Pineapple, beloved by many, is a plant that can live in conditions of lack of moisture. He satisfies the need for liquid in a peculiar way - his thick leaves form a natural bowl where the dew flows, and then penetrates into the plant. To think about how to plant a pineapple at home, you can use this property of it. It is enough to root the top, and after a while such a plant, unusual for Russian latitudes, will grow at home.
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How to plant pineapple from the top at home
Since pineapple can grow only in the tropics, in the climatic conditions of Russia such a plant can be grown:
- in the conservatory or greenhouse;
- in a heated greenhouse;
- in the apartment.
And before you start breeding pineapples, you need to choose the right planting material.
Selection of planting material
Since it may take several years from the top to plant a new fruit, it is necessary to carefully examine the donor plant before deciding what planting material can be taken from it.
- We select only ripe pineapple.
- The fruit must be healthy, with no stains or curvature on the skin.
- Do not plant pineapples exposed to low temperatures.
- The selected specimen should have thick leaves of a deep green color. Dried or rumpled fruit indicates illness or stale fruit.
- The fruit should have a pleasant aroma. If there is a sharp sour or putrid odor, then it is better to immediately refuse to buy such a fruit.
Advice! It is best to buy fruit for breeding in late summer or early fall, because at that time fully ripened pineapples enter the market.
Preparing the top of the pineapple for rooting
A lot depends on how to plant the top of the pineapple so that the plant takes root. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare a "crest" of leaves.
There are two ways to extract the tip from the fetus itself:
- it can be twisted out of pineapple, tightly clasping a bunch of leaves;
- and you can also cut a few centimeters of pulp from the fruit along with the leaves, and then cut off the excess with a knife.
If you use the first method, it will immediately become clear whether the fetus is ready for transplantation. Did you manage to unscrew the bunch of leaves along with the base? It can be safely planted.
Further, the base is cleaned from the lower leaves and densely sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
Advice! To speed up the germination of the roots, the pineapple can be hung so that the cut part looks up.
Then water is poured into the glass container and the beam is placed in it with the cut down.
- The jar should be wrapped in dark cloth so that the light does not get on the roots.
- Plants are placed in a warm place without drafts.
- It is best to place a pineapple under a phytolamp.
- Water needs to be refreshed every other day.
Soil preparation and selection of planting containers
The pot in which the fruit will grow should be no more than 0.5 - 0.7 liters in volume. And also it is necessary to make good drainage holes in it.
The soil for pineapple is made according to the following recipe:
- peat - 1/4 part;
- leaf humus - 1/4 part;
- fine sand - 1/4 part;
- perlite - 1 tablespoon;
- rotted cow manure - 1/4 part.
Or you can buy in the store a special mixture for bromel.
It is important to remember that any soil must first be decontaminated by spilling it with biofungicides.
How to plant in the ground
Before pineapple, which has already taken root, is planted in the soil, you need to lower the roots into a solution of biofungicides, and then hold them for several hours in a solution of growth stimulants. Then the roots are slightly dried in a dark place for an hour.
- Next, a thick layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom of the pot.
- A thin soil layer spills out on top for drainage.
- From the spray gun moistens the earth.
- Pineapple is placed in the middle of the pot.
- Around the soil is neatly poured and tamped, but so that young roots are not damaged.
- After that, a small groove is made around the future trunk and the plant is carefully watered.
- The groove must be covered with dry soil and the pot should be moved to a permanent place of residence.
- For better rooting, you can build a mini greenhouse for the plant, covering it with a glass cap, or make a case from a special covering material.
After planting, the pineapple must definitely take the brightest and warmest place.
How to plant a pineapple with seeds from a mature fruit
Pineapple can also be grown from seed, but for this it is necessary to buy fruit in early autumn so that it is definitely ripe, with seeds that have been nourished by force. But in addition, how to independently obtain seed material, you can buy it at any store serving gardeners.
- No matter how the seeds were extracted, in any case, to begin with, they must be soaked for 12-14 hours in a solution of biofungicides.
- Next, for 4 hours, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator.
- Then they germinate either in a special composition or on wet gauze. It is important that high humidity is maintained constantly and the bone is warm. The higher the temperature in the room where the seeds germinate, the faster they hatch.
- The soil mixture should be exactly the same as for the top germination.
- Germinated seeds are buried in it by 2 cm and covered with a greenhouse.
- Several times a day, the pot must be aired.
It is important to remember that some seeds can germinate for six months.And all this time you need to make sure that the soil remains moist, and it is warm around.
Rules for plant care at home
Planting a pineapple at home is quite simple, but it will only be possible to grow it if the grower abides by the rules for caring for the plant.
- It is necessary to maintain constant humidity, but root rot must not be allowed.
- The leaf funnel must be filled with water as it dries.
- Pineapple should be watered with warm, and even better, hot water.
- Leaves need to be washed periodically.
- Several times a day, the plant can be sprayed with warm water, but it must be ensured that there are no drafts.
- Ambient temperature should not be lower than + 20ºС.
- Several times a month, it is necessary to bring rotted cow manure through watering. Replacing such a valuable organic fertilizer with something else is difficult, so you should prepare in advance.
- At the same time, mineral fertilizers are rarely applied, and in winter they should not be added at all. During spring, summer and autumn, superphosphates and potassium salts are added four times.
Advice! For stimulation of pineapple during the flowering period, you can use a regular apple. But it is important that it is natural, and not from the store shelf. The fruit must be cut in half and bury one part in the soil closer to the roots. The other half is located in a leaf outlet. Next, the pineapple is covered with a plastic cap for several weeks. The ethylene that will secrete the apple will help the pineapple bloom.
The main mistakes when planting pineapple
To the question: “Is it possible to plant pineapple at home”, an affirmative answer is always given. But growing such a complex plant is a completely different story. Therefore, you need to take into account errors that can completely level all efforts.
- It is worth repeating that pineapple loves warmth. Moreover, the humidity should also be high - it does not tolerate dry air.
- A short daylight will not allow the plant to develop, so it needs to provide full eight-hour natural lighting. This is best done with a good phytolamp - it will give all the necessary spectrum of radiation.
- There should be a gap between the pot and the drain pan, and the water should not stagnate there.
Not every grower has the patience to grow pineapple at home, but if you still manage to achieve your cherished goal, then first the plant will give the owner wonderful flowering, and then it will give you the opportunity to enjoy the delicious fruits that you got, oh, how difficult!