Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook semolina porridge with milk without lumps, so that small and big gourmets like it. In fact, this is quite simple, knowing a few secrets of cooking. In addition to cooking on fire, cereals can easily be cooked in a slow cooker, SV-oven. Despite the fact that now many experts do not approve of the use of semolina in large quantities, this dish of aristocrats used to be popular now - properly cooked, it will help to satisfy hunger and provide the body with the necessary supply of energy.
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How to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps?
Semolina can be of several types and all of it is suitable for cooking various dishes - soups, pastries, meat products. Semolina can be boiled liquid, in water or milk, thick, with the addition of various products. The first option is suitable for feeding children and people with gastrointestinal diseases, the second - for the whole family, as breakfast or lunch.
To make semolina porridge without lumps, it must be properly cooked.
The best way to do this is through the following processes:
- First, milk or water boil on the stove.
- After boiling the liquid, a thin stream must be introduced, constantly stirring, to introduce cereals, previously mixed in a dry container with sugar.
- During cooking, porridge should be constantly stirred and boiling should be avoided - if the liquid with cereal begins to boil, lumps will appear necessarily.
Observing this simple process, you can end up with a delicious, uniform dish without hated lumps.Porridge is cooked initially with salt and sugar (a little), the remaining components are added to the finished dish.
How much time to cook?
One of the main advantages of semolina is that it cooks very quickly.
Depending on the cooking method, the whole process will take no more than 20 minutes:
- about 4 minutes will be required to boil the liquid;
- the next 6 minutes after combining the cereal with milk, the process of stirring;
- after croup is cooked for another 3 minutes;
- 5-7 minutes at the end of cooking are needed to swell the grains.
Experts advise not to cook porridge for a long time, as this will reduce its nutritional value. It will be enough to wait for the swelling of white cereals during cooking, thickening the dish. After it is better to insist porridge by closing the container with a lid and wrapping it with a thick towel if necessary.
Approximate proportions of milk and semolina
Depending on the desired consistency of the food, the correct proportions of liquid and cereal are selected. If porridge is prepared for the baby, then 2 tsp should be put on 250 ml of water (milk). cereals. To obtain a dish of liquid consistency, the proportions of milk and semolina are as follows - 4 tablespoons are taken per 1 liter of liquid. decoys. Thick porridge is boiled from 1 liter of cow product and 5-7 tablespoons. semolina.
Chefs advise to dilute milk with pure water 3: 1 to improve the structure of the dish and taste. This is especially important if the cow product is oily.
Milk semolina in a slow cooker
Delicious milk semolina prepared using a slow cooker will surprise and delight you with its excellent structure and taste. In this wonderful machine, the dish will cook quickly, without lumps and burning.
Cooked food from:
- semolina - 100 g;
- milk - 600 ml;
- water - 200 ml;
- sugar - 60 g;
- vanilla sugar (optional);
- butter - 45 g.
From this amount of food you get 4 servings of porridge. Calorie content will depend on the fat content of milk.
First, pour all loose components into the multicooker bowl, then add liquid and a little butter. The remaining oil needs to grease the walls of the dishes. In the "stew" mode, the dish needs to be cooked for about 35 minutes. Every 10 minutes, stir the brew. When the porridge becomes thick and homogeneous, you can pour it on plates and serve, decorated with berries or jam.
How to cook in milk and water?
Using milk and water to make semolina is a good idea to prevent lumps in the final product. Water must be added pure, boiled or ordinary. The proportions are selected in this case are different - if the milk is not very fatty, it will be enough to dilute it with water in equal proportions. It is recommended to breed homemade cow product with water 1: 2 or 1: 3. For infants, at the initial stage of feeding, the white liquid is diluted with water 1: 4.
To make the porridge without lumps, it is recommended to cook it in an enameled pan. To avoid burning milk, it is enough to moisten the container with water. Do not use aluminum cookware.
To prepare the dish you will need:
- purified water - 200 ml;
- cow product - 400 ml;
- groats - 4 tbsp;
- granulated sugar to taste.
First, heat the liquid in a saucepan, and then add the cereal mixed with sugar and salt in a thin stream. Cook, stirring, for 5-7 minutes, then turn off and let it brew.
To prevent milk from escaping, it is recommended to grease the inside of the pan with butter.
Serve the finished dish in a pure form or with honey. Little gourmets can decorate the dish with chocolate icing, favorite berries or gentle fruit jam.
For microwave without lumps
To cook semolina porridge in milk in the microwave, few have tried and in vain. This method of preparation is very convenient, because it saves time and allows you to cook delicious dishes evenly, quickly and efficiently.
To cook according to the recipe, you should stock up:
- milk - 500 ml;
- semolina - 3 tbsp;
- sugar - 2 tbsp;
- vanilla sugar - a pinch.
The container for cooking is taken special - glass or ceramic. It is forbidden to use metal utensils, plastic is undesirable, since when heated it can emit harmful substances. Be sure the container must be deep so that the liquid does not boil away.
First, you need to pour milk into the dishes, add granulated sugar and send to the microwave for a few minutes, turning on the equipment at full capacity. When the liquid boils, the container must be removed from the oven, add semolina to the milk, mix and return to the microwave. At 600-700 power, the dish should be cooked for 7-9 minutes. When the porridge becomes thick, you can get it and serve.
The benefits and harms of semolina porridge
Beloved white cereal is rich in saturated fatty acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, fiber. It also contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs. The semolina components included in the composition saturate the body, support the defense system, soothe the nervous system, and reduce the risk of cancer.
Semolina porridge is indispensable for people with diseases of the digestive organs and those who have had surgery. It should be in the diet of patients with kidney disease, the nervous system. This dish is well suited for men and women involved in sports, for everyone who during the day is faced with a lot of physical and psycho-emotional stress.
The use of semolina dishes is not recommended:
- People who are diagnosed with celiac disease are a genetic disease in which dystrophic changes in the intestine are manifested with a violation of many metabolic processes.
- For children, as rickets and spasmophilia can develop.
- People of adulthood - osteoporosis or obesity may develop.
- In the presence of diabetes mellitus, overweight.
- Those who have gout or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Despite the ban on the use of semolina dishes for a certain group of people, experts specify that they can only harm with frequent and excessive use. Sometimes porridge can and should be eaten by everyone. People who are on a diet just need to cook cereals in water, without sugar and butter. The dish at the end can be diluted with honey, berries or dried fruits.