Slime, slime, fluffy, or handgum - bright, stretching jelly toys have long gained popularity among kids and teens. It’s not only interesting to play with them, children are attracted by the opportunity to independently create such a manual “chewing gum”. There are a lot of different ways to make a slime on the Internet. The most original and interesting ones are in our article.

How to make a slice of sodium tetraborate

Different ingredients are used to make lizuns. The main components are glue and activator - a substance by which the liquid substance does not spread and does not stick to the hands. Among the additional ones is a huge number of options, from which bright and unlike handgams are obtained.

Most often, sodium tetraborate is used as an activator (a chemical compound is the sodium salt of boric acid), it is also called borax. In recipes, borax can be replaced with lens liquid or borax - a mixture of tetraborate and glycerin.

For the classic version of the slime you will need:

  • a few drops of borax;
  • 25 grams of glue, better than silicate;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 or 2 dyes (choose safe);
  • sequins (optional);
  • two small dishes.

First, it is necessary in the first tank to heat a glass of water to 32 - 37 degrees, approximately to body temperature, not more.

If there is no thermometer, you need to try it by hand. Water should not be too hot, otherwise the slime will not work.

  1. Pour 4-5 drops of borax into heated water and immediately mix the contents until smooth. Set aside for a while.
  2. Pour 100 ml of water into the second container and use dyes to give it the desired shade, stirring thoroughly.Add glue mixed with sparkles to it.
  3. Pour the solution with the activator into the tinted water from the first vessel with a thin stream. Gradually, the water will thicken, and as soon as it becomes the desired consistency, stop adding tetraborate. If the diluted activator is not enough, you need to make another small portion and pour into the second vessel.

The ideal slime does not stick to the hands, it stretches and does not tear, not too dense. Playing with him is a real pleasure for kids. Only in no case should you try such a toy to taste. Although it looks very attractive, the chemical composition is not entirely safe.

From water and starch

You can make a slime without glue and a chemical activator, and use potato starch as a thickener.

In addition to 200 grams of the main ingredient, you must have:

  • 100 ml of water (32 - 37 ºС);
  • 5 - 6 drops of dye (one or different for the original color);
  • dish (better enameled).

Preparation of such a manual chewing gum does not take much time.

First you need to combine starch and paint, gradually add water to the mixture, while stirring the contents all the time. Water may require more or less - you need to monitor the moment when the liquid turns into a pretty jelly ball.

Such a slime will not last long, only 2 - 3 days. But the toy is absolutely safe, because it does not contain chemical components.

You can use liquid starch for handgam, which is bought for automatic washing machines.

  1. 50 - 70 ml of this ingredient should be poured into a plastic bag and add 2 - 3 drops of paint (food or gouache).
  2. Gently pour glue (silicate or PVA) to this mixture - 30 ml.
  3. Tie the bag and shake it until the inside is divided into two parts - a liquid and a lump of mucus.
  4. Remove the clot from the bag and pat it a little with a napkin.

In order for the lizun to be able to "live" longer, it should be placed in a plastic box or a small sealed bag.

Toothpaste Technology

An excellent thickener for slime is toothpaste. It is better to use gel options, they have a pleasant blue tint, and therefore, no additional dyes will need to be added to the slime.

The recipe consists of:

  • one tube of paste (50 ml);
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil;
  • glitter, dyes (optional).

Squeeze the gel paste into a small enameled pan and add paint if you want to change the color.

Mix everything thoroughly and put the container on low heat. There is no need to leave the pan; you should mix the composition all the time for 8-10 minutes, until gradually the liquid turns into an elastic jelly substance.

After the mass has cooled slightly, you need to grease your hands with oil and knead the clot for 5 - 10 minutes.

Shaving foam slime

The original fluffy slime is airy; it is also called fluffy mucus.

To prepare such a toy, you must have:

  • shaving foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring (one or more);
  • activator (boric acid or lens cleaner).

Foam and glue are best measured in cups, circles.

