Needless to say, the popularity of handgam, better known among the Russian-speaking population as a "lizun"! Having become famous back in the distant 90s, together with the film "Ghostbusters", the toy still does not lose top positions.

Fans of experiments put forward enough ideas on how to make a lizun without sodium tetraborate and special financial costs, at home. Parents should take them into service, because the independent creation of a toy is an excellent opportunity to strictly control its composition, protecting your child from the influence of harmful chemical components.

Glue stick

It would seem, how else can this type of glue be used, except for office manipulations and the creation of children's applications? On its basis, you can make a cool slime. By consistency, it will be very similar to “smart plasticine”.


Ideally, the composition still needs to include the sodium salt of boric acid, it is it that will allow the toy to thicken and get the desired viscosity. However, many experts argue that sodium tetraborate can be successfully replaced with gel-like washing powder.


  • 4 things. glue stick (good quality, with a fresh production date);
  • 1-2 capsules of washing gel;
  • any dye or solution of brilliant green greens.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. To get a slime from glue-stick, from the last we take out the rods, put them in a glass dish and send to the microwave (or in a water bath) until a viscous mass is obtained.
  2. The melted glue is poured into a glass for a blender, there we also add the gel from the washing capsules. Beat for several minutes.
  3. We color the resulting substance in the desired color, leave it for 15-30 minutes to thicken.

In a similar way, slime is prepared on the basis of PVA glue.

How to make water and shampoo

A slime of these components is prepared elementarily, however, it takes a lot of time to solidify it - from 12 hours to a day. A toy made in this way is stored for up to 1 month (provided that it is refrigerated in a closed container).


  • 100 ml of any shampoo and ordinary water;
  • 200 g of starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We combine all the components in the vessel with the lid and mix thoroughly.
  2. We cover the container, send the toy to a cold place to freeze.

If you want to get a more viscous handgam, instead of starch we use glue "Titan".

Children's toy from plasticine

A plasticity slime that will not lose shape is prepared using plasticine, gelatin and water. The option is extremely simple, and the product is as safe as possible for children. In addition, there is no dye in the recipe that adds “dirt” to the cooking process, which many parents will undoubtedly appreciate.


  • 30 g of plasticine of any color;
  • 25 g of gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water for the lizun + to dilute gelatin.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We prepare gelatin, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Grind plasticine, fill with water, put on low heat, heat until it melts, forming a homogeneous mass.
  3. Gradually add a gelatin solution to the "semi-finished product", mix thoroughly, then remove from heat.
  4. Leave to cool completely.

The toy is ready!

Using starch

The most suitable way to prepare handgams with your child. Everything is simple, affordable, safe.

To make a lizun without glue and salt of boric acid, you need such components:

  • 50 ml of warm water;
  • food coloring (the exact amount depends on how rich the color you want to get - an average of 2.5 g);
  • 150 g of potato starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix the dry ingredients.
  2. Gradually pour water into them, while constantly stirring the mixture to a state of elastic slurry.

Please note that at the beginning the consistency of the lizun will be similar to jelly. Do not be frightened by this: after prolonged mixing, the liquid will become more viscous. The “life” of a starch handgam is short-lived - just two days. After this time, you will have to cook the toy again.

Make from soda

It’s hard to believe, but colored mucus, so beloved by children, is easily prepared on the basis of PVA glue with soda. Of course, such a lizun is not stored for long - a maximum of two weeks, and with intensive games even less - up to 2 days. But you do not need to warm anything or cook, which makes the recipe safe, allowing it to be used even by a child.


  • 1 tbsp. l soda;
  • 50 g of PVA;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • food coloring.

You will also need 2 containers and rubber gloves in order to "knead" the slime by hand.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. In one container, mix 50 ml of water with glue, in the second - the remaining portion of the liquid and a spoonful of soda.
  2. We combine both solutions, mix thoroughly until a uniform, viscous consistency of the toy is obtained.

There is a second cooking variation, in which the glue is replaced with a liquid dishwashing detergent. Experts say that This recipe slime is just a godsend to clean the computer keyboard of animal hair and other hard to reach contaminants.


  • 2 tbsp. l sodium carbonate;
  • any coloring matter;
  • Fairy or other dishwashing liquid;
  • water.

