Miramistin is widely used in otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, gynecology. Especially often, this substance is included in the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract, so it is important to understand how to gargle with Miramistin.

The composition of the drug

The drug is classified as an antiseptic. It has the widest antimicrobial spectrum of action.

It is produced in the form of ointment, spray and solution. Each type of drug has its own instructions.

For the treatment of diseases of the throat, a substance is acquired that does not have color or with a slight yellowish tinge. If you shake the bottle, then a foam appears in the liquid.

The medicinal composition contains an active compound called "benzyldimethyl myristoylamino propyl ammonium chloride." The content of this key component in antiseptics is only one tenth of a gram. Additionally, water is present in the solution.

Miramistin has special properties:

  • able to destroy the shells of harmful microbes, destroys streptococci and staphylococci;
  • inhibits the growth and reproduction of viral particles;
  • eliminates fungal agents;
  • disinfects damaged tissues, accelerating their healing;
  • increases the activity of immune cells;
  • reduces the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics;
  • prevents secondary infection;
  • reduces inflammation of the throat mucosa;
  • eliminates hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • helps eliminate purulent exudate;
  • increases the effect of antibiotics and antimycotics (drugs against fungi);
  • prevents the occurrence of complications of the disease;
  • with timely use for the treatment of inflammation of the pharynx, it prevents the appearance of pustular structures on the tonsils.

The drug can be purchased without a prescription. It is sold ready for use.

Indications for the use of an antiseptic

Miramistin throat treatment in the form of a solution is used for pathologies accompanied by soreness and a feeling of tickling, discomfort during swallowing, a film on the tonsils, redness and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, and cough.

Therefore, Miramistin can gargle with tonsillitis of various origins, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

And also it is successfully used for stomatitis, herpetic lesions of the oral cavity and carious manifestations.

In addition, Miramistin solution is used in the treatment of dermatological, gynecological pathologies, and other ENT diseases. In these areas, his appointment occurs in a different way, but also locally.

How to gargle with Miramistin for adults and children

In order for the drug to be most effective, it is necessary to observe several rules during its use:

  • the rinse procedure should last at least five minutes;
  • gargling should be done with your head slightly tilted up to avoid penetration of the product into the nasopharynx;
  • to improve the effect of rinsing, it is recommended to say the sound "s";
  • if the liquid began to foam during use, then it must be spat out;
  • performing the procedure, the patient should try to push the lower jaw forward - so the solution penetrates better into the inaccessible parts of the pharynx;
  • for 30 minutes after the session it is forbidden to drink and eat;
  • rinsing is recommended after 30 minutes from a meal;
  • use a warm Miramistin solution.

The dose of antiseptic varies with age.

  • Miramistin for the throat of an adult and children from 14 years of age are prescribed in a single amount of 10-15 ml.
  • For patients older than 7 years, a single dose of 7 ml is used.
  • Babies 3-6 years old are given 3-5 ml. In this case, be sure to develop Miramistin in cooled boiled water (in a ratio of 1 to 1).

The use of the drug in infants is very controversial, therefore, before using it, a pediatrician's consultation is necessary. In the treatment of infants, many people recommend acting in this way: dilute the solution with warm boiled water (in a 1: 1 ratio) and drip 1-2 drops into the throat. This procedure prevents the progression of infections, reduces inflammation, reduces swelling and redness of the throat mucosa.

The number of approaches for rinsing with Miramistin should be 4-5 per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process, but the required minimum is 4 days. Most often, the procedure is carried out within 5-7 days.

The solution is diluted only for children under 7 years of age, in all other cases, the finished substance is used.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, an antiseptic is used with caution. Avoid swallowing the drug while it enters the throat.

The medicine can be used even in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, as studies have shown that it does not affect the process of bearing a baby. The substances contained in the medication are not able to cross the placental barrier, which guarantees the safety of the embryo.

With breastfeeding, gargling with Miramistin is also