Baked trout is truly a royal dish that can decorate a table for any celebration. And no matter how you cook it, in whole or in slices, under a marinade or with vegetables, in any of the options you choose, such a fish always turns out to be tasty and appetizing. Learn how to cook trout in the oven with whole carcass, steaks, with potato slices and vegetables right now.
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Cooking whole
The fish under discussion is one of the most delicious, it can be salted, boiled fish soup or baked from it. But we will begin our educational program with a recipe for preparing a simple but tasty dish in the oven.
In addition to the carcass of the "hero of the occasion", you will also need:
- one lemon;
- 45 ml of olive oil;
- sprigs of parsley.
We will cook like this:
- Trout prepared for baking is flavored with a mixture of ordinary salt with peppers both on the surface and in the abdomen.
- Squeeze the juice from half of the citrus and combine it with oil. Ready marinade flavored trout and wait 20 minutes. Cut the remaining half of the citrus into slices and divide in half.
- We cover the baking sheet with parchment, oil and put fish on it. We leave cuts on it, which we fill with lemon slices. Inside the carcass we put sprigs of green parsley. Combine the workpiece again with oil and determine in the oven for half an hour, fixing the temperature of 200 ° C.
Foil roasting recipe
Trout is a useful product, so it must be included in the diet of both an adult and a child. Therefore, we will try to bake trout in foil - so her meat will gain a special tenderness and juiciness, while retaining most of the nutrients.
- carcass of red fish;
- 45 g butter;
- 25 ml olive oil;
- 55 ml of mayonnaise (sour cream);
- bulb;
- lemon;
- five olives (extract the seeds).
Cooking method:
- Rub the fish with any "fish" spices, but you can do with ordinary salt and black pepper.
- Cut the lemon into circles. We leave a little for decoration, put the rest in the abdomen of the fish along with pieces of butter.
- Cover the baking sheet with parchment and sprinkle with olive oil. We shift the fish to it, grease it with mayonnaise, lay out thin onion rings on top.
- Wrap the carcass in foil and bake for 35 minutes. If you want to get a fish with a golden crust, then 10 minutes before the end of the process, open the foil and slightly remove the onion from the surface.
- We decorate the finished trout with lemon and olives.
Cooking in cream
If you try trout, which spent half an hour in the "embrace" of a creamy pour, you will simply enjoy the heavenly pleasure of tasting it, because the cream makes the meat very tender, literally, melting in your mouth.
Trout, unlike river fish, does not have such a characteristic smell, which means that it does not need to use special seasonings in its preparation. The taste of her meat is well emphasized by rosemary, thyme, fennel or dill.
- fish carcass;
- 180 ml cream;
- 110 g of cheese;
- lemon.
Cooking method:
- You can bake whole trout or cut it into steaks to serve the fish dish beautifully right away.
- Pour juice squeezed from half of the citrus into the cream, and pour the grated cheese.
- We put the fish in the form, add it a little and add the cheese and cream sauce. You can still sprinkle the dish on top with any seasonings for fish. Bake an elite dish for 35 minutes (temperature - 190 ° C).
Oven trout steaks
To really make a fish dish tasty, do not keep it in the oven for a long time.
If the trout is not baked in foil, then its stay in the oven should not exceed 30 minutes. Otherwise, all the juice will leave it, and it will turn out dry and tasteless.
- trout;
- lemon;
- shrimp
- cheese;
- olives;
- dill, almonds.
Cooking method:
- We cover the form with parchment, put fish steaks on it, and put peeled shrimps on top. Pour seafood with citrus juice.
- Then sprinkle them with any spices, as well as chopped almonds, dill and cheese, lay out slices of olives.
- We cover the products with foil and set to bake for half an hour (temperature - 180 ° C).
It will also be possible to cook trout steaks using simpler ingredients. For example, you can also put fish pieces in a form, pepper, salt them, sprinkle with citrus juice and oil. For piquancy, it would be nice to add chopped dill and garlic. It remains only to wrap the fish in foil and bake for 25 minutes (temperature - 220 ° C).
With potato
Baked trout in the oven with potatoes - isn't that a festive dinner? Such a dish will delight all gourmets, while baked fish is much more beneficial for digestion than fried.
- 1.3 kg of potatoes;
- trout;
- 55 g of olive oil;
- bulb;
- two eggs;
- 280 ml of mayonnaise (sour cream);
- two garlic cloves;
- 320 g of cheese.
