Sometimes you want a pleasant refreshing drink that not only quenches your thirst, but also leaves a pleasant aftertaste. Then the question comes to mind: how to make kvass from natural products. Any of the recipes presented will allow you to find a suitable option that matches personal preferences and desires.
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How to make sourdough for kvass with your own hands
Kvass has long been considered a unique Slavic drink. At the same time, every nation tried to invest its original ingredients in the cooking recipe, which allowed to identify the origin of this delicious drink. The tricks of getting it have been kept secret for a long time, but today all the secrets are revealed, and any housewife can create her own version of home-made fragrant dish.
There are points that must be taken into account to get a really great kvass. The water should be clean, preferably filtered. It needs to be boiled, certainly cooled, then used for souring. This is the most important factor affecting the final result.
No less fundamental is the choice of dishes for making such a drink. In no case do you need to use an aluminum container. It reacts chemically with the liquid and gives an unpleasant aftertaste. The best will be suitable enameled or glassware.
Tasty yeast bread kvass
Not everyone pays attention to the expiration date of the goods they buy. And in vain! For example, To create a refreshing drink, it is extremely important not only to use the corresponding production date, but also the freshest yeast.
To make kvass at home, you do not need many expensive products, it is enough to have the following ingredients:
- rye bread - 1 kg;
- yeast (fresh) - 25 g;
- prunes (can be replaced with raisins) - 50 g;
- granulated sugar - 250 g;
- purified water - 9 l.
Cooking method:
- Cut the bread into small slices, spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry at a temperature of 180 ºC.
- When the pieces have become quite rosy, transfer to a container for cooking, pour boiling water and leave in this condition.
- After three hours, filter the liquid, add yeast and sugar to it. Now you have to wait at least 5-6 hours.
- At this time, the fermentation process will begin and it is important to constantly monitor the formation of foam. When it appeared, pour the drink into clean plastic bottles, add 2-3 raisins to each, place the drink in the refrigerator overnight.
In the morning, you can already taste the delicious bread kvass.
Cooking From Wort
Such a special composition is most often used in cooking for making beer, but the kvass on it also turns out to be excellent. It has a particularly unique taste that cannot be confused with anything.
To make a classic drink, you will need these products:
- concentrated kvass wort - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- live yeast - 6 g;
- granulated sugar - ½ faceted glass;
- purified water - 3 l.
Cooking method:
- Due to the small volume of products, it will be convenient to prepare a drink in a 3-liter jar. We put wort and sugar in it, pour ½ liter of boiling water and the rest of the water at room temperature, stir.
- After dissolving the sugar in the wort, throw the yeast into the jar. Now the fermentation process begins.
- Depending on the temperature, it will take different times for the composition to reach the optimal taste. After 2-3 days, you can taste the taste. It is necessary to insist no more than 4 days.
- Pour the finished drink into bottles and store in the refrigerator.
Rye flour drink
And this is the same grandmother’s recipe that will help to remember childhood. Homemade kvass is tastier and healthier than the store kvass. Perhaps that is why our family gave him preference.
Previously used the following ingredients:
- rye flour - 700 g;
- granulated sugar - 40 g;
- a handful of raisins;
- purified water - 10.5 liters.
Cooking method:
- This recipe involves getting a starter culture, for which we combine half the composition of rye flour, half a liter of water, ½ amount of sugar and raisins.
- Mix all the ingredients well, leave them to roam for 2-3 days.
- When the liquid becomes cloudy, put the rest of the ingredients in a separate container with warm water, pour the mixture into a sourdough. We continue to insist 2 more days.
- We pour kvass into bottles, keep it for an hour or two with open at room temperature so that carbon dioxide comes out. Then we cork, cool and everything is done!
Homemade kvass with mint and currant leaves
Kvass with the addition of currant and mint leaves will give bright summer notes. Therefore, lovers of berries should carefully study the recipe and be sure to try to execute it. So that the drink does not disappoint, it is better to use it in the first 2-3 days after preparation.
We will need:
- rye crackers - 400 g;
- mint (twigs) - 7 pcs.;
- black currant (leaves) - 7 pcs.;
- granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
- dry yeast - ½ tsp;
- raisins - 10 pcs.;
- purified water - 4 l.
Cooking method:
- Rusks can be bought ready-made or made from rye bread. To do this, cut it into small slices and place in the oven at a temperature of 180 ºC.
- In the evening, pour crackers with boiling water and leave overnight.
- In the morning, dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water, add them to the workpiece prepared the day before, add sugar, mint and currants. Until the evening, such a mixture should stand in a warm place in a container covered with a cloth.
- Next, filter kvass through cheesecloth, pour into clean plastic bottles, add very little raisins there and place in the refrigerator for 3 days.
From black bread without yeast
It is in this recipe that pre-starter is not used, but, nevertheless, each component plays a role in the preparation. To get a dark brownish tint of the drink, fry the bread longer, for a light shade - just a little bit.
Full list of required products:
- black rye bread - 300-350 g (half a loaf);
- granulated sugar - 150 g;
- raisins (unwashed) - 25 g;
- purified water - 2 l.
Cooking method:
- We divide the baton into small squares up to 4 cm in size. We put them on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven (160 ºC). It’s not worth frying for more than 5-6 minutes, otherwise kvass may give out bitterness.
- Bread rolls are transferred to a pan with a volume of at least 3 liters, pour everything with boiling water.
- Add the same amount of sugar, raisins, cover the container with gauze, leave it warm.
- We periodically monitor the appearance of signs of fermentation: sizzling bubbles, foam, sour smell. They form in about 12-24 hours. 2-3 days remain until full ripening.
- We filter the composition through a couple of layers of gauze. The resulting thickener is a ready-made leaven for the next process.
- We sweeten the drink with the remaining sugar, bottle it and store it in the refrigerator.
From birch sap
The birthplace of kvass from birch sap is considered to be Belarus. Its taste is soft and delicate, almost everyone will like it. But the disadvantage of this option is that natural fresh birch sap can be found only at the beginning of spring. At other times of the year, you have to replace it with canned home or store billets.
All the required components can be found in any supermarket:
- birch sap - 3 l;
- any dried fruits - 700 g;
- raisins - 200 g.
Cooking method:
- Filter natural juice through 3 layers of gauze. Leave it for two days in a dark place.
- After the appointed time, add dried fruits and raisins. Sugar in this recipe, in principle, is not needed, since the attached products are quite sweet. However, you can add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
- Cover the future kvass with a clean cloth, leave for ripening. If sugar was added, then we expect 4 days, if not, a week. The difference is that with sweet crystals, kvass will ferment much faster.
- Pour the finished drink into clean glass bottles. In a cold place they are stored for up to two months.
How to make kvass from oats
As it turns out, from this product you can not only cook delicious cereal for breakfast, but also fragrant and healthy kvass. You will need a very modest list of ingredients.
To prepare oat kvass you will need:
- oats - 500 g;
- granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
- purified water - 3 l.
Cooking method:
- Pour oats and half sugar into the dishes, pour water.
- Cover the neck of the container with gauze, leave for two days at room temperature.
- We closely monitor the process. When the foam has appeared, drain the liquid, dilute the thick with a new portion of drinking water.
- Add the remaining white sugar to the billet, set the product to ferment for 10-15 hours, after which we distribute the drink in containers in the usual manner.
Option of chicory
This method of obtaining kvass will be loved by the whole family. From chicory, you can not only make an unrealistically delicious, but also a healthy drink. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract, relieves dysbiosis.
For 5 liters of drinking fluid you will need:
- instant chicory - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
- one lemon;
- yeast - 50 g;
- granulated sugar - 300 g.
Cooking method:
- We boil water, cool to a warm (non-hot) state, pour into a container of 6 liters.
- We wash the lemon and grind it together with the peel. This can be done using a blender, meat grinder or knife.
- The resulting slurry is placed in gauze, tied, lowered into water.
- We spread yeast, sugar and chicory there.Stir everything well, gently squeeze the bag of pulp.
- After 10 minutes, remove the gauze with lemon.
- Billet bottled, slightly not reaching the top. Free space is necessary for the gases formed during the fermentation process.
- In the summer, we leave containers in the sun, in the winter - near the battery.
- After 2-3 hours, transfer the bottles to the refrigerator. Once the drink is cool, it is ready to drink.
Beetroot Kvass Recipe
And finally - beet kvass. This drink is characterized by a rich burgundy color, an interesting vegetable taste, which significantly distinguishes the product from other options.
You can prepare it from the following components:
- beets - 1 kg;
- Loaf of bread;
- granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- purified water - 2 l.
Cooking method:
- Bread can be taken to any taste, but without fillers: whole grains, dried fruits, and more. We cut the product into squares, briefly send it to brown in the oven at 170 ºC.
- My beets, peeled, cut the tail and chopped into slices.
- We place the bread, slices of root vegetables and sugar in a separate container. Pour the composition with boiling water, cover with gauze and leave for 7 days.
- After a week, we check whether fermentation has begun. If not, then throw a couple of raisins into kvass. After three days, you can start tasting.
As experience shows, a tasty high-quality kvass is pleasant not only in the summer. At any time of the year, such a drink will quench your thirst and give true pleasure.