The virtually painless removal of hairs on the body is becoming more affordable. Moreover, this can be done equally effectively both in the cabin and at home. Moreover, the set of components for this procedure is minimal, and the process of preparing the composition is not burdensome, which allows you to create a budget and easy to manufacture material. If you do not yet know how to make shugaring at home, our recommendations and recipes will become assistants in taking care of the smoothness of your skin.
Material Content:
- 1 Benefits of Shugaring at Home
- 2 Types of sugar paste for shugaring, how to choose
- 3 How to make sugar paste for hair removal
- 4 Hair length for an effective procedure
- 5 Practical Tips for Beginners
- 6 How to use sugar paste for shugaring
- 7 Deep bikini to herself
- 8 Bandage Shugaring Technique
- 9 Skin Care After Hair Removal
- 10 Contraindications
Benefits of Shugaring at Home
The term “shugaring” comes from sugar (English), consonant with the Russian “sugar”. It is this component that is the basis for the formation of a dense and simultaneously viscous substance, the purpose of which is to eliminate hairs on any part of the body or face.
It is interesting. There is an opinion that shugaring is a relatively new method of depilation. However, it was still actively used by the charming Egyptian Nefertiti and Cleopatra. Persian beauties, too, did not remain indifferent to the benefits of sugar in gaining smooth skin.
It is permissible to buy paste for depilation or to make it yourself.
Regardless of the raw materials used, shugaring at home has several advantages:
- Natural composition, hypoallergenic. Hand-made paste will not cause doubt in the absence of unacceptable components.
- Ease of use. The discomfort during such hair removal is no greater than from the wax procedure.
- Long-term results (smoothness of the skin is ensured, on average, for 14 days).
- Additional care functions of the paste. The product softens the epidermis and, in addition to hairs, removes dead cells.
- A small number of contraindications.
- Regular hair removal using this method makes them thinner, while slowing down growth.
Types of sugar paste for shugaring, how to choose
The ability to make pasta at home does not always exist. In these cases, it is permissible to choose a product in the store. The selection of products is extremely wide: from ultra-soft to tough.
When choosing a product, you should adhere to some recommendations:
- Considering the features of the technique of depilation. In the case of applying the bandage method using special strips, a soft version of the paste should be preferred. Manual depilation requires a more rigid composition due to the need for a strong adherence of the hair with the finished sugar product.
- Body temperature. Parts of the human body often differ in temperature indicators. The discrepancy is 1 - 2ºС. Hard spots should be sent to hot spots.
- The warmth of the palms of the master. People with hot limbs should prefer a dense paste, with cool - soft.
- The temperature regime in the room. The higher it is, the harder the paste.
- The degree of hair hardness is its highest in the bikini area and in the armpits. Hard cover involves the use of the same paste.
The following variations of shugaring paste are available:
- Ultra soft. Semi-liquid product, good for removing hairs on the extremities.
- Bandage. Applicable for bandage depilation.
- Soft. Suitable for beginners in the field of depilation, as it is almost universal and relevant for various parts of the body, with the exception of bikini.
- Medium hard. It is applied to all zones, except front.
- Tough. Best combined with the master’s hot fingers. Well established in removal of the most rigid hair.
How to make sugar paste for hair removal
It’s really possible to personally prepare pasta to combat vegetation on any part of the body.
Recipe for Shugaring Paste:
- sugar - 10 tbsp. l .;
- water - 4 tbsp. l .;
- lemon juice (0.5 pcs.).
Algorithm of actions:
- Put the indicated components in a thick-bottomed vessel, mix them.
- Set the mixture on a small fire, close the container with a lid.
- Stir the ingredients from time to time, making sure that the sugar does not stick to the bottom.
- Gradually, the mixture becomes transparent. After boiling, bubbles appear on its surface. The caramel shade of the mixture indicates the readiness of the paste. This usually happens after 5 minutes.
- The product is removed from the heat, cool. You can test the paste - knead a piece in your hands. If it sticks and does not take shape - the paste should be cooked for some more time.
In this case, it is important to try not to digest the paste (otherwise you get a candy). An undercooked mixture also will not work - a liquid substance will simply not capture hairs.
