Lizun is a very entertaining toy for children of any age. By consistency, it resembles jelly that does not melt from the warmth of the hands. But few people know how to make a slime of PVA glue on their own. You can buy a popular toy in any children's store, but the factory product often includes chemical components, which parents who are worried about the health of their child do not like.
Material Content:
PVA and soda glue slime
These two components are in every home. The recipe is also incredibly simple:
- Pour 100 ml of glue into a suitable container, pour 15 ml of water. Add a little dye, mix the composition with a wooden stick or old pencil.
- 0.5 tbsp. pour soda with hot water to make a thick porridge. If you overdo it with water, you need to mix more soda. Wait for the slurry to cool.
- Connect the soda solution to the glue mass.
- Stir until smooth. In order not to get dirty, you can collect the whole mass in a bag, tie it tightly and shake it until the lick becomes completely homogeneous.
After kneading, the toy is ready for use. If the mass is still liquid, then you need to add some more PVA and soda.
There is another option - a lizun made of air freshener and PVA glue. Glue is tinted in a favorite shade, and then sprayed on it with a freshener for 10 seconds. Next, you need to collect the mass with your fingers and knead well. At first, the slime will be sticky, but after careful "processing" it will become elastic and pleasant to the touch.
From shampoo and toothpaste
As the main ingredient, use shampoo or liquid soap:
- In a small bowl, squeeze a piece of toothpaste in an amount of 20 g.
- Add 20 ml of shampoo. Mix.
- Introduce flour in small portions (no more than 5 hours.l.). First, it is better to mix the mass with a spoon, then mix well with your hands.
In conclusion, the finished slime needs to be slightly moistened and slightly wrinkled by hands.
Another option for making a toy based on shampoo:
- In 0.5 tbsp. water add 200 g of starch and 100 ml of shampoo.
- To stir thoroughly.
- Refrigerate at night.
Store the substance in a cool place in a closed container. Shelf life is 4 weeks.
Toy made of boric acid and glue
There is also an option to make a lizun from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate, in a simple drill. This is the sodium salt of boric acid. You can buy this substance at any pharmacy.
Cooking process:
- In 200 ml of warm water add 0.5 tsp. borax solution. Stir to make the mass homogeneous.
- In 100 ml of warm water add 30 ml of glue and a little dye. Mix.
- Combine both masses and mix until smooth.
Store the prepared substance in a closed container away from sunlight and heating appliances. After playing with the “boron” lizun, you need to wash your hands and make sure that the child does not decide to take the toy in his mouth.
Other options
For very young children it is better to make this viscous toy from ordinary flour. Toddlers often like to lick their fingers and put their hands in their mouths, so shampoos based on shampoo, soda and other ingredients can be unsafe.
- Sift 2 tbsp. flour.
- Add 50 ml of cold and water and a little hot. Stir until smooth so that there are no lumps.
- Introduce any food coloring.
- Put in a cold place for 3-4 hours.
After the specified time, remove the mass from the refrigerator and carefully knead it with your hands. Now the toy can be given to the baby.
Another cheap way:
- Dissolve 100 g of starch in 200 ml of water. The consistency of the mass should resemble jelly.
- Add 100 ml of PVA glue.
- Dripping a little peroxide and gouache paint.
- Mix. Too thick a composition can be slightly diluted with plain water.
Using hydrogen peroxide makes the toy light and airy. Lizun is very convenient to store in a small jar with a lockable lid. In the open air, the mass dries quickly and loses its elasticity.
Which is better to use glue
The most convenient and safest way to use ordinary PVA glue. However, if for some reason it is not at hand, you can use glue-pencil. The rod must be carefully removed, transferred to a glass container and put in an oven or microwave so that it acquires a viscous consistency. After that, the mass is used according to the recipe.
To make the mixture softer and more elastic, it is recommended to use Titanium glue. However, during the manufacturing process, you need to monitor the consistency: a large amount of glue will make the toy too elastic.
One can experiment endlessly with the composition of the mass. If the first time it did not work out, do not be upset. To increase elasticity, you need to add 2-3 drops of vinegar to the slime, slippery - glycerin, airiness - hydrogen peroxide. To make the toy smell pleasant, it is advisable to add some essential oil with a pleasant aroma to the ingredients of the cooking process.
Do-it-yourself licking is very simple. This toy perfectly develops fine motor skills, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and perfectly relieves stress.