Afobazole refers to mild tranquilizers that do not lead to the development of addiction. After the end of the therapeutic course, drug withdrawal syndrome does not occur. A medication is prescribed to eliminate increased anxiety, mental stress. This article will tell you how to take Afobazole.
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The composition of the drug
Afobazole is a domestic product, which is available only in tablet form. It consists of one active substance, morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole hydrochloride.
The drug contains 10 mg - 5 mg of the active ingredient, in addition to which it is enriched with the following ingredients:
- starch;
- magnesium
- lactose;
- cellulose;
- povidone.
The listed components do not have a therapeutic effect, but are necessary to give the medication the desired shape and contribute to better absorption of the active substance.
Why is Afobazole prescribed?
Afobazole is an anxiolytic with selective action. Instructions for use states that the medication has a selective effect on brain structures. Against the background of his treatment, increased anxiety is suppressed without causing inhibition. The patient does not suffer from the negative effects that other tranquilizers have, manifested by lethargy, apathy.
Afobazole is indicated for adults with asthenic traits who suffer from insecurity, increased irritability, with a tendency to frequent mood changes, and emotional breakdowns.
On a note! The medicine does not cause drowsiness, based on which it can be taken while driving.
With prolonged use of Afobazole, the formation of drug dependence does not occur. The drug has a mild activating effect. Against the background of his intake, the emotional mood, memory improves, insomnia, causeless fears, anxiety are eliminated. Afobazole is taken to eliminate increased anxiety, which is caused by an emotional state, somatic disease.
It is prescribed for the following conditions:
- during smoking cessation;
- neurasthenia;
- impaired adaptation;
- chronic pathologies that occur with frequent alternation of remission and exacerbation. At this time, a person feels helplessness, the danger of death;
- oncology;
- dermatological diseases that cause the patient a sense of inferiority, do not allow him to be in society;
- insomnia;
- dystonia;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- alcohol intoxication.
This drug is used to eliminate anxiety, depression in the presence of heart disease.
Instructions for use
Afobazole is recommended to drink after a meal. Thus, it is possible to avoid the development of side effects, to achieve the best result from therapy. In addition, after-treatment treatment is necessary to evenly distribute the active substance in the circulatory system. Usually, a result that persists for 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug can be obtained after a week's intake.
Tablets Afobazole 5 mg take 1 tablet. three times a day. If necessary, an increase in dosage to 30 mg per day is possible. The maximum dose is divided into three doses. In extreme cases, the dose may increase to 60 mg per day. In this case, it is recommended to drink 10 mg of Afobazole. In mild cases, treatment is carried out for a month. More difficult situations require a 3-month intake. If there is a need for a second course, then you need a 30-day break.
During pregnancy and lactation
Afobazole is strictly forbidden to take while carrying a child. Since the drug negatively affects the development of the fetus, it can cause serious intrauterine pathologies. For the same reasons, medication is forbidden for women to use while breastfeeding. If this need arises, then the baby needs to be transferred to artificial feeding.
Alcohol compatibility
Afobazole is often used to eliminate a hangover syndrome. In this case, it is taken twice a day for 20 mg of the drug.
Against the background of its use, the following actions are detected:
- enveloping the gastrointestinal mucosa, which limits the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system;
- toxins are more likely to bind together, which are more quickly excreted from the body.
The appointment of Afobazole after drinking allows you to stop withdrawal symptoms, stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system, prevent the development of depression, anxiety, and facilitate the removal of a person from a hangover. Nevertheless, the drug is not indicated for use simultaneously with alcoholic beverages. Since the combination of Afobazole with alcohol negatively affects the central nervous system, causes nervousness, weakens the effect of the medication.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Since this medication belongs to tranquilizers, there are absolute contraindications to its use, which include:
- lack of lactose in the body;
- hypersensitivity to the active component;
- pregnancy period;
- lactation;
- childhood.
Against the background of long-term treatment with Afobazole in large doses, the following side effects may develop:
- itchy skin;
- skin rashes;
- urticaria;
- dermatitis;
- nasal congestion;
- diarrhea
- nausea
Unpleasant symptoms do not require the withdrawal of the drug, its dosage reduction, or the duration of the therapeutic course.Usually the symptoms go away on their own. Some individuals have an increase in libido. Doctors this phenomenon is not a side effect, is associated with the removal of increased anxiety, excessive stress.
If you exceed the maximum dose, then a persistent sedative effect develops in the form of increased drowsiness, decreased muscle tone, activity. In this case, symptomatic caffeine treatment is required.
Analogs of Afobazole
If treatment with this drug is not possible, Afobazole analogues are selected. Usually, the following medications are prescribed for this:
- Fabomotizole, which refers to selective anxiolytics. This substitute is used for disorders of adaptation, sleep, mental disorders, neurasthenia, increased anxiety, alcohol dependence, somatic diseases;
- Tenoten related to nootropic tranquilizers. The drug is prescribed for children and adults to eliminate psycho-emotional stress, improve cognitive abilities, memory, mood, protect the brain from the negative effects of the environment. Pills help increase vitality, resistance of brain cells to oxygen starvation;
- Novo-Passit, which is a herbal medicine that has a calming effect. The drug is used for causeless anxiety, fear, anxiety, insomnia, neurasthenia, panic attacks, increased fatigue, headaches.
The selection of analogues should be done exclusively by the doctor, since he will evaluate the patient's condition, the severity of the pathology, the presence of contraindications, the number of side effects.
Afobazole refers to tranquilizers that do not cause drowsiness, addiction, is taken for many violations of psychoemotional status.