Polysorb is a safe, highly effective pharmacological agent that belongs to the group of multifunctional inorganic sorbents, among which it is one of the leading drugs that absorb the maximum amount of toxic substances per unit mass. The instruction informs on how to take Polysorb for the relief of various types of intoxications in gastroenterological and dermatological diseases, renal-hepatic disorders, gynecological pathologies, purulent processes.
Material Content:
Composition and form of release
The adsorbent is made in the form of a fine, odorless, white and very light powder. When mixed with water forms a colloidal drug suspension-suspension.
The therapeutic basis of the medication is silicon dioxide. You can buy a medication in bags containing 3 grams of the therapeutic component, in plastic jars of 50, 12, 25 grams. Packages in the amount of 10 pieces are placed in a paper bundle. Any form of pharmaceuticals must be accompanied by a medical instruction.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
Enterosorbent has a cleansing, anti-allergic, antimicrobial effect and eliminates the effects of toxic substances (detoxification effect).
The drug captures and absorbs in the gastrointestinal tract substances that destroy the body of various origins, penetrating from the outside, seeping into the intestines from lymph and blood, excreted in the digestive juices.
Silicon dioxide binds and holds molecules of different sizes and masses, removing together with feces:
- poisons formed during putrefactive processes in the digestive organs;
- poisonous biochemical compounds that get inside with food, water, air;
- cells of harmful bacteria and the poisons secreted by them;
allergens - an excess of active drug substances, including those that accumulate in the blood and tissues;
- toxic intermediate compounds formed during metabolic processes (excess bilirubin, indole, cholesterol, skatol, urea);
- substances recognized by the immune system as genetically alien;
- radioactive isotopes, ethanol, compounds of heavy metals.
Polysorb shows a pronounced absorption effect of toxic substances and a high sorption capacity, which is an indicator of the activity of the adsorbent. Polysorb has the second most important indicator, equal to 300 mg / g. For comparison, the highest indicator of 600 mg / g shows Atoxil, 100 mg / g - Enterosgel, Smecta, 18 mg / g - Polyphepan.
Additional benefits:
- stabilizes mast cell membranes, preventing and inhibiting the development of an allergic-inflammatory reaction;
- prevents necrosis of soft tissues in purulent processes, promotes rejection of dead cells, removes poisons from tissue decay in the lesion, has a healing effect;
- neutralizes the harmful effects of oxidants;
- preserves the array of microorganisms of the normal intestinal flora;
- affects immunological parameters, restoring the functions of protective forces;
- does not violate parietal intestinal digestion;
- does not damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, does not irritate the large intestine;
- does not enter into a chemical reaction with toxic substances;
- does not cause dehydration (dehydration);
- does not lead to changes in blood counts;
- does not contain sugar, preserving and coloring elements, biochemical additives, does not change the acid-base environment.
Polysorb is not processed by enzymes, is not absorbed into the blood and is quickly removed from the body during bowel movements.
What is the drug prescribed for?
The advantage of the pharmaceutical product is the ability to use it in the treatment of infants, nursing mothers, pregnant patients.
Polysorb adsorbent (either as a single drug, or as one of a group of medicines) is required to treat such pathological conditions as:
- acute and chronic intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, colitis, enterocolitis);
- acute poisoning by food (including mushrooms), poisons (arsenic), potent pharmaceuticals (opiates, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, barbiturates);
- influenza, SARS (to remove viral bacterial toxins);
- intoxication with chemical phosphorus and organochlorine compounds - pesticides, karbofos, hexochloran;
- allergic reactions to pollen, food, insect bites;
- poisoning with drugs, alcohol - a proven medicine relieves withdrawal symptoms;
- asthmatic status;
- frequent loose stools of a non-infectious nature;
- poisoning the body with toxins with deep burns, purulent processes (phlegmon, mastitis abscess), blood poisoning;
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- chronic hepatitis (including bacterial, toxic and viral), hepatocholecystitis, cirrhosis, excess bilirubin in the blood;
- uremia (poisoning by decay products that are retained in the blood), an increased content of nitrogenous substances in the blood during renal pathologies and poisoning;
In addition, Polysorb is actively used in diseases such as:
- eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis;
- purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, soft tissues (externally);
- bacterial lesions in gynecology - colpitis, cervicitis, vaginosis, candidiasis;
- disorders of fat metabolism (atherosclerosis, obesity, abnormally high concentration of lipids and lipoproteins).
Pharmaceuticals should preferably be taken periodically in standard dosages for those who work in hazardous industries and live in ecologically unfavorable areas.
Instructions for use Polysorb for adults and children
Reception specifics:
- In a full teaspoon of sorbent, approximately 1 g of the substance is in a full tablespoon - 3 g.
- To take the medication, you need to prepare an aqueous suspension, for which the required amount of adsorbent is poured ¼-½ cup boiled water.
- As a rule, an aqueous solution is drunk 45-60 minutes before or after a meal (about an hour later), but if you are allergic to any food, just before a meal or with food.
- It is allowed to mix the sorbent with breast milk, milk mixture, compote, filtered juice, mineral water, tea.
- Against the background of Polysorb therapy, a plentiful drink is recommended, which strengthens and accelerates the process of removing poisons.
The duration of therapy is determined by the diagnosis and the degree of pathological manifestations.
Average dosages
The standard daily dosage of a medication for patients from 16 years of age is calculated taking into account the norm of 100-200 mg per 1 kg of weight, which is approximately 6-12 grams of silicon dioxide. The maximum norm is 330 mg per 1 kg. The calculated amount is divided into 3-4 doses per day.
The maximum amount of silicon dioxide that a patient can receive in 24 hours is 20 grams, in very severe cases 24 grams.
