Mukaltin is used for therapeutic treatment of various pathological diseases that are directly related to the respiratory system. This drug contains mainly plant compounds. However, despite its complete safety, you should know how to take Mukaltin for adults and in what dosages.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
The main compounds of the presented expectorant are obtained by processing a medicinal plant - marshmallow. Its flowers and root are capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory, antitussive and enveloping effect. One tablet contains 0.05 g of marshmallow extract. And also in the medicinal product there are a number of other compounds: sodium bicarbonate (has a secretolytic effect) and tartaric acid (has an antitussive effect).
What helps the drug
This medicinal medication belongs to the group of secretolics. A characteristic feature of Mukaltin in tablets is that the drug can be used both with dry and wet cough with a discharge of viscous sputum. The drug is used for chronic ailments and during periods of exacerbation of the following diseases:
- Laryngitis.
- Tracheitis.
- Tracheobronchitis.
- Emphysema.
- Tuberculosis.
- Pneumonia.
- Bronchitis.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Pneumonia.
It is important to note that Mukaltin is not able to eliminate the cause that triggered the occurrence of cough. The medication provides symptomatic treatment, facilitating the manifestations of the disease and contributing to a speedy recovery. The presented drug is advisable to use in cases where it is necessary to use the motility of the bronchioles and the activity of the ciliated epithelium. And also Mukaltin helps to thin the bronchial secretion, reduce the viscosity of sputum, and speedy excretion from the bronchi. In addition, herbal components affect the restoration of affected tissues and protect nerve endings from irritation.
Thanks to the mild and effective removal of sputum from the bronchi, Mukaltin prevents the development of secondary infectious diseases in the lower parts of the respiratory system. The tool has the ability to envelop the mucous walls and form a protective film on their surface. A similar effect prevents the negative effects of certain drugs and stops the inflammatory process.
How to take Mucaltin for adults
The instructions for use establish the exact dosage, as well as the duration of the upcoming treatment. However, in some cases, a therapeutic course may be prescribed individually according to the patient's history. In this regard, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will determine the necessary treatment regimen and explain how to take Mukaltin correctly.
Instructions and dosage
An expectorant drug is in demand for the treatment of adolescents over 12 years old and adult patients. The standard dosage is 50 mg or 100 mg (one or two tablets) up to four times per day. The medicine is used before meals, they should be absorbed until completely dissolved. And also, if desired, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a glass of water and take the drug during the day. Dosage adjustment is not required for pregnant women and the elderly. The duration of therapeutic treatment is from one to two weeks. The drug is recommended to be used as an additional, but not the main means.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
According to the instructions for use, Mukaltin is allowed to be used during pregnancy. However, the only limitation is the use of marshmallow extract in the first trimester, so the patient needs to consult a specialist. The treatment regimen in this case remains unchanged. During lactation, medication is also allowed if it does not provoke the development of an allergic reaction.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Given the plant-based components of this drug, Mukaltin for coughing practically does not contain contraindications. However, the medication is not recommended for use by patients prone to allergic reactions. And also a therapeutic agent can not be used with the following ailments:
- gastritis, gastric ulcer;
- inadequate response of the immune system to component composition;
- patient age up to two years;
- treatment with Codeine;
- diabetes mellitus.
Quite rarely, as a result of taking Mukaltin, patients complain of an allergic reaction, which is manifested by skin itching, urticaria, swelling of the skin and redness. The most common side symptoms are: migraines, fever, bouts of nausea and vomiting, heartburn.
Long-term use often provokes both the symptoms and headaches, dizziness. At the same time, problems with the functionality of the kidneys and pancreas, thrombocytosis, and myocardial dystrophy are not ruled out. Exceeding the allowable dosage in most cases causes severe intoxication of the body. The victim will need medical attention, hospitalization, gastric lavage and activated charcoal.
Analogues of a phytopreparation
Althea medicinal plant extract is used to produce not only Mukaltin, but also a number of other therapeutic agents. The predominant number of similar drugs are available in the form of syrups or potions. Given the presence of the same component in the composition, synonymous drugs have identical pharmacological effects. Such funds include: Alteyka, Atemiks, Alte, Rubital Forte, Gedelix, Prospan, Pectusin, Pertussin. To replace the prescribed drug, you should consult your doctor.