On a note! The exact dosages of liquid components to make a slime without glue are not given, simply add them in the same proportions until the toy gets the desired density.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix soda with dye. We add the latter to obtain the desired color tone.
  2. Pour in a little water mixed with liquid for dishes, intensively and thoroughly mix until a homogeneous, jelly-like consistency.

It is permissible to store a slice made according to this recipe without a refrigerator, but it is necessary in a hermetically sealed container, otherwise it will lose its elastic properties.

Glass lizun without sodium tetraborate

Many users jokingly call this method “girly,” since a cosmetic product is included in the list of components. Be that as it may, by simple manipulations you get super-soft “glass” lizun at home.

We will need:

  • face mask-film + water in equal proportions;
  • any kind of dye - natural, food, green, etc.
  • air freshener.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the mask into the prepared container, fill it with water.
  2. Add dye, mix until color uniformity.
  3. Without stopping to interfere, spray air freshener onto the resulting mass (approximately 5-10 seconds). Right before your eyes, the mixture will turn into a cool, fragrant chewing gum for hands.

To make the toy as similar to glass as possible, i.e. transparent, simply remove the dye from the components.

If there is a person using contact lenses among your household, you can use a different recipe and prepare a glass lizun at home in two ways.

We will need:

  • 100 ml stationery transparent glue;
  • 90-100 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp lens fluids;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Pour glue into a bowl, dilute it with water. The last in no case should be more than glue. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda, mix again.
  3. Pour in the liquid for the lenses, which will be the final thickener of the toy.
  4. We place the mixed mass in a container with a lid, leave for a couple of days, so that it becomes as transparent as possible, similar to glass.

From soap and toothpaste

It turns out that personal care products can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as available raw materials available in every home, suitable for making toys popular around the world.


  • 40 ml of liquid soap and gel-like toothpaste;
  • 10 tbsp. l flour;
  • ∼1 tsp water.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the toothpaste into the metal dishes, pour the soap, mix until smooth. (At this stage, you can add paint or dye to get a colored handgam).
  2. Gradually introduce flour into the liquid little by little, first stirring with a spoon, then kneading by hand.
  3. Wet the workpiece lightly with water and knead thoroughly again. Plasticine lizun - a worthy replacement for the purchased option - ready!

To prepare a sticky toy, you can use only toothpaste, excluding soap and flour from the recipe. Get a lizun a la "fresh breath."

We will need:

  • tube of toothpaste;
  • 1-2 drops of baby cosmetic oil.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the paste into a metal container and send it to a water bath for 15 minutes (the time may vary, depending on the type of hygiene product). Constantly stirring, evaporate it to a thick, even slightly dry state.
  2. Cool the resulting mass.
  3. Lubricate the hands with oil and knead the frozen paste for 2-4 minutes to obtain the desired consistency. If the toy comes out excessively hard, drip another oil. If you overdid it and poured too much oil, and the slime from this became very sticky, we correct the situation with flour or starch.

Storage Tips

How to make lizun without sodium tetraborate? In dozens of ways, using the most unexpected ingredients - nail polish, hydrogen peroxide, shaving foam, sugar, silicate glue and even paper!

You can also decorate it in a variety of ways - adding sparkles, beads, foam balls or fluorescent paint to the composition, from which the product will glow beautifully in the dark.But along with the manufacturing features, the issue of proper storage of the resulting toy is important.

The collected recommendations will help you enjoy homemade handgam as long as possible:

  1. A jelly-like "pet" should be placed in a "house" - a hermetically sealed jar, which is best stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Protect the product from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  3. If the slime is contaminated during the game, it is imperative to “bathe” it in cold water (alcohol can also be used to cleanse).

Please note that it is very difficult to find the right humidity for storing the toy. With dry air, the slime loses its stiffness, begins to stick, and with an excess of moisture, on the contrary, it loses its density and spreads. In the first case, a little water is added to the container at night, and in the second, a pinch of salt is poured into the bottom of the jar, shaken and covered with a lid.

Summing up, we advise you not to be afraid to experiment with the composition of the mixture for lizun. For example, so that it stretches better, a few drops of vinegar will help, hydrogen peroxide will add a handgam of airiness, relieve it of stickiness, and glycerin, on the contrary, will make it slippery. Good luck in creating a safe toy that will add vivid emotions to your child's life!