Masculinity, courage, courage and strength are qualities that most women would like to see in their life partner. Not everyone, however, knows that the hormone called testosterone is responsible for all these male bonuses. Its lack in the body is able to create a lot of problems for the stronger sex. How to increase testosterone in men is described in this section.
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What is testosterone?
Testosterone is one of the hormones that affect the many processes taking place in the male body, namely:
- germ cells production;
- muscle and bone condition;
- red blood cell production;
- the state of libido;
- increase in energy level;
- mood improvement.
Note. Although labeled “male hormone”, testosterone is produced both in the male testicles and in the ovaries of the weaker sex. Men have a higher concentration of this hormone in the blood than ladies. It is the amount of testosterone that is responsible for "male" behavior.
Value for the body of a man
Without testosterone, male body formation is not possible. Such processes originate from infancy, continuing in childhood and adolescence, and ending in adulthood. The hormone is responsible for the formation of the reproductive system and is able to maintain the health of men by taking a direct part in metabolic processes.
Testosterone lowers the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone. Due to this factor, representatives of the stronger sex are able to feel more joy, vivacity and optimism than women.
Decreased testosterone levels can provoke the following consequences:
- decreased sexual activity;
- impotence;
- sleep disturbances;
- increase in fat mass and a parallel decrease in muscle mass;
- decrease in sperm count and deterioration of its quality;
- prostration;
- depressive state;
- impaired intellectual ability.
Level and norm in men
There are total and free testosterone. The lion's share of the hormone produced is inextricably linked to two proteins - albumin and globulin.
Protein-free testosterone levels are determined by laboratory blood tests. High levels of total testosterone, but small numbers indicating the amount of free, indicate a low level of the hormone.
Typically, testosterone values are expressed as the ratio of nanograms (billionth part of gamma) per deciliter of blood (100 ml).
Normal are hormone counts that balance within the following limits:
- 270-1070 ng / dl of total testosterone, with average values of 679 ng / dl;
- 9-30 ng / dl of free testosterone, with an average of 2-3% of the level of total testosterone.
Reasons for Testosterone Decrease
Various factors contribute to a decrease in testosterone production. Often they are divided into primary, provoked by pathologies of the endocrine and other systems, and secondary, inextricably linked to the man’s lifestyle and the influence of external factors.
The most common secondary causes of a decrease in the concentration and amount of the base male hormone are:
- Decreased motor activity. It is no coincidence that nature made men hardy, suggesting the occupation of the latter by various types of physical activity. Previously, representatives of the stronger sex were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, hunting, and military affairs. Physical activity and endurance, thus, was supported by high levels of testosterone. Modern life involves predominantly sedentary work, does not require such physical expenses from a man, and, accordingly, reduces the need for the development of the “hormone of masculinity”.
- Improper nutrition. Irregular or poor diet, as well as overeating, can reduce testosterone. A man’s food should be composed of vitamins and minerals.
- Excess weight. For a man, excess kilograms are not only an external defect. Fat cells are a kind of plant for the production of estrogen - a hormone opposite to testosterone.
- Irregular intimate life. Stable lovemaking helps testosterone production. This is especially true for men of mature age. Permanent (several times a week) contacts are the key to good men's health.
- Alcohol abuse. Modern society imposes its stereotypes. In particular, a man with a bottle of a strong alcoholic drink is considered multiple and sexual. However, scientists have proven that alcohol blocks the brain centers responsible for the process of testosterone formation.
- Stress. Experiences and depression contribute to the production of cortisol. The latter does not directly affect the quantitative indicators of testosterone, but it can block the receptors of this hormone, and the latter becomes useless.
- Sleep disturbance. The vast majority of men notes the state of the so-called spontaneous erection. The latter occurs because testosterone is most actively produced at night, and in the morning reaches its quantitative peak. This time of sleep occurs, but not superficial, but full and deep.
- Taking some medications. Testosterone is often reduced by various types of drugs. The most common of them are sodium sulfate, tetracycline and others. Often, hormones decrease with prolonged use of medications. After the termination of the course, their level is normalized.
- Environmental impact.Exhaust gases, household chemicals and other realities of modern civilization do not affect the body of the stronger sex, and, in particular, the amount of testosterone in the best way - under the influence of adverse environmental factors, it begins to gradually decrease.
Signs and symptoms of low hormone levels
A man with a lowered level of testosterone notes a number of certain signs that may not be associated with the true causes of their manifestation.
These include:
- depressive states, apathy;
- impotence, decreased libido;
- starting the feminization process - loss of hair on the head and body, enlargement of the mammary glands;
- obesity;
- impaired memory quality and intellectual abilities.
How to boost in natural ways
We increase testosterone in men in natural ways:
- Physical exercise. Athletes and men who focus on physical activity rarely experience testosterone deficiency. The most effective exercises are those that promote the development of different muscle groups, for example, exercises on power simulators. At the same time, during training, you should bet on intensity, and not on duration. To increase the amount of hormones of masculinity, it is enough to engage in 1 hour 2-3 times a week.
- Improving the quality of nutrition. The latter should be ordered: take food 3-4 times a day. You can not overeat or gorge on at night.
Additionally, you can highlight some substances that contribute to the production of this hormone:
- Cholesterol. Contained in the liver, eggs, caviar, fish. However, they should not be diligent with the intake of such products, this can provoke heart pathologies.
- Zinc. It is a component of nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
- Arginine. The list of products containing this amino acid is quite extensive: almonds, cottage cheese, peanuts, eggs, meat.
Men who want to improve their health should limit their intake of salt. According to the results of numerous studies, it contains an impressive amount of estrogen of plant origin.
It is useful for men who want to increase testosterone to consider a number of additional recommendations:
- Minimize the effects of harmful chemicals on the body. To this end, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors and outside the city, travel by car with the windows closed tightly. When choosing personal care products, carefully study the composition and do not use products containing bisphenol. Various lotions and gels are acceptable to replace with toilet soap.
- Establish sleep and rest. The desired number of hours of sound and deep sleep is 8-9, but not less than 7.
- Regular sex life. You should not refrain from sexual contact for a long time, paying attention to sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week.
Testosterone boosting drugs
If a representative of the stronger sex, following all of these recommendations, has difficulties with the concentration of testosterone, you can try to change the levels of the hormone level medication.
The following drugs are allocated to increase testosterone:
- patches ("Androderm");
- tablets (Adriol, Tribulus);
- gels (Androgel, Testogel);
- injections (Omnadren, Sustanon 250);
- Supplements ("AliKaps", "Testogenon").
Testosterone is one of the most important components of the hormonal background of a man. And if a sufficient amount of this enzyme does not guarantee a man one hundred percent masculinity, then its reduced amount will certainly bring many problems of a different nature. You can correct the situation in a natural way, paying attention to nutrition and lifestyle, or else resort to the help of medications.