Many people face the problem of capillary fragility. Epistaxis, varicose veins on the legs, vascular mesh on the skin - the manifestations of this pathology are different, and the consequences without treatment can be extremely serious. There is an available medication for prevention and therapy that can get rid of pathology and possible complications. The article contains information about what the complex consists of, how it works, how to take Ascorutin to different age categories.

The composition of the vitamin preparation

The value of the complex is justified by the unique combination of valuable complementary components that reinforce each other. The yellowish pills consist of ascorbic acid and rutoside - one tablet has 50 mg of each of these vitamins needed by the body.

Additional components provide the drug with the necessary shape for ease of use.

These are the following:

  • starch;
  • sugar;
  • talc;
  • calcium stearate.

Manufacturers produce a tablet form of the drug in blisters of 10 pieces. The package contains 50 pills.

The mechanism of action for strengthening the walls of blood vessels

Each of the components has its own effect, and together they complement each other and enhance the therapeutic effect. The main goal of the vitamin complex is to make thin capillaries less brittle and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Ascorbic acid Vitamin C - has antioxidant characteristics that are used to produce collagen and strengthen tissues, increase the elasticity of vascular walls. In addition, this vitamin prevents the oxidation of cells and improves myocardial function, which directly affects the pressure in the blood vessels.

Rutin - Vitamin P:

  • a powerful angioprotector that reduces inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, removes swelling of tissues;
  • prevents the appearance of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • stimulates the movement of blood in the capillaries;
  • reduces arterial permeability;
  • transports vitamin C to all body tissues.

The complex effect of the drug provides reliable protection of the blood arteries, makes their walls more elastic and strong. Ascorutin strengthens capillaries, prevents thrombosis and normalizes blood pressure.

Indications for the appointment of the drug are:

  • deficiency of vitamins contained in the medication;
  • rosacea - a vascular network of bursting capillaries (often manifests on the face);
  • varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent heavy bleeding (nasal, menstrual);
  • septic endocarditis;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • damage to the retina;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis.

The absorption of the vitamin complex is fast. From the stomach, the drug enters the bloodstream and through it to all organs. After 2 hours, the maximum concentration of the components of the drug is observed in the blood.

Ascorutin is excreted in 10-24 hours unchanged (about 10%) by feces and then, it is mainly metabolized.

Instructions for use of tablets for adults and children

It is necessary to take the drug after eating so that the acid does not corrode the mucous membrane of an empty stomach. The tablets should be swallowed with a liquid. Chewing pills is not worth it, as the destruction of tooth enamel is possible.

Ascorutin for adults is usually prescribed in this dosage:

  • in complex therapy - 2 tablets three times a day;
  • for prevention - 1-2 pills 2 times a day.

The exact calculation and duration of the course is determined by the doctor, depending on the diagnosis and clinical picture. More often, therapy does not last longer than a month, a second course after a break of 3-4 weeks is possible.

Ascorutin children are prescribed only after reaching 3 years.

The standard dosage is as follows:

  • for treatment - ½ / 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • for the purpose of prevention - ½ / 1 tablet per day.

The course of taking the drug is 3-4 weeks.

You should carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to the vitamin complex, because the manifestation of allergies is possible. In this case, you must stop using Ascorutin.

During pregnancy and lactation

The gestation period requires a particularly balanced selection of drugs. Doctors prescribing medications take into account the possible harm that they can cause to the health of the unborn child.

Usually, in the first trimester, medication is minimized, Ascorutin tablets are no exception. Vitamin C during this period will harm the course of pregnancy, since it increases the production of estrogen, which can provoke a miscarriage.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, Ascorutin can be drunk if there are indications for admission. The vitamin complex helps to avoid possible pathologies in the development of the child and strengthens the body of the expectant mother.

Usually, doctors recommend taking a course of drug therapy:

  • with hypovitaminosis;
  • to strengthen capillaries to avoid fetal asphyxiation;
  • with edema in the later stages;
  • with hemorrhoids in pregnant women;
  • to avoid heavy blood loss during childbirth;
  • to enhance immunity.

The use of the drug during lactation is not prohibited if the nursing mother has no contraindications, and the child is allergic to the components.

Contraindications and side effects

Any remedy positively affects the dynamics of the disease only if the patient can take it. Ascorutin has contraindications.They are few, but be sure to consider when choosing a therapy.

You can not prescribe a vitamin preparation:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • patients with intolerance to the components;
  • with hypokalemia;
  • pregnant women in the first trimester;
  • with renal failure;
  • patients with diabetes (type 2);
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • people with gout;
  • with problems with blood formation.

Among the side effects are:

  • jumps in blood pressure (more often - increase);
  • digestive problems - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • headache;
  • irritability and insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  • manifestations of allergies - swelling, itching;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • hypervitaminosis.

Exceeding the dose specified in the instructions entails an increase in side effects.

In such cases, it is necessary to act depending on the symptoms and consult a doctor.

Similar drugs

There are other medications to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Distinguish complete analogues and similar in action drugs.

Synonyms are:

  • Ascorutin D - differs from simple Ascorutin in the absence of sugar, due to which it is allowed to take diabetics;
  • Imunovit C - with rutin and vitamin C made in Poland;
  • Profilactin C is a Polish similar drug.

In addition, in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect on the vessels, doctors prescribe other drugs.

Among them:

  • Anavenol in a dragee;
  • ascorbic acid in different tablets and lozenges;
  • Antistax
  • Angiitis;
  • Venolan - tablets and gel for external use;
  • Angionorm - a plant-based drug;
  • Avenue
  • Venoto "gel;
  • Aescusan in the form of a solution for rubbing.

The choice of agent depends on the specific pathology caused by the penetration of the capillaries, the severity and individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, it is not recommended to replace one drug with another, similar in action, on its own. Only a doctor prescribes an effective remedy and dosage. Following the tips for using the drug will help to quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease.