Lush and fragrant pastries, drenched in chocolate, look very appetizing and attractive. A sweet coating is relevant for a delicious decoration of various desserts: cakes, cupcakes, cakes, crispy cookies, donuts and all kinds of fruits. To learn how to make chocolate icing yourself, you need to choose one of the proposed recipes, buy the right ingredients and feel free to start creating a delicious treat!

Classic Cocoa Powder Chocolate Glaze

Making sweet fillings for desserts at home is not at all difficult. The main ingredient in its preparation is cocoa powder or chocolate bar, regardless of its type.

To make the finished glaze have a rich taste and beautiful color, it is recommended to use bitter cocoa, intended for cooking, and high-quality, natural chocolate.

Required Components:

  • granulated sugar - 80 g;
  • fatter oil (82%) - 45 g;
  • whole milk - 100 ml;
  • powder cocoa - 20 g.


  1. Pour sweet sand into a heat-resistant container, then introduce cocoa and mix thoroughly.
  2. After, pour in small portions of milk, continuing to constantly stir the composition.
  3. Put the dishes on the stove and heat the mixture over minimal heat until it becomes viscous.
  4. Then put a piece of oil, stir the resulting composition and turn off the burner.

Sweet icing from cocoa powder is ready. It should be insisted for an hour to thicken, and then apply as directed.

To decorate a cream cake

The chocolate mass made with the addition of cream is widely used by confectioners to decorate holiday cakes and delicate biscuits. Such a delicacy has a viscous consistency and an incredibly delicate taste with a bright aroma of chocolate.

Required Components:

  • chocolate bar;
  • cream (20%) - 55 ml;
  • solid oil - 35 g;
  • vanilla - 1 g.


  1. To prepare chocolate icing for the cake, the tile must be broken into squares, placed in an enameled bowl and melt over boiling water.
  2. Then pour oil into the liquid mass and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After that add cream, vanillin, put the dishes in a water bath and stirring constantly, cook the mixture for about five minutes.
  4. When the composition becomes homogeneous, it must be removed from the stove and put out the fire.

After cooking, the chocolate icing for the cake must be cooled.

Delicious fudge can cover the baking surface or soak biscuit cakes with it.

Cooking on the basis of sour cream

Chocolate icing made with fresh sour cream is amazingly delicious and quite thick. A treat is prepared very quickly from ordinary products that are always in the refrigerator, so this option is ideal for busy housewives.

Required Components:

  • Cocoa - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • a piece of oil;
  • sour cream (30%) - 0.1 kg;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Combine all ingredients except cocoa in a small saucepan.
  2. Then put it on fire and heat, stirring regularly.
  3. When the sour cream and butter melt, pour the powder and cook at low boil for about five minutes.

Sour cream glaze to cool slightly, and then apply it to a baked dessert. If you wish, you can sprinkle with coconut shavings or nuts, so the product will look much more advantageous.

How to make milk chocolate glaze

The dessert mixture made from milk chocolate has a pleasantly sweet taste with light creamy notes.

Tasty recipe:chocolate icing for cake

This glaze has a liquid consistency, which quickly hardens after application. Therefore, it is well suited for decorating any pastry baking.

Required Components:

  • milk (2.5%) - 85 ml;
  • icing sugar - 23 g;
  • milk chocolate - 0.13 kg.


  1. Break the chocolate into pieces, then melt them in the microwave.
  2. Fill the pan with milk, add sugar powder, stir and place on the stove.
  3. Boil the mixture a little, then pour liquid chocolate, mix the resulting composition thoroughly until smooth and set aside in a minute.

Milk chocolate icing is best used hot, or cool a little beforehand. It can be filled with fruit on skewers, used to decorate cakes, decorate multi-tiered cakes.

Dark Chocolate Technology

To get a sweet filling of dark chocolate at home, you need to purchase a suitable tile.

It should have a pure composition, which will contain about 75% of cocoa, without the presence of caramel fillers, nuts or raisins.

Required Components:

  • black chocolate - 100 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l.


  1. Pour the chocolate into pieces into the cooking utensils and pour milk.
  2. Place the food container over the steam and warm it up, remembering to stir the mixture periodically.
  3. When the sweet mass becomes denser and becomes plastic, it can be considered finished.

Until the icing has cooled, all desserts should be decorated. A sweet coating of dark chocolate is an excellent tool for decorating small items: cookies, ice cream, bagels.

White chocolate

Delicious white chocolate icing is suitable as the main filling for cakes or their partial decoration. With its help, you can draw wide and narrow stripes, a variety of figures or patterns.

Required Components:

  • white chocolate - 0.23 kg;
  • milk (3.2%) - 75 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 110 g


  1. Chop chocolate bars into pieces. Then put them in a cup and place over hot steam.
  2. Add milk, pour in powdered sugar, stir and simmer over the steam until the chocolate mass becomes thick and uniform.
  3. Remove the finished mixture from the heat and cool to 45 degrees.

Completely fill the pastries with warm glaze, and for drawing you need to use a cooled product.

Products decorated with white fondant are beautiful, mouth-watering and will surely appeal to all the sweet tooth.

How to make mirror glaze

The glossy coating of chocolate looks quite impressive, so this decor can turn any dessert into a high-end culinary masterpiece. To make this “miracle”, you need to use gelatin, and during the process to constantly maintain high temperature.

Required Components:

  • sugar - 185 g;
  • gelatin (grains) - 22 g;
  • water - 140 ml;
  • cream (fatty) - 150 ml;
  • cocoa - 75 g


  1. Place gelatin in warm water (50 ml) and wait until it swells.
  2. Mix cocoa and sugar, pour the remaining water to them and add cream.
  3. Put the sweet mixture on the stove and cook over low heat for ten minutes, then remove.
  4. Put the soaked gelatin in the hot mass and stir well so that it completely melts.

Cool the icing to 40 degrees and start pouring confectionery. Such decoration practically does not require additions; it is recommended to add only a few ripe berries or pieces of fruit.

Step-by-step recipe for Easter cake

Another interesting version of a delicious chocolate coating, which in its appearance resembles a whipped cream. The sweet coating is ideal for Easter cakes and rolls, and it can also be filled with nuts, rolls or tart cakes.

Required Components:

  • butter and dark chocolate - 65 g each;
  • vanilla - 2 g;
  • two eggs.


  1. Break the eggs into a large bowl, then separate the squirrels and yolks. Beat them separately from each other using a mixer.
  2. Turn the chocolate into small chips, pour into a cup and melt in a water bath.
  3. Now add to the chocolate bars of butter and immediately remove from the stove. Then mix thoroughly.
  4. After this, fill in the yolk mass, introduce the ground proteins, add vanilla and stir well.

The icing prepared in this way thickens for a rather long time, so you can slowly start decorating the dessert.

This coating is notable for its durability - it does not crack or crumble during the cutting of biscuit.

Delicious icing for a cupcake

Chic icing, suitable for filling the cake, is made from dark chocolate with the addition of honey. The fragrant ingredient gives the delicacy a unique aroma and makes the filling smooth, strong, shiny.

Required Components:

  • dark chocolate - 140 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • milk (fatty) - 80 ml;
  • icing sugar - 65 g


  1. Divide the chocolate into small pieces, place them in a cup and melt over the steam. Then add oil (40g) and dissolve it in a sweet mixture.
  2. Now pour in the milk, mix and pour the powder.
  3. Warm the composition to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Then remove from the stove, put honey and shake the mixture vigorously so that it completely dissolves.

With the finished icing for the cake, you need to carefully lubricate the pastries and decorate it with crushed almonds or sesame seeds. Sponge cake under a layer of honey chocolate will be remembered for a long time for its amazing taste and magnificent view.

Decoration for donuts

Beautiful and delicious icing for homemade donuts is prepared in just a quarter of an hour. The sweet coating turns out equally tasty from both white and dark chocolate, so you can choose any of them.

Required Components:

  • sugar - 0.22 kg;
  • chocolate bar (dark or white) - 80 g;
  • pure water - 90 ml;
  • oil - 43 g


  1. Pour sugar into water, dissolve it and put on moderate heat.
  2. Pour chocolate squares into the syrup and help them dissolve with a wooden spoon.
  3. Bring the chocolate mass to a boil, then add softened butter and stir all the time, cook for eight minutes.
  4. When the composition begins to acquire plasticity and density, remove it from the stove and cool.

Warm glaze should be applied to the donuts with a large brush. Each product is recommended to fill with colorful confectionery crumbs. Bon Appetit!