Cooking method:
- We cut potato tubers in circles, mix with pepper, salt and oil.
- We spread potato wedges on an oiled baking sheet and put it in the oven for 20 minutes (temperature - 180 ° C).
- Trout is cut into steaks and sprinkled with a mixture of pepper and ordinary salt.
- Combine sour cream, eggs and minced garlic for the sauce.
- We get the potatoes, put onion rings and trout steaks on it. Pour with sauce, cover with foil and continue cooking for half an hour, but already at a temperature of 200 ° C.
- We take out the fish and potatoes, remove the foil, sprinkle with grated cheese and cook for another 20 minutes.
On a vegetable pillow
Trout is a truly royal and delicious inhabitant of the seas. We offer a recipe for such a juicy fish, with vegetables and marinade, which will give the meat a special taste and unique aroma.
- trout (steaks);
- bulb;
- two fruits of sweet pepper;
- 60 g of green beans;
- two garlic cloves;
- six cherry tomatoes;
- two tablespoons of refined oil.
Ingredients for Marinade:
- three tablespoons of soy sauce;
- a spoonful of lemon juice;
- 2 ml of Worcester sauce;
- a spoon of chili.
Cooking method:
- First, prepare the marinade. For this purpose, we take all the ingredients for the sauce, add a few more grams of salt and any spices for fish. Pickle steaks in the finished composition.
- In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. We chop the garlic into slices, cut the onion into half rings, and chop the pepper into large plates.
- We take the form, sprinkle it with refined oil, put onions, then garlic, pepper and beans. We spread the pickled fish steaks on the vegetable “pillow”, and distribute the cherry along the edges.
- Bake the dish for 20 minutes (temperature - 180 ° C).
How to cook rainbow trout in the oven
Trout is called rainbow for its unusual color. It is such a fish that can most often be seen on the shelves of our stores.
Many chefs find rainbow trout an excellent choice for cooking, because its meat is very tender and juicy.
- Rainbow trout;
- 55 ml of soya seasoning;
- ½ lemon;
- 55 g of sesame seeds;
- 65 ml of honey;
- feathers of green onions.
Cooking method:
- You can bake trout whole or in slices, this will not change its taste. Flavor fish with salt and pepper.
- Mix the sauce with honey. For the recipe, the latter is needed in liquid form, so it can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave.
- Now pour the citrus juice into the resulting composition. Stir the marinade, immerse the fish in it and stand for several hours.
- We put the workpiece in a mold covered with parchment, pour it with the remaining spicy composition, sprinkle with dried sesame seeds and chopped green onions.
- We put the future dish in the oven for 30 minutes (temperature - 180 ° C).
In the sleeve for baking
Trout can be baked not only in foil, but also in the culinary sleeve - the dish turns out to be just as juicy. For flavor, it is better to marinate the carcass in a sauce of lemon and olive oil.
- carcass of red fish;
- half a lemon;
- three tablespoons of olive oil;
- dill (fresh).
From lemon you need not only juice, but also zest.
Cooking method:
- In a bowl, mix citrus juice with oil, and mix the zest with chopped dill, salt and pepper.
- First, the fish is flavored with liquid marinade, and then rubbed with a mixture of dill and zest, leave for an hour.
- Put the pickled fish in a cooking bag and bake for 30 minutes (temperature - 180 ° C).
In sour cream sauce
Trout lives only in clean waters, so its meat is so tender and is considered a real delicacy.
This fish goes well with different sauces, but especially with those prepared on the basis of cream or sour cream.
- fish carcass;
- one bell pepper;
- bulb;
- half a glass of sour cream;
- 55 g butter;
- ½ lemon.
Cooking method:
- In a pan with melted butter, fry the onion half rings. Three minutes later we put chopped bell pepper to it and fry the vegetables for another five minutes.
- Then we pour sour cream to the prepared products and simmer the sauce for five minutes.
- Sprinkle the trout well with pepper and salt, put on an oiled baking sheet, season with citrus juice and pour over sour cream sauce.
- We cover the workpiece with foil and put in the oven for 25 minutes (temperature 200 - ° C). Five minutes before the end of the process, remove the foil.
If you want to emphasize the taste of red fish, then use citrus fruits (especially lemon and orange), dairy products, alcohol in the form of white and red wine, and also herbs (for example, thyme or rosemary).