered through cheesecloth and refrigerated. The remaining yeast can be reused. Next time, the hostess will be able to get a drink with a more delicate taste and without sourness.

With fresh yeast


Using fresh yeast for starter culture, you can also add Borodino bread to them. With such ingredients, the taste of the drink will turn out to be particularly rich and interesting. In addition to a loaf of bread, 20 g of yeast and hot water (5-6 liters), 60 g of sugar is also taken. It is most convenient to pour future kvass into glass bottles. Enough 2 pieces of 3 liters.

Read also: brown bread kvass recipe

  1. After a loaf of bread has been sliced ​​and thoroughly dried in the oven, the product in equal proportions is laid out on pre-prepared bottles.
  2. 4 tbsp are sent to each container granulated sugar, and boiling water is poured on the shoulders.
  3. From each bottle a little liquid is poured into a separate bowl, 10 g of yeast are dissolved in it. Then the water is sent back to the tank.
  4. The workpiece is mixed well, the bottlenecks are covered with a cloth, and the containers are sent to a warm place.
  5. Ferment will be fully ready in 2-3 days.

In the process of preparing a drink, you need to take into account that the quality of bread greatly affects the taste of future kvass. Therefore, no need to save on this ingredient. Perfect for the basics of homemade bread.

Sourdough for kvass without yeast with raisins

If you decide to prepare a starter for a cooling drink without yeast, then the hostess will need to stock up on raisins. By the way, this product makes homemade kvass aerated. In addition to 3 tablespoons of raisins, you need to take: 350 g of rye bread, 160 g of sugar, water.

  1. The bread is cut into small pieces and dried in an oven or in a frying pan without oil, until blackish crusts appear on the ribs. The main thing is not to overcook the bread so that the drink does not end up bitter.
  2. Rusks are placed in a liter jar and filled with boiling water so that it completely covers the cubes.
  3. 40 g of granulated sugar is added to the liquid.
  4. Raisins (about 8-10 pieces) are sent to the jar only after the container has cooled to room temperature (approximately 37-39 degrees).
  5. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the future sourdough is put in a warm place for 48 hours. After this period, the liquid begins to foam. So, it's time to collect the upper part of the soaked bread with raisins and transfer them to a separate bowl.
  6. 40 g of sugar, a little raisins and fresh crackers are added to the selected products. The ingredients are again poured with hot water and, according to the previous scheme, are cleaned in a warm place. The fermentation procedure is repeated 2 more times.

To improve the taste of the starter culture, you can add various dried fruits and even mint to it. Their choice depends on the tastes of all household.

Yeast bread sourdough

This is the simplest and fastest yeast yeast recipe. It requires a minimum of products. These are: 50 g of pressed yeast, 120 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of dried bread, 200 ml. boiled hot water.

  1. Bread crumbs with sugar dissolve in water. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees. The resulting mixture is left for 60 minutes.
  2. Yeast is separately bred in a minimum amount of water and added to bread with sugar. Future sourdough will be infused in a warm place for 2 days.

The specified amount of sugar, if desired, can be both reduced and increased by 2 times. The sweetness of the finished homemade kvass will depend on this.

How to cook a thickener for kvass from rye flour?


Instead of bread, it is quite acceptable to use rye flour to prepare the basis for the future home-made kvass. This recipe can be called traditional Russian. Yeast will not be needed for it, but the following components will definitely come in handy: 200 g of flour, 20 g of sugar, 7 berries of unwashed raisins. A detailed recipe for kvass with rye sourdough without yeast is described below.

  1. In 200 g of rye flour, 20 g of granulated sugar is added. Hot water slowly pours into the mixture. It is very important to constantly mix the ingredients thoroughly until they, in consistency, begin to resemble thick sour cream. At the end, raisins are added to the mass.
  2. The mixed components are poured into a 1.5 liter glass jar. Above it should be enough space for foam. The mixture is infused for 2-3 days at room temperature.
  3. After 1 day, all the raisins are removed from the can.
  4. When the volume of the thickening increases significantly, it begins to foam and hiss, which means that the basis for the future kvass is completely ready.

Drink on rye flour without yeast does not have an unpleasant sour smell.

In addition, to improve the taste, half the sugar in it can be replaced with natural bee honey.

The recipe for the fermentation with hops


A drink made with such a wonderful recipe is especially useful. Hops enrich kvass with numerous vitamins and minerals. For this version of the drink you need to take: 60 g. Sugar, 20 g. Wheat flour, 1 tbsp. unwashed raisins, 10 g. fresh yeast, 2 tbsp. l hop cones, 300 g bread, 3.5 l. water.

  1. First of all, the yeast is diluted with a minimum portion of warm water, and then mixed with a small amount of sugar and flour until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Bread crackers are poured into a three-liter glass container and poured with hot water. The remaining sugar, raisins and hops are sent to these components.
  3. When the ingredients have cooled to room temperature, liquid with yeast is poured into the jar. The bottleneck is covered with a cloth. Leaven will be infused for 2-3 days.

Sediment from the first portion of kvass can be used to prepare the second and subsequent.

The main thing is not to forget to sweeten it with sugar before each new fermentation.

How to make yeast-free yeast with honey?

This version of a home-made cold drink has a particularly delicate, pleasant taste. Even the smallest family members will surely like it. For starter culture you need to take: 500 ml. water, 50 g of natural bee honey, apple peel with 2 fruits, a handful of green grapes.

  1. Honey is thoroughly soluble in lukewarm water.
  2. Finely chopped apple peels and grapes are added to the container with the liquid.
  3. For fermentation, the jar with the listed ingredients is sent to a warm place for 2-3 days.

Before preparing kvass, the fermented mixture is poured into a clean glass dish and a handful of rye crackers are added to it. After another 2-3 days on the resulting basis, you can prepare a delicious sweet drink.

Thickness from any resulting sourdough can be squeezed carefully, wrapped in cling film and put in the freezer. Further, on its basis, it will be possible to regularly prepare aromatic delicious kvass for the whole family.