There are many ways to cook dumplings at home. These beloved dough products may differ in shape, filling, method of preparation. They can easily be made hearty, meat or diet, with lean filling. If you prepare the dough, the delicious filling correctly, then no one will refuse such a dish - neither adults nor children.
Material Content:
- 1 How to cook dough for dumplings at home?
- 2 Classic boiled dumplings in a pan
- 3 How to fry in a pan
- 4 Dumplings in pots in the oven
- 5 Lazy Dumpling Casserole
- 6 Cheese baking recipe
- 7 With broth inside
- 8 With zander and salmon
- 9 Lenten dumplings with mushroom filling
- 10 Chicken stuffed in a slow cooker
- 11 How to sculpt dumplings?
How to cook dough for dumplings at home?
Traditionally, dough for dumplings is made fresh, from basic products - flour, salt, liquid. Flour is always necessary to take white, premium, from durum wheat. As for the liquid, the housewives here do not stop experimenting, adding dairy products (fermented baked milk, kefir, whey), mineral water, boiled water to the dough. Salt is put in a small amount. So that it is evenly distributed in the test, it is recommended to dissolve it before adding in a small amount of hot liquid. As for eggs, they can be introduced for the density of the dough or replaced with butter.
The usual dough for sculpting dumplings is prepared from flour - 600 g, water - 70 ml, salt - a teaspoon without a hill. Flour is sifted several times, salt is diluted in a liquid. Little by little water is poured into the flour and the dough is kneaded - first with a fork, then with your hands. When it acquires the desired structure, it should be thoroughly kneaded for 8-12 minutes, slightly discarded and set aside in polyethylene for infusion.
For those who love dumplings made of thin, literally melting in their mouth, dough, the following recipe is recommended.
It consists of:
- fermented baked milk - 80 ml;
- hot water - 80 ml;
- egg;
- some salt;
- flour - 700-800 g;
- vegetable fat - a tablespoon.
Sift the flour with a slide, make a deepening in the heart, beat an egg, stir. Separately mix boiled water with ryazhenka, add salt, pour into flour. Knead elastic elastic dough, roll up the ball, grease and put under the film for 40 minutes. Dumplings prepared on this basis will be tender and juicy after cooling or the next day.
Classic boiled dumplings in a pan
To cook delicious dumplings, you should first blind them, having previously mixed a good elastic base of flour, liquid, eggs and other components as desired. For the filling, minced meat from pork (chicken, turkey, beef), ground onion, pepper, salt is traditionally used.
The dough aged under the film should be divided into several parts, each of which must be rolled up with a “sausage”, divided into small pieces with a knife and rolled out. So that the base does not stick to the rolling pin, you need to lightly sprinkle it with flour. Filling is laid out in round flat circles, after which the edges are plucked with a finger or a special tool.
While the hostess is engaged in modeling semi-finished products, put a large pot of water on the stove, drop a lavrushka, some peppercorns (optional), salt, and boil. After boiling, dumplings are thrown into the water one at a time. Boil a little - one or two portions, depending on the volume of the pan. After a few seconds, after the product has entered the water, it must be carefully stirred to avoid sticking to the bottom of the container. Cooked semi-finished products under the lid. When they surface, they need to be cooked for 5-7 minutes, removed, transferred to a suitable container and seasoned with oil.
How to fry in a pan
The taste of fried dumplings is firsthand familiar to many since student days. A pre-cooked product can be fried in a pan or raw - fresh, frozen, it does not matter.
To cook fried dumplings, you should perform several sequential steps:
- Cook yourself or stock up on semi-finished foods in advance.
- Preheat the pan, pour in vegetable fat about as much as adding when frying cutlets.
- When the fat warms up, items are poured into the container, they are quickly kneaded so that all the dough is in oil.
- When the product is well browned on one side, it needs to be turned over and fried on the other. Spices and herbs are added as desired.
To make the dumplings juicy, after frying, a little water is added to the container and under the lid the dish is cooked for another couple of minutes. Serve the finished dish well with sour cream sauce.
Dumplings in pots in the oven
Dumplings in fact can be not only a dish for a quick snack. From them it is quite possible to cook a delicious dish, serving on the table in beautiful pots.
To prepare the dish you should stock up:
- dumplings - 0.5 kg;
- onions and carrots;
- sour cream - 190 ml;
- greens;
- salt;
- vegetable fat.
First, semi-finished products are boiled in the traditional way in a slightly salted liquid. Using a slotted spoon, the finished product is laid out in pots. Separately, vegetables are fried in oil until golden brown and laid out over dumplings. Greens chopped finely, mixed with sauce and spices. Refueling the product is abundantly watered and sent to the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, for 25 minutes. Bake dumplings in pots under the covers.
Lazy Dumpling Casserole
A hearty and tasty dish that does not take much time to cook.
It is cooked from:
- frozen dumplings - 700 g;
- onions - a couple of pieces;
- hard cheese - 120 g;
- mayonnaise sauce - 230 g;
- eggs - 3 pcs.;
- herbs, spices.
Grind the vegetable and fry in oil until golden brown. Grease a form with fat, put semi-finished products on it. At this point, you can add some favorite spices.
Roasting is laid on top of the product, egg, pepper and salt whipped with eggs.The last product that covers the lower components is grated cheese. Lazy dumplings are baked for about 35 minutes at 210 degrees. Served with chopped sprigs of dill, green onion.
Cheese baking recipe
An interesting recipe for cooking dumplings with cheese and egg batter.
