Enterosgel belongs to the group of sorbing agents. It is used in the treatment of various kinds of intoxications and other conditions that develop due to the presence of harmful substances and pathogenic bacteria in the body, and sometimes for weight loss. For treatment to be effective, you need to know how to take Enterosgel correctly.

The composition of the drug

The active component of the drug is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. Another name for the substance is methylsilicic acid hydrogel. Also, sweeteners and purified water are added to the composition.

A drug is produced in the form of a gel to create a suspension, packed in bags of polyethylene, or as a paste contained in a soft tube of 225 g.

The medication is suitable for use for 3 years. It must be stored at a temperature of 4 to 30 ° C in a room with medium humidity away from the sun.

If the package is placed in the refrigerator, it should be on the door or middle shelf. Do not keep the medicine in the freezer.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The molecules of the active substance have the form of a kind of “sponges” that have the ability to attract toxic compounds of different nature.

These include:

  • food and chemical allergens;
  • synthetic components of medications;
  • plant and chemical poisons;
  • heavy metal salts;
  • bacteria and their metabolic products;
  • alcohol-containing substances.

Due to the ability to neutralize ethanol, Enterosgel is often used for hangovers and alcohol intoxications. And also it is effective in allergies and is able to remove from the body an excess of various substances that have a negative effect on human health.

It acts against such compounds:

  • bilirubins;
  • urea
  • "Bad" cholesterol;
  • lipids;
  • metabolites.

On a note. The drug does not affect the digestibility of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Due to the fact that the molecules of natural substances are larger than chemicals, Enterosgel is not able to remove them.

After administration, the drug is not absorbed into the blood through the walls of the digestive tract, but, moving along the digestive tract, attracts harmful substances. However, it in no way has a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora and even contributes to its recovery. After 12 hours, the drug is excreted unchanged from the body, mainly during bowel movements.

What is the medicine prescribed for?

Enterosgel is recommended for adults and children for disorders caused by high levels of toxins in the body.

These conditions include:

  • purulent-septic pathologies;
  • intoxication in acute and chronic forms;
  • poisoning with drugs, plant and chemical poisons, alcohol;
  • intestinal infections accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • renal dysfunction on the background of an increased amount of nitrogen in the blood;
  • bilirubin imbalance caused by impaired liver and gall bladder function.

Also, the drug is recommended in order to cleanse the body of workers in hazardous industries.

In addition, Enterosgel is used for weight loss, despite the fact that it can not be attributed to fat burners. The fact is that a certain percentage of extra kilograms is formed as a result of insufficient activity of the excretory system, as a result of which fecal stones and other “deposits” accumulate in the intestine.

The drug helps to eliminate them, due to which weight is reduced. But you can take it for these purposes no more than 10-14 days, after which a two-week break interval is required.

Enterosgel instructions for use for adults and children

Enterosgel for children and adults should be drunk with plenty of water. In this case, the interval between taking the drug and food should be at least one and a half to two hours.

Before giving the child Enterosgel, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage.

This is done depending on the age of the patient:

  • infants and babies under the age of 2.5 g up to 6 times a day;
  • from 1 to 5 years - 7.5 g 3 times a day;
  • from 5 to 14 years - 15 g 3 times a day.

Attention! The maximum daily volume in the first case should be no more than 12 g, in the second - up to 22.5 g, and in the latter - up to 45 g.

An adult dosage is from 15 to 22.5 g, and you can take the medicine up to three times a day. At the same time, the maximum amount of consumption per day should not exceed a mass of 45 to 65 g.

The duration of the course depends on the nature of the violation. Enterosgel in case of poisoning in acute or chronic form drink from 2 to 3 weeks. The treatment of allergic conditions lasts the same. When intoxication is severe, the duration of therapy is determined individually. In the first three days, the daily volume of the drug may be higher than indicated in the instructions.

If the drug is drunk as a preventive measure, wanting to prevent chronic intoxication, this can be done for 7-10 days, after which a break is needed.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since the components of Enterosgel are not absorbed into the blood, they cannot penetrate the fetus through the placenta or excreted in breast milk. Therefore, the drug is not forbidden to drink during pregnancy and lactation.

During the bearing of the child, this medication will help to overcome toxicosis, especially in the early stages. In addition, it eliminates flatulence that occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Also the impetus for this phenomenon is the squeezing of the digestive organs by the growing embryo.

When breastfeeding, in addition to the main indications, you can drink Enterosgel for preventive purposes. It will help to mitigate the negative impact on the baby, if mom allowed some liberties in the diet.

Drug interaction

Enterosgel has pronounced sorbing properties and is active against any substances of synthetic origin. Therefore, it should not be taken in conjunction with chemical drugs. Their components will be removed before they have time to penetrate the blood and assimilate.

The same can be said about the interaction of Enterosgel with therapeutic agents, which contain alcohol. Therefore, if you have to drink any medicine at the same time as the sorbent, you need to take a break between them at about one and a half to two hours.

The drug has no effect on natural herbal preparations. If the patient drinks homeopathic formulations, herbal preparations, etc., Enterosgel will not interfere with their absorption by the cells.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The main conditions for the use of the sorbent, in addition to the individual intolerance of its components, include the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • bleeding caused by disorders in the digestive tract;
  • intestinal atony.

And also Enterosgel can not be prescribed during acute intestinal obstruction, but when this problem is resolved, the medicine is allowed for use.

The following disorders are distinguished as side effects from the use of the drug:

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • persistent aversion to the drug.

As a result of exceeding the dosage, undesirable manifestations are amplified. And although it is almost impossible to get poisoned with Enterosgel, since it does not penetrate the blood, do not exceed the recommended amount of the drug. And if this happened, it will be necessary to give the victim a large amount of water, and if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Enterosgel Analogs

There is only one complete analogue of Enterosgel. This drug is called polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. The active substance in drugs is the same.

But there are analogues by the mechanism of influence.

These include the following medicines:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Polysorb.

Smecta and Polysorb are available in the form of powders for the preparation of a suspension, Lactofiltrum is presented in capsules, and activated carbon is sold in tablet form. Any of these medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, just like Enterosgel.

The choice of a sorbent for the treatment of certain conditions is best entrusted to a specialist. The doctor will not only select the most suitable option, but also develop an admission scheme in accordance with the specific case. In addition, after a course of taking Enterosgel or its analogues, you will need to drink vitamin-mineral complexes (probiotics and immunomodulators), which will help support the body. Rehabilitation therapy is also carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.