  1. It is necessary to mix 3 cups of foam and a half cup of glue in an enameled container until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. Drop acid (4-5 drops) or lens cleaner (10 ml) into the mixture, continue stirring until it stops sticking to the walls of the vessel.
  3. Next, you need to take out the lizun and 4-5 minutes more to knead it in your hands, swing on the table until you get the perfect chewing gum for your hands.

As an activator, you can also use sodium tetraborate powder, then it should first be diluted with warm water in the calculation of 15 g of powder per 50 ml of water.

You can add dyes, or you can do without them - then the slime will be saturated white.

From shampoo and salt

If parents are wary of recipes with the addition of chemicals, then the next method they will surely like. This is a variant of lizun without sodium tetraborate.

Method 1. For cooking, you must have:

  • shampoo - better than a thicker consistency, not transparent, but colored;
  • salt.

Pour 80 - 100 ml of shampoo into a small container and gradually add salt. It will require approximately the same amount, it all depends on the thickening process. As soon as the mass turns into one lump, the toy is ready for use.

The slime comes out not as viscous as with the use of serious thickeners, but the more liquid substance has its advantages. Children are delighted with the “champing” of their new toy.

Method 2. In addition to shampoo, dishwashing liquid (100 ml of the main components) is present in the recipe.

Cooking is very simple. It is necessary to mix the components and put directly into the containers in the refrigerator. An hour later, take out a work of art - the toy is ready.

Only between games with a slime it is better to store it in the same refrigerator. So he will be able to please his excellent appearance longer. When warm, the toy quickly melts.

Step-by-step instruction from flour

This handgam recipe is perfect for kids who want to make a colorful toy themselves. This slime is safe, it is easy and fun to cook.

You will need:

  • 400 grams of flour;
  • 50 ml of hot water (not boiling water!);
  • 50 ml of cold water;
  • food colorings.

To get the slime, you must follow the phased instructions.

  1. Place sifted flour in a container. Pour cold and then hot water into it, mix.
  2. Dripping a few drops of dyes. Mix again so that there are no lumps.
  3. Place the container in the refrigerator for 2.5 - 3 hours.
  4. Remove the mass from the container, knead, until you get the perfect chewing gum for your hands.

This toy is not just another one in the collection of the baby. It helps to develop fine motor skills in children, improves the psychological development of the child.

Psychologists even recommend that young children wrinkle their hands, this process soothes and relieves excess tension.

How to make a PVA glue slice

Silicate glue is most often used to create multi-colored lizuns. It is transparent, which allows you to give the toy different shades using food colors or gouache paints.

But PVA glue is also suitable for handgam recipes. Its structure allows you to quickly and reliably combine the remaining components of the toy, gives it the desired consistency and increases the shelf life.

Method 1. Air lick.

1. Pour PVA glue (100 ml) into the container and add a few drops of acrylic paint. Mix all

2. Gradually pour two teaspoons of saline solution for contact lenses into the mixture and pour half a teaspoon of soda.

Constantly stir the contents until it thickens and stops sticking to the walls of the vessel.
Such a slice stretches very well, even air bubbles can be made from it. To keep it longer - in between games it is worth putting it in a closed sealed container.

Method 2. Space fluffy.

Making a slime for this recipe for children is under the supervision of adults!

  1. In a bowl, combine half a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate and a glass of cold water. Mix everything until smooth.
  2. In the second container, prepare a mixture of 30 grams of PVA glue, a glass of water and two grams of phosphorus paint.
  3. Gradually pour a liquid with an activator into the second vessel with a thin stream, while mixing the contents.
  4. Before you get the right consistency, add 2 grams of iron oxide powder (used in laser printers). Continue mixing until thickened.

The toy turns out to be especially magical: it not only glows in the dark, but also attracts to the magnet. Such magic delights little fidgets.

Plasticine toy

Children love to sculpt crafts from plasticine. This material is ideal for making a nice soft slime.

To create an original slime, you should use not a simple plasticine, but neon or air. Such species in a wide assortment are presented in the clerical departments.

Making plasticine fluffy is easy.

