Freshly frozen mackerel is the basis for many dishes. One of the easiest and fastest to cook is baked mackerel. To the best of fatty, aromatic, beautiful-looking fish will please you on a weekday, and as part of the dishes of the festive table. Today is our story on how to cook mackerel in the oven in many ways.

What is the best way to cook fresh-frozen mackerel?

Mackerel is good in kind and baked with vegetables. A tasty and simple dinner - mackerel in the oven with potatoes. And a wonderful dish is obtained in pots. In general, the mass of options. But there are general principles for preparing fish for all recipes.

When cooking mackerel in the oven, you should first unfreeze the fish.

First of all, you need to do the following:

  1. Defrost mackerel. Important! Sometimes it is recommended to cook fish without defrosting, but this option is acceptable for frying. Cooking and baking fish is better than defrosted: firstly, the cooking time is reduced, and secondly, the fish is more evenly baked. If you send the mackerel to be cooked not thawed, the meat will be digested from above, until it reaches readiness inside. So it is better to put the carcasses on the eve of the film on the lower shelf of the refrigerator the day before and allow it to defrost without the use of extreme defrosting in the microwave or in hot water. Or at least leave it to defrost for a while at room temperature. So the fish will turn out juicier and tastier.
  2. Remove the head, fins and tail, scrub the offal, remove the dark film from the abdomen, rinse the carcass.
  3. Grate with salt and spices according to the recipe.
  4. For baking, use a small or medium pan. A foil, parchment or sleeve is placed on it.
  5. The oven is preheated if it is not about baking fish in a jar or pots.

Oven mackerel in foil

The simplest and most affordable recipe is mackerel in foil in the oven. This method is good in that it fully retains the taste and aroma of natural fish. The dish turns out juicy, tasty, and you can think of any side dish.

The foil will help maintain taste and make the dish more juicy.

For this dish you need to cook medium-sized fresh-frozen mackerel, while one fish is taken per serving.

So, to prepare dinner for two, you will need:

  • two carcasses of fish;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper, spices for fish - to taste;
  • a couple of spoons of vegetable oil.

Important! When choosing a mackerel, pay attention to its appearance. It is difficult to detect frozen fish by smell, but if the fish has transparent and slightly convex eyes, red or pink gills, the carcass is even and shiny, then most likely you have a good fresh fish. When you thaw it, a fishy smell will be present, but it will not be musty, but moderate. The bones inside should not move away from the abdomen.

Working process:

  1. Prepare the carcass, rinse and pat it dry with a towel.
  2. Sprinkle the fish with spices, pepper and salt inside and out, leave for half an hour for marinating.
  3. Meanwhile, the oven warms up, it must be set to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. You can bake all the fish together, but it will be more humid. We recommend wrapping each carcass separately with foil and baking. Important! Surely not everyone knows about the properties of the foil. It has a matte and shiny surface. So the shiny layer reflects heat, and the matte, on the contrary, transmits and retains. Therefore, for baking, we always put products on the shiny side.
  5. Pour a little oil on a sheet of foil, grind, then put thinly sliced ​​lemon and fish on top so that the delicate skin does not burn.
  6. Grease the fish with oil and then wrap the foil, trying to completely seal the cracks.
  7. Bake in the oven for half an hour. If transparent juice is released when the fish is punctured, the fish is ready. If the juice is unclear - hold it a little longer in the oven.
  8. Ready fish is served right in the foil. This is a great picnic option.

Important! When choosing spices, pay attention to the mixture of peppers, it perfectly complements the taste and aroma of fish. You can also use the ready-made mixture for fish, thyme is good and even dry lemon balm.

With vegetables

The principle of preparation is exactly the same. You can cook mackerel with vegetables, either whole or sliced. In the first case, vegetables are placed on a foil greased with oil; on them is a fish stuffed with a cut in the abdomen. Everything is wrapped in foil and baked, spreading through the kitchen a wonderful aroma of vegetable mix and fish. You can stuff with a mixture of vegetables, where to put chopped onion, bell pepper, chopped parsley.

The second option is done like this:

  1. take a couple of mackerels (for 2 servings);
  2. cut into four pieces each;
  3. salt and pepper;
  4. cook a pair of small onions, potatoes and tomatoes. Cut all vegetables into rings half a centimeter thick;
  5. in a small baking sheet, spread the foil, grease with vegetable oil. Cut a few pieces of potatoes (optional) into thin slices, salt a little, drizzle with vegetable oil and put on a baking sheet. Lay the fish on top with pieces, laying between it slices of tomatoes, onions, half a lemon;
  6. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the fish and send to the oven. First you can cover it with foil, and then open it a little and let it bake on top.

Potato roasting recipe

A delicious, quick homemade dinner option can be made from fish and potatoes. The dish will turn out nutritious and at the same time dietary. Hearty, not greasy, everyone will like it - what else is needed for a simple meal for every laziness!

Potatoes with fish - the perfect dinner.

We take three fish, a kilogram of potatoes, a couple of onions, pepper and salt to taste. We cut onions and potatoes into thin slices, we cut the fish not completely from the back, it is better to do it diagonally - it looks neater. We add salt, pepper, and we also make potatoes.

On a baking sheet, greased with oil, put the potatoes, sprinkle part of the onion on top, put a little onion into the cuts on the fish. We put the fish on vegetables, put the baking sheet in the oven over medium heat and bake for 50-60 minutes. Serve immediately after removing.

By the way, some people love such baked fish just after the dish has cooled down.

Baked with rice and lemon

Sometimes households do not like fish, either fried or boiled. Then offer them a recipe for baked mackerel under rice. You can enrich this recipe and frying with vegetables, it will be even more interesting.

So, prepare:

  • mackerel cleared of skin and bones - grams 500-600;
  • a glass of rice;
  • butter and vegetable oil, respectively, five and a couple of Art. spoons;
  • half a lemon;
  • one large carrot and onion;
  • spices, salt and pepper to taste.

Then we do this:

  1. In a pan greased with vegetable oil, put pieces of fish, salt and pepper. Allow to stand for thirty minutes to marinate.
  2. Meanwhile, in salt water, boil the rice almost to the finished state.
  3. In oil, overcook chopped onions with carrots.
  4. Put the overcooking on top of the fish.
  5. Next, we stack the rice.
  6. Put pieces of butter on top - they will not let the rice become dry. Do not spare oil, the more it will be, the tastier the dish. Do not spoil rice with butter!
  7. Covering with foil, send the pan to the oven. With little heating, at about 160 degrees, we hold for about forty minutes, then turn on the fire, give a little more time to get there and get it. Garnish with sliced ​​lemon slices.

Mackerel slices

A very simple but interesting dish. Give it a try! It becomes interesting due to the sauce.

The sauce will add a touch of flavor to the dish.

For him we will prepare:

  • mustard store - 2 tsp;
  • horseradish - 2 tsp;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tsp.

Mix everything. Cut the gutted mackerel into pieces. Add salt to each slice and roll in sauce. Fold in the form covered with foil and send to the heated oven. The fish is prepared for half an hour at 180 degrees, after which it can be garnished with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Stuffed fish in foil or sleeve

The dish always turns out tasty, juicy, and cooking it is simple and quick. You can take the products by eye, it still works.


It will take fish, a lot of carrots, dried herbs a little garlic and a little mayonnaise.

Prepare the fish, chop in several places and put in a foil or bag for baking. Drizzle with a mixture of mayonnaise, dried spices and herbs, garlic and ground pepper. Arbitrarily along the backs of the fish put coarsely chopped carrots (do not spare it, it will be very tasty in the finished form). Place all this in a heated oven and oven for half an hour. If you need a more rosy fish, remove the top of the foil or puncture the bag shortly before ready. Garnish served with rice.

Under the cheese crust

The recipe is simple, but the dish looks beautiful and elegant.

This cooking option is suitable for the festive table.

For him we are preparing:

  • a couple of mackerels;
  • onion head;
  • one large carrot;
  • one bell pepper;
  • three tablespoons of grated cheese;
  • vegetable oil for greasing a baking sheet;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Then we do this:

  1. Fold the foil on a baking sheet, grease with butter and put the mackerel fillet.
  2. Salt and pepper.
  3. Sprinkle with your favorite spices for fish.
  4. Put finely chopped vegetables on top of the fillet (grate the carrots on a coarse grater).
  5. The finishing touch - sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven until it forms a beautiful crust of cheese. Serve with herbs.

Bank Recipe

It is very unusual to cook fish using a jar. You can take pots, but for lack of them a can is used.


The mackerel in the bank will turn out juicy, tasty, even dietary.

You need to take a couple of mackerels, cut into pieces. Cut one large carrot into small half rings, or grate coarsely. Chop the onion too. In a clean jar, alternately lay layers of fish, then onions, then carrots. So, alternating, salting and a little pepper.Put a couple of leaves of parsley, peas of pepper. From above, you can splash a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, or you can without it - the mackerel is fat in itself. Cover with foil and put in a cold oven. Heat gradually, keep at 180 degrees for about half an hour or a little more. Remove and carefully remove the fish and vegetables from the jar. Garnish served rice, potatoes.