Hair length for an effective procedure
The optimal hair length for shugaring is 5 mm (but not shorter than 2).
The degree of hair growth frequency determines how often depilation will be performed. The average frequency of hair removal is once 3 to 4 weeks. Gradually, the growth of vegetation slows down, it becomes not so noticeable.
Practical Tips for Beginners
Before applying sugar paste for depilation, it is not out of place for beginning masters to take into account several practical tips:
- It is believed that in the daytime the pain threshold is slightly higher than in the evening. For this reason, depilation should be moved to the first half of the day.
- Before hair removal, scrubbing is recommended.
- Unlike wax, the sugar mixture is easily washed off with water.
- When depilating large areas, the first time it is necessary to exclude sports loads. Intense sweating can clog the follicles, which can cause reddening of the bikini area - an incredibly delicate and delicate area. Having completed the depilation in this place, you need to give up intimacy for a day.
How to use sugar paste for shugaring
The elimination of vegetation by sugar paste consists in the following actions:
- Treatment of the depilation site with a degreasing lotion. It is also permissible to sprinkle talcum powder on top - the paste adheres best to a dry surface.
- The temperature of the product must be tolerable for touch, i.e. almost identical to body temperature. Cold mass must be warmed up. You can use a microwave (water bath).
- The mass is applied in a uniform layer to the area covered with vegetation. Application is carried out against the growth of hairs.
- With a precise movement, the paste is removed together with the hairs (in the direction of growth).
Deep bikini to herself
Many girls are sure that in order to do shugaring to herself, incredible, almost acrobatic agility is required. In fact, everything is not so complicated, you just need to practice a little.
You can make a deep bikini for yourself by following this algorithm:
- Spread the mixture against hair growth. The movements should be carried out with pressure so that the paste lies well.
- You should not capture a large area of hair at once in the process of their removal - severe pain can occur.
- Wait 10 to 20 seconds, grab the edge of the paste and tear it off in one motion, following the growth of the hairs.
- Repeat actions in necessary places until all hairs are completely removed.
Tip. The bikini area is quite inaccessible. In order to qualitatively eliminate hairs in all its areas, it is convenient to use a mirror during the first procedures.
Bandage Shugaring Technique
There are two main methods of shugaring:
- Bandage. To apply a semi-liquid mass, a spatula is used. A strip of fabric is laid on top, torn off by precise movement.
- Manual. Depilation occurs without the use of strips.
The main stages of the bandage technique:
- Treat the skin with lotion, eliminating excess fat and dry "scales." If the lotion was not at hand, you can use Chlorhexidine.
- Inspect the skin area, choose the direction of hair growth.
- Dust the skin with talcum powder.
- Spatula to distribute the mass on the body, leading it against the vegetation. Additionally, strips of fabric or paper are needed.
- The strip is applied to the paste, pressed and smoothed by hand.
- The skin is pulled just above the strip and the paste is quickly separated from the skin surface with a quick movement. Movement is carried out by hair growth.
Skin Care After Hair Removal
The skin after depilation needs immediate care. For its implementation, several rules are taken into account:
- Immediately after the depilation, the integument must be treated with an antiseptic. For this purpose, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and other proven drugs are suitable. You can apply a calming lotion designed to care for depilated areas.
- Immediately after depilation, you should refuse to visit the bath, sauna for a day. If this prohibition has been violated, burns may form on the skin. Panthenol is suitable for their treatment.
- Depilated area should not be wet for 12 hours.
If there is no soothing lotion or pharmacy at hand, the area after depilation can be treated with infusion of the following plants:
- daisies;
- oak bark;
- sage;
- celandine.
Shugaring is incompatible with certain conditions of the body, and therefore has several contraindications.
These include:
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- allergy to the composition of cosmetics;
- heart disease
- herpes;
- dermatological problems (dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
- tumors;
- wounds, moles in the area of hair removal;
- menstruation;
- pregnancy.
Making home shugaring is not at all as difficult as it might seem from a habit. The main thing is to choose a good recipe and properly cook the mass to remove vegetation. For those who want to save time and effort, in-store products for hair removal are suitable. And do not worry about the lack of experience - after several sessions, the movements will become more coordinated, and the procedure itself will take less and less time.