Testosterone produced by the pituitary gland is one of the most important hormones in the male body. Its deficiency leads to serious violations of the reproductive and endocrine systems, as a result of which a man experiences problems in his intimate life. Today we will talk about how to increase testosterone in men by natural methods without the use of drugs containing synthetic hormone analogues.
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The norm and deviation of testosterone levels in men
Testicles (testicles) and adrenal glands, which are regulated by the pituitary gland, are responsible for the production of male sex hormone. The lower cerebral appendage starts the process of producing special enzymes, due to which the subsequent synthesis of biologically active substances occurs. Testosterone belongs to the group of steroid hormones androgens. It is he who is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics during puberty. These include the following parameters:
- hairline level;
- timbre of voice;
- the functionality of the prostate and male genital organs;
- secretion of sweat glands;
- the structure of the skeleton and muscle tissue.
It is worth noting that the concentration of a substance varies with age. So, the most active surge of the hormone is observed in the period of 18–20 years. During this period, the amount of substance varies from 29 to 38.5 nmol / L. A gradual decrease in testosterone levels occurs after the man has overcome the 35-year age limit.Every year, the indicator falls by 1–2% and after 50 years the quantitative hormone content in the blood is 6.68–25.7 nmol / L.
In addition, the indicator of a substance can change during the day. The amount of testosterone increases markedly after intense physical activity or during intimacy. Any deviations in one or the other direction are considered a sign of disrupted endocrine system and require immediate treatment.
Causes and consequences of lowering the level of male hormone
The causes of deficiency can be a wide variety of factors, ranging from pituitary diseases to the lack of regular exercise. There are frequent cases when a lack of hormone is the result of constant stress and excessive overwork of the nervous system. Based on the research of modern specialists, it was found that elevated blood sugar blocks the production of steroids.
Insulin-dependent people, as a rule, have a number of other disorders preceding the disease. Diabetes mellitus usually develops due to overweight. Based on this, it can be concluded that obesity is another reason for the decreased production of the active substance. It’s no secret that hormone deficiency negatively affects the male strength and endurance of the body. Over time, a lack of testosterone leads to erectile dysfunction, complete loss of libido, and also adversely affects the state of the nervous system.
A biologically active substance is part of the bone tissue, so its reduction can lead to the development of osteoporosis. Very often, a lack of testosterone does not cause any pronounced symptoms, as a result of which a progressive disorder goes unnoticed.
Do not forget to systematically undergo an examination with a competent specialist in order to avoid negative results from a reduced level of male hormone.
Ways to Boost Testosterone
Synthetic steroid-based medications are not necessary to increase testosterone levels. We bring to your attention several natural methods of normalizing the hormonal background, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body of a man.
Lose weight
As already noted earlier, representatives of the strong half of humanity experience a decrease in hormone as a result of overweight. First of all, it is necessary to develop a competent way of eating, which will eliminate harmful fatty, sweet and flour foods. According to doctors, an adequate level of male hormone contributes to a more intense burning of calories. If you start metabolic processes by using a carbohydrate-protein diet, then the excess weight will be released as efficiently as possible.
The following main products for increasing testosterone in men are distinguished:
- poultry and fish meat (chicken breast or cod fillet);
- cereal crops;
- nuts
- high vitamin C citrus fruits;
- low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream;
- olives;
- avocado.
Try to keep track of how many calories you eat during the day. Men aged 18 to 35 years are recommended to use no more than 3000 kcal per day. After 35 years, the daily norm is 2800 kcal.
Complex exercise
Based on studies, it was found that the quantitative indicator of testosterone increases against the background of regular high-intensity physical activity. Strength training works best on the endocrine system of any man.
However, remember that overtraining also negatively affects the state of the body and helps to reduce steroids. It is best to give preference to short exercises of high intensity, rather than exhausting your body with long training with a moderate load.
The following training complex is capable of raising testosterone in men:
- To start, arrange a warm-up for 3-5 minutes. This can be a regular run or jumping rope.
- Next, perform as many repetitions of the exercise as possible within 30 seconds. You should work at the peak of your capabilities, trying to do more repetitions over a specified period of time.
- As soon as you feel a strong burning sensation in the muscles and feel that you are no longer able to perform a single repetition, take a short break for 1.5–2 minutes.
- Repeat the load at the same pace, followed by rest an additional 6-8 times.
Prefer basic strength exercises such as bench press, squats or deadlift. Training should take place using light weight to perform the maximum number of simultaneous repetitions.
Adequate intake of zinc
Zinc supplements have been proven to stimulate the production of sex hormone. At the same time, a lack of mineral substance leads to a significant decrease in the quantitative indicator of testosterone. High levels of zinc are found in foods such as milk, kefir, legumes, as well as meat and fish.
If you opt for food supplements, then try to comply with the daily zinc intake. The optimal daily dosage should not exceed 40 mg. Otherwise, the risk of side effects in the form of nausea and dizziness increases. In addition, an excess of zinc in the body interferes with the normal absorption of other beneficial substances.
Getting rid of bad habits
Bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, adversely affect overall health, also affecting the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body. Doctors say that not even nicotine is a particular danger, but tar and combustion products that make up tobacco products. These substances immediately enter the bloodstream, thereby having an instant effect on the hormonal background of a person. In the future, the adrenal cortex breaks down, and this, in turn, leads to a significant decrease in the level of male hormones.
Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages contributes to the active production of female hormones estrogen. In any healthy man, these substances are contained in a minimum amount. Alcohol upsets this balance, as a result of which serious pathologies of the endocrine system develop. No folk remedies can help restore testosterone if you abuse alcohol.
Sugar restriction in diet
Excess sugar in the body is the main culprit in the development of insulin resistance. High insulin levels decrease testosterone production and slow down the metabolic processes inside the body. Try to minimize the consumption of sweets, as well as completely eliminate purchased juices and carbonated drinks from your menu.
Harmful sugar can be replaced with honey or stevia based on natural ingredients. Currently, this product is considered an absolutely safe sweetener that does not contain calories and is indicated even in the presence of diabetes.
Regular sex life
By themselves, intimate relationships do not affect the rate of male sex hormone, however, sexual activity reduces the level of cortisol, thereby restoring the nervous system of a man. Peace of mind, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of sleep. Experts say that the active production of testosterone occurs precisely in a state of deep sleep. Thus, regular sex life indirectly, but still increases the level of male hormone. It is worth noting that the amount of testosterone in the blood is significantly reduced already on the 7th day of abstinence from sex.
In conclusion, I would like to recall that the natural process of lowering testosterone after 35 years is the norm.A well-formed diet, a complete rejection of bad habits and regular training that can be carried out even at home will help slow down irreversible changes.