Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in both the male and female body, but in the strong half of humanity its production is much higher. Lack of this substance leads to the most serious consequences, such as decreased libido, impaired reproductive and endocrine systems, as well as erectile dysfunction. Our article will be useful for those men who do not know how to increase testosterone levels in effective, and most importantly safe ways.
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How testosterone levels affect a man
The male sex hormone testosterone belongs to the group of androgens, which are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in the male type. The development of bone and muscle tissue, the level of hair growth, the timbre of the voice and other male sexual characteristics depend on the quantitative indicator of steroids.
However, the list of the main functions of testosterone is not limited to this. The spermatogenesis development process also depends on its level, which subsequently affects the state of reproductive function. In addition, the male hormone regulates metabolic processes, thereby controlling the metabolism of fats. Deficiency of a substance leads to a set of extra pounds, and also reduces the strength and endurance of the whole organism.
It's no secret that sexual impotence in a man is a consequence of lowered steroid levels.As a result, sexual failures affect the psychological state of a person and become the main reason for the appearance of serious complexes regarding their sexual abilities.
Reasons for hormone decline
The synthesis of the hormone occurs in a paired organ - the testes. The production of a substance depends on the general condition of the endocrine system, for the functionality of which the pituitary and hypothalamus are responsible. They send certain impulses to the central nervous system, after which the brain gives the adrenal cortex an appropriate command to activate testosterone synthesis.
The maximum level of the hormone is observed in young boys, whose age is 17-20 years. After 35 years of age, the quantitative indicator every year becomes lower by 1-2%. Such a process is considered the norm and does not require any medical correction. However, there are cases when a deficiency of a substance is observed in men of reproductive age.
The main reasons for this violation are the following factors:
- overweight due to the consumption of large amounts of fatty, flour and sweet foods;
- high blood sugar;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- alcohol and smoking abuse;
- constant stress and nervous overwork;
- lack of proper sleep;
- insufficient amount of vitamins and unsaturated fats in the body.
Drug Enhancement
The advantage of drugs that increase testosterone levels is that they act as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Note! Hormone therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a competent endocrinologist. Otherwise, self-medication will lead to the most dire consequences, up to infertility or a violation of the nervous system.
Specialists distinguish the following most effective medications:
- Nebido. A special solution is intended for intramuscular administration. It is used no more than 1 time within 3 months.
- Androgel. The drug has the form of a gel and is designed specifically for external use. The tool treats the lower abdomen or forearm. The gel is applied to the skin with massaging movements without subsequent rinsing with water. The daily dosage should not exceed 10 g.
- Andriol. Capsules or tablets are intended specifically for oral administration. The drug has practically no side effects, and it can be used by men of different age categories.
Complications with the medication
You must admit that every man wants to be active in bed even after 40 years, when testosterone levels inevitably fall, and strength and endurance are enough for work. Particularly relevant is the problem when the waist circumference has long exceeded the circumference of the shoulders, and a fat cross has been placed in sports.
And here a friend, work colleague or just acquaintance talks about the miraculous injections of testosterone, which instantly return the male to his former youth and sexual activity. However, in medical practice, drug treatment is prescribed only in extreme cases, if the patient is diagnosed with testicular failure.
In all other situations, hormone therapy is extremely undesirable, as it can cause a number of side effects, among which are:
- erythrocytosis, in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- violations of the liver and kidneys;
- dizziness and loss of consciousness;
- neurological diseases.
In addition, the endocrine system, which receives synthetic hormone from the outside, does not produce its own steroids over time. The sex glands cease to work in their natural mode, which subsequently leads to their complete or partial dysfunction.
Natural ways to boost testosterone
The question that most often arises in men is: how to increase testosterone levels in safe, natural ways without resorting to hormones. Of course, it will take a lot of time to restore an adequate level of androgens, since treatment of the endocrine system is a very complex long process. However, unlike drugs, natural methods do not harm the health of men and have a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism.
Physical exercise
As noted earlier, inadequate physical activity and overweight reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. Everyone knows the strategy for weight loss - to minimize the consumption of junk food, monitor the amount of calories eaten and exercise regularly.
Based on studies, it was proved that the maximum growth of male hormone is stimulated by high-intensity strength training at the limit of its capabilities. To do this, perform the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise. Prefer strength training, running or swimming, but do not exhaust the body with prolonged measured loads.
Before an explosive launch, it is necessary to warm up and warm up the body as best as possible so as not to cause injury to the ligaments and tendons. You must complete the approach almost to a complete failure, when you are not able to perform more than a single repeat. Then take a break for 3-5 minutes and perform a new approach. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 50 minutes.
Weight normalization
First of all, it is necessary to correctly balance the amount of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Despite the fact that a complete rejection of carbohydrates is considered the most effective way to lose extra pounds, nutritionists are still against such an “unhealthy” diet.
To reduce weight, you need to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates found in sweets or flour dishes. At the same time, one should not refuse complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables or cereals. The optimal daily intake of carbohydrates and proteins for weight loss is 175-185 g, and the amount of fat should not exceed 40 g.
Do not torment yourself with exhausting hunger strikes, as in the economy mode, the body can stop the synthesis of testosterone. In addition, include foods fortified with zinc and iron in your diet. These biologically active substances do not allow male steroids to be converted into the female hormone estrogen.
Testosterone boosting foods include:
- liver;
- poultry meat;
- oysters
- broccoli and cauliflower;
- garlic.
Folk remedies
Alternative methods of treatment involve the use of all kinds of alternative methods, however, it is preliminary recommended to undergo examination by a qualified endocrinologist.
Among the most effective methods, the following are distinguished:
- The use of tinctures based on ordinary oleander, medicinal verbena or lovage. Home-made infusions or decoctions are forbidden to use in case of renal failure, as well as if a man has inflammation of the urinary system. The drug is taken before meals three times a day.
- The inclusion of "male stew" in the diet. Chopped bones and finely chopped beef meat are cooked over low heat. Then put chopped carrots, onions and turnips into the broth. The resulting mixture is cooked for 10 minutes. Served with chopped nettle and dandelion leaves.
Additional recommendations from doctors
You can increase the level of the hormone in natural ways, but be patient, as the recovery process is very slow.
The list of recommendations below will help you fill up the shortage of male androgens as quickly as possible:
- Supplement your diet with omega fatty acids and Vitamin C. To do this, take ascorbic acid and fish oil.
- An insufficient level of vitamin D also contributes to a decrease in testosterone, so take short sun baths at any convenient opportunity.
- Try to avoid stress, nervous and physical overwork, as well as give up bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
Finally, doctors advise as often as possible to have sex. Sex itself does not affect hormone production, however, sufficient sexual activity contributes to better sleep. A good dream, in turn, stimulates the synthesis of male substance.