  1. Pre-soak for an hour a bag of gelatin (20 g) in 200 ml of cold water.
  2. At the right time, put the pot of gelatin on a low heat, stir constantly until the mixture boils.
  3. Turn off the gas and leave the gelatin mixture to cool.
  4. During this time, knead plasticine (100 g) in your hands so that it becomes softer and “docile”.
  5. Place it in a plastic container, add 50 ml of hot water, mix thoroughly.
  6. Add the gelatin mass to the container, continuing to mix the contents until a homogeneous consistency.
  7. Put the container in the refrigerator for one hour.

Such a lizun is denser, does not spread, it breaks, and then again easily sticks together. Plasticine manual chewing gum is stored in the refrigerator. So the child will be able to play with her longer.

From glue stick

In addition to using the silicate transparent glue and white PVA already mentioned above, you can make a popular toy using glue stick. This option is more time consuming. But it is suitable if there are no other components at hand, or if you want to try something new.


Pencil rods (3-4 pieces) must first be removed, put in glass or plastic containers and heated in the microwave until the glue becomes liquid. Then it is ready for use in the recipe of lizun.

  1. In a clean container, dilute borax powder (5 g) with water (100 ml).
  2. Add 3 - 4 drops of paint to the adhesive mass, mix.
  3. Gradually pour the activator solution into the vessel with glue, while mixing the contents.

The powder can be replaced with boric acid or saline for lenses. Then the recipe does not need water, just add 5 - 6 drops of acid or 10 g of saline to the sticky mass.

The characteristic smell of glue coming from the toy can be interrupted by a pleasant aroma. To do this, it is worth dropping a little essential oil along with dyes.

DIY transparent lick

Little inventors are constantly finding new components for their experiments in making their favorite toys.

Many people want to get not a multi-colored, but a transparent slime, or, as it is also called, glass. To achieve this result, you can use two options for the recipe.

Method 1. The classic version of the standard components.

It is necessary to mix silicate glue and any of the activators in equal proportions until the desired consistency is obtained. Do not add any dyes - then the lizun will look like a soft glass.

Method 2. A more "chemical" version of the handgam.

For him you need to have:

  • half a glass of polyvinyl alcohol;
  • 10 g of activator (powder, boric acid or lens cleaner).

In a plastic dishware, pour alcohol, add an activator and actively mix the components for 8 to 10 minutes until the desired result is obtained.

Slime looks like a dazzling precious crystal. But the polymer composition of such a toy cannot be called safe for the child. That is why it is better to use the proposed recipe in extreme cases. To play with such a lizun should also be careful, be sure to wash your hands after the game.

How to Make Edible Slime from Nutella

All the previous recipes allow you to create bright, colorful and original slimes. But there’s only one trouble — the kids strive to taste the toy, because it smells so nice and looks beautiful!

A very edible “chewing gum”, which you can play and feast on, will help satisfy children's needs.

To create such a culinary and toy masterpiece, you must purchase:

  • chewing marshmallows (marshmallows);
  • Nutella chocolate-nut paste (pasta from other manufacturers, for example, Merenda, Hazella or Biscochoc, is also suitable).

The cooking process itself is as follows:

  1. Place a hundred grams of marshmallows in a glass container and put in the microwave. If there is no such technique in the kitchen, you can melt the marshmallows in a water bath. A homogeneous, viscous substance should be obtained.
  2. Add a little chocolate paste to the melted marshmallows, by teaspoon, little by little, while constantly stirring the contents. The process must be continued until the mixture sticks to the bowl and spoon, turns into one lump.
  3. Wash your hands and start kneading the lizun with your hands (you can wear sterile gloves). After 5 - 6 minutes, the slime will become plastic and elastic.

An edible toy will not last a baby for a long time. After all, she looks very appetizing, and he will not be able to restrain himself so as not to taste it.

Care should be taken to ensure that the delicious slime does not appear on the floor before the child eats it.

A variety of recipes will allow children to try themselves in the role of experimental inventors and create original and colorful toys. It remains only to choose a cooking method and prepare the necessary components.