There is only one way to cook rice in water in a pan or slow cooker. Regardless of adding other products to the cereal, it is always prepared and cooked the same way. The main difference between the method of preparation, preparation and the duration of cooking cereals is a rice variety, which is used in cooking more than 25 items. Having learned how to cook this delicious and surprisingly healthy cereal, you can create real culinary masterpieces from it every day, whether it is Uzbek pilaf or Japanese sushi.

How to cook rice in water?

Traditionally, rice is cooked on water in a saucepan. The proportions of the main product and the liquid will depend on the variety of cereal. Pre-grains are necessarily washed, which will help eliminate large debris, dust particles and starch. The best way to flush cereal is to place it in the right amount in a colander, followed by washing under running water. You can clean the product in another way by pouring it into a deep container and rinsing with a clean liquid until the water becomes clear. Some rice varieties are steeped before cooking, which will speed up the cooking process.

Round grain


Round-grain or round-grain rice is used for making cereals, desserts, casseroles, sushi and rolls. This cereal contains starch in large quantities, which will require more thorough washing before cooking. It is washed under cold running water, after which it is reclined in a colander and left for about 60 minutes.

You need to cook the cereal in a deep pan, under a closed lid. The tank must be with a thick bottom, otherwise the grains will inevitably burn. First, prepared cereal is poured into the pan, after which 1: 2 water is added, and the cereal is cooked for 10 minutes under a closed lid. After the fire you need to turn off and leave the porridge to brew, not forgetting to slightly salt and knead. If such rice is used for sushi, then the proportion of water should be slightly less - 1 part cereal and 1.5 water.

Long grain

Rice is considered to be long-grain, whose length is 0.6 cm or more. Unlike round-grain, such a cereal in the cooking process retains its appearance and does not stick together. Salads, pilaf and various side dishes are prepared from such fragrant and crumbly rice.

Prepares the cereal as follows:

  1. Pre-rinse the cereal in 7 waters, removing all unnecessary impurities.
  2. Then the rice is poured with cold liquid so that it is 20 mm higher than the cereal.
  3. Before cooking, it is better to salt the product a little, adding a white stone in a very small amount. This is important, because after the finished cereal will be seasoned with sauces containing salt.
  4. The container in which the rice will cook must be well covered - this will help make the cereal more fragrant and crumbly.
  5. The first few minutes, the porridge should cook on high heat, the rest of the time on low heat. The total cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.

After cooking, cereals must be infused and then used as directed. At the end, you can season it with butter.

Rice for sushi, rolls

For everyone's favorite sushi and rolls, round grain rice is most often used. It is more sticky, which allows you to twist it well after cooking, forming the product of the correct form. First, the cereal is washed in several waters, after which it is poured with cool liquid so that it covers the cereal by 1.5 cm. In this case, salt is not necessary.


First, a container with cereal is placed on a large fire, which must be maintained until the water boils. After that, the fire is reduced (not much) and the cereal is cooked under the lid for about 18 minutes. It is prohibited to stir cereals during the cooking process. After the cereal is cooked, you need to add rice vinegar, sugar and salt with the calculation of 200 g of the main product of 70 ml of vinegar, 30 g of granulated sugar and a little salt. Rice for rolls should cool slightly after cooking and then be used to form a delicious dish.

Wild brown

Despite the fact that wild brown rice is incredibly tasty and healthy, it is not often possible to meet it in the kitchen of many housewives. All this is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to cook a product correctly, being disappointed in it in the end. In fact, cooking it is quite simple, the main thing is to observe the correct proportions of the components.

There are several ways to prepare such cereals:

  1. The main product should be soaked overnight, after which, removing the remaining liquid, pour it into the cooking container, pour water 1: 4 and cook for 25 minutes over low heat under a lid. At the end, cereal needs to be salted, seasoned with spices. If after cooking a little water remains in the pan, it must be drained.
  2. Brown rice is poured in the right amount into a bowl and washed under running water. While washing the grains, you need to slightly knead, using your hands for this. Repeat the procedure several times to remove excess starch. After the cereal is filled with water and left for about 10 hours. Then the liquid is drained, a new one is added in the ratio of 1: 2, and the tank with cereal is sent to medium heat for 30-35 minutes. At the end, the product is seasoned with salt and mixed thoroughly so that the grains do not stick together.
  3. The third method differs from the previous two in that it excludes the soaking of the grains. First, wild brown rice is washed, after which it is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 5 and cooked for about 40 minutes. After the cereal is ready, it needs to be thrown into a colander and then served to the table along with any products.

This rice variety is rarely served as a separate meal. Usually based on it, gourmet, tasty and aromatic dishes are prepared.

Wild black

Small and beautiful black rice is prepared quite simply. It contains a large number of nutrients, has a slightly nutty flavor.

It must be prepared as follows:

  • fill the cereal with water and wait until it increases in volume;
  • rinse in several waters, using your hands;
  • soak cereals, preferably all night and only after proceeding with cooking.

When the cereal is clean, you can begin to prepare it. To do this, pour 2.5 parts of water or broth into the container, and then pour 1 part of rice. You need to cook over low heat for 35 minutes, then add salt, stir and serve, adding vegetable roasting or any other products.

Rice on the water - recipes

From rice you can cook a huge number of dishes - from the first to desserts. How long to cook rice and how to do it correctly, general tips will help. Regardless of whether steamed rice is used or regular, it is impossible to interfere with the cooking process, otherwise it will result in a sticky and unpleasant taste. You can add a white product of a different color with turmeric or beetroot juice. If in the process of cooking the croup is boiled and stuck together, you can use it for cooking meatballs or casseroles - such a brew will be unsuitable for sushi.

In a pan on the water

In a pan on the water you can cook any kind of cereal, including jasmine rice - an elite variety that has a snow-white color. It is used for cooking pilaf and vegetable side dishes.

Before cooking, the cereal is washed and soaked for 120 minutes if possible. After that, you need to drain the remaining water and pour new grains, in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Cook over medium heat for about 25-35 minutes. The cooking container must be thick-walled, with a dense bottom. At the end, the brew is seasoned with salt, spices, oil.

In a slow cooker

Rice in a slow cooker is prepared quickly and efficiently.

To prepare the product, you should take:

  • steamed rice - 400 g;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • salt, spices.

After washing the rice, you need to pour it into the bowl of the miracle machine, pour boiling water and salt. Cook in “Pilaf” or “Rice” for half an hour. So that the crust does not form on the grains from below, in the "Pilaf" mode it needs to be cooked 8 minutes less.

In a double boiler

Cooking cereals in a double boiler is quite simple, using it afterwards for making cabbage rolls or a side dish. Before steaming the product, it needs to be washed and filled in a special bowl. Following the groats is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and cooked for 30 minutes until cooked. This processing method is the most gentle, allowing you to save most of the nutrients.

How to cook rice so that it is friable?

To get friable rice, you must correctly choose the ratio of liquid to the main product. Depending on the variety of cereal, it can be the proportions of 1: 2, 1: 3, etc. Round-grain rice is quick to prepare, which requires less water, for long-grain liquid you need about 1: 2.5. Brown rice and wild should be cooked as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions.


It is advisable to take hot water that is used to cook the product. This will help make the rice grains eventually separate from each other, crumbly, not sticky and juicy. If there is no tank with a thick bottom, a little vegetable fat can be added to the water to prevent burning of the cereal. Whenever possible, experts advise preparing cereals using a double boiler, where it retains its nutritional value and is excellent in structure.