The daily amount of medicine for infants is also calculated according to the weight of the child. In mild cases of the disease, the daily norm per kilogram of weight is 100 mg, with serious lesions - 150-200 mg. The calculated amount of powder is taken 3-4 times.
Example: a child weighing 30 kg can receive 3 grams per day (100 mg x 30) Polysorb (about 3 tablespoons), if the condition is serious, increase the dose of 6 teaspoons.
Average children's dosages
Child's weight, kg | Estimated dose per day in grams |
to 10 | 0,5 – 1,5 |
11 – 15 | 1 – 2 |
15 – 20 | 1,5 – 2,5 |
21 – 30 | 2,5 – 3,5 |
30 – 40 | 3,5 – 5 |
40 – 50 | 5 – 8 |
50 – 60 | 6 – 12 |
Treatment features
Different diseases have their own characteristics of administration:
- Polysorb with poisoning by food, drugs, poisons, intestinal infections begin to drink immediately. In the first 5-6 hours, the drug mixture is drunk every hour at the rate of the highest daily dose at a rate of 200-330 mg per kg of body weight. For example, a patient weighing 70 kilograms per day needs to drink from 14 to 23 grams (70 * 200 or 70 * 330), which is determined by the severity of the manifestations. First, an hourly suspension of 1-3 teaspoons of the sorbent is drunk. Then the remaining amount is divided into 3-4 times. In the following days, the daily dose is reduced to the norm of 100-150 mg / kg (as it is) with a frequency of administration of 4 times. If the condition is serious, in the first 24 hours an additional 4-6 hours later, the stomach is washed with an aqueous mixture at the rate of 2-4 tablespoons per liter of boiled water using a probe, while giving the drug inside. Treatment usually lasts up to 5 days with a continuation, if required, for a few more days.
- In severe forms of diarrhea, they drink 3-4 g of powder up to 4 times a day on day 1, gradually reducing the dose. As part of the combination therapy of hepatic inflammation, the suspension is taken in an average daily dose in the first 7-12 days of illness.
- Acute allergic conditions, including Quincke's edema, require 3-4 single doses of 2-3 teaspoons of the pharmaceutical product before the onset of the therapeutic effect. At the same time, the intestines are washed, immediately making an enema from the solution - 10 grams of powder per liter of boiled warm water so that the sorbent binds and removes as many allergens as possible.
- Polysorb for allergies in a chronic form (atopic dermatitis, hives, food reactions, pollinosis, asthmatic status, elevated levels of eosinophils in the blood), drink in standard doses up to 7-14 days with repeated treatment after 2 weeks.
- In case of kidney failure, poisoning against the background of uremia, Polysorb is prescribed for 20-30 days in standard average doses. After a 2-3-week break, the use of the drug is repeated.
- To remove a severe hangover 3-5 days, the medicine is drunk 4-5 tablespoons per day. In the first 12-18 hours, the daily amount of sorbent is divided so as to drink the suspension every hour.
- For acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatoses, the medicine is taken three times in 1-2 teaspoons for 14–20 days. Patients with high cholesterol are recommended to drink 2 g 3 times a day for 2 months.
How to correctly take Polysorb to cleanse the body? In order to neutralize allergens, remove bacterial poisons, protein breakdown products, toxic substances and completely detoxify completely, you need a 2-week course of a 3-time intake of a tablespoon of enterosorbent mixed with the right amount of clean water.
Topical application
External enterosorbing agent is used in the combined treatment of ulcers, small purulent wounds, burns to prevent necrosis. The average period of purification of foci from pus, microbial masses and dead tissue occurs 2-3 days earlier.
To improve the condition of trophic ulcers after the initial treatment of the lesion with a solution of chlorhexidine and drying, the ulcer is densely sprinkled with Polysorb powder, applying a sterile breathing dressing. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
Purulent wounds are sprinkled with powder and a dressing slightly moistened with sterile water is applied on top, changing it after 3-4 hours.
For washing purulent foci, use a 1-3% Polysorb medicinal solution, which is obtained by diluting 3-4 (for 1%) or 9-10 (for 3%) tablespoons of powder in a liter of sterile water. Washing of the affected areas is carried out 5-6 times a day.
To get rid of purulent acne, blackheads, the sorbent is diluted with sour cream, applied to painful areas for 10 minutes, without affecting the area around the eyes. After rinsing, the skin is well treated with cream, taking into account the type of skin. Processing is carried out 1-2 times per week, with dry irritated skin - once every 14-20 days.
During pregnancy and lactation
Enterosorbing agent is successfully used in usual dosages while waiting for childbirth, during breastfeeding, since silicon dioxide is not dangerous for the fetus, baby and does not affect the course of pregnancy.
Drug interaction
Polysobr slightly reduces the therapeutic effect of parallel pharmaceuticals. Therefore, it is desirable that the interval between intake of the adsorbent and medicines is 2 hours.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Medication is not allowed to use:
- with bleeding and exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
- if obstruction or a stop of intestinal motility is diagnosed;
- externally - with clean, healing wounds;
- with a special reaction to silicon dioxide.
Among the undesirable manifestations are possible:
- constipation, burning in the epigastric region;
- with long-term (more than 2-week) treatment, a deficiency of vitamins and calcium, therefore it is advisable to take vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, calcium supplements and interrupt the course after 12-15 days of administration;
- when applied locally to ulcers and wounds with a thick layer - the formation of a crust that impedes air access to the lesion, therefore, dressings should be changed more often.
There is no information about an overdose of the drug.
Analogs of the drug Polysorb
There are no synonyms of Polysorb, that is, medicinal sorbents with the same active ingredient.
Analogs - Enterosgel, Microcel, Lactofiltrum, Filtrum-sti, Enterodes, activated black or white coal, Smecta, Polyphepan, neosmectin, Diosmectite. The doctor will help you choose the most effective remedy.