To get a combined taste, you should stock up:
- frozen dumplings - 600 g;
- spices;
- eggs - a couple of pieces;
- butter - 60 g;
- milk - 90 ml;
- hard cheese;
- greens.
Boil the semi-finished products in salted water, and discard in a colander to remove excess fluid. Beat squirrels with yolks and milk, add spices. Cook a magnificent omelet in a pan, divide gently into two parts.
On a greased baking sheet, put half an omelet, all dumplings, pieces of butter, an omelet. Grated cheese is laid on top, and the dish is sent for baking in the oven for 7 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.
With broth inside
This dish is also called Shanghai dumplings.
It is prepared from:
- flour - 600 g;
- mineral water (whey, fermented baked milk, etc.) - 100 ml;
- salts;
- broth, meat.
First, the dough is kneaded - ordinary, dumplings, rolled out and divided into squares. As a filling, in such dumplings with broth, there is jellied meat or frozen broth with meat. It must be prepared in advance, while the meat in this broth should be about 80%.
When frozen, the broth will not spread and the product can be easily formed. For the preparation of dumplings, a double boiler or mantyn is used. In hot products, a lot of juicy broth is obtained, which can be burned during tasting. To prevent this, the liquid is advised to drink through a tube. As a dressing for such a dish served your favorite sauce - sour cream, soy or any other.
Tasty recipe:ravioli soup
With zander and salmon
The dough is prepared on the basis of flour and milk.
To prepare the filling, you should stock up:
- fish pulp - 370 g;
- cream - 60 ml;
- onion;
- boiled egg;
- dill;
- salt, pepper.
Chop the fish pulp with a knife, chop the onion and lightly fry it in vegetable fat. Mix the cooled fry with fish slices, cream, salt, pepper. Insist for 35 minutes, before cooking the product, minced egg with greens is introduced into the minced meat.
Dumplings are formed from the finished dough and filling, and then boiled in a slightly salted broth. The fish broth or favorite sauce (for example, tartar) is used for serving.
Lenten dumplings with mushroom filling
You can pamper yourself and your family in fasting with a fairly satisfying, beautiful dish called “kundum” or lean dumplings stuffed with mushrooms. Preparing a meal based on custard dough from flour - 270 g, boiling water - 80 ml, vegetable fat - 3.5 tbsp.
For minced meat is worth stocking up:
- frozen mushrooms - 180 g;
- buckwheat or rice - 100 g;
- onions;
- sunflower oil;
- spices.
You will also need a mushroom broth, which is prepared from water - 500 ml, parsley, allspice, garlic cloves, spices, herbs. Cooking starts from a batch of custard dough. To do this, hot liquid, fat is poured into a deep bowl, flour is poured and everything is intensively mixed until an elastic base is formed. While the dough is "resting", it's time to cook a delicious filling.
In a small container, washed mushrooms are placed, filled with water and boiled with bay leaves, garlic and other spices. Before the finish water should be added, after the broth strain. Separately, the cereal is boiled until tender.
Heat fat in a pan, fry the onion with boiled mushrooms and porridge, add spices. While the filling cools, the dough rolls out thinly enough. With a knife, divide it into small squares, stuff each one and pinch the edges in the form of triangles. Ready dumplings are baked on a baking sheet for 18 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.When the preparations are browned, they need to be poured with heated broth and sent to bake for another 18 minutes, not forgetting to cover with shiny paper.
Chicken stuffed in a slow cooker
There are many ways to cook dumplings in a slow cooker using the appropriate programs.
To prepare meals using minced chicken, you should stock up:
- flour - 400 g;
- water - 60 ml;
- an egg;
- salt;
- prepared minced poultry or filet;
- onions;
- spices.
Kneading the dough according to your favorite recipe, and leaving it for brewing, you should do the preparation of the filling. For this, ground fillet, onion, and spices are mixed in the container (to taste). Further, dumplings themselves are prepared from dough and meat filling.
For steaming, semi-finished products are placed in a bowl greased, filled with water. You need to cook them for 35 minutes in the selected “Steamed” mode, adding pre-spices.
You can boil the workpieces in the “Soup” mode, first heating the water, after adding the product itself and continuing to cook it for 25 minutes. If a frozen semi-finished product is used, it is recommended to cook it in the “Baking” mode. To do this, workpieces are poured into a greased bowl and in the baking mode they are prepared for 12 minutes. After a couple of glasses of water are added, spices, dumplings are mixed and cooked for another 30 minutes.
If there is no slow cooker, you can cook dumplings in the microwave. To do this, the semi-finished product is poured into special dishes, poured with water and cooked for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
How to sculpt dumplings?
You can sculpt dough products manually or mechanically. Most housewives mold semi-finished products with their hands, which makes it possible to make products of various shapes. Most often they are molded in the form of an “ear” or “pouch”. Sometimes they are made in the form of a star.
There are several rules for proper sculpting:
- The dough should be tight enough, but elastic - not stick to the hands, stick well when forming dumplings.
- The working surface is sprinkled with flour while working with the dough, as are the hands, knife and rolling pin.
- The filling should not be juicy, get on the gluing edges, otherwise the dough will stick out during the cooking process, and the stuffing will fall out.
From the dough, you can roll sausages, divide them into identical pieces, give them the shape of circles, fill them with filling and pinch them in the form of an “ear”. The base can be rolled into a layer, divided into squares, filled with minced meat and pinched in the form of bags, triangles or stars. Pinching the edges is good in the form of a pigtail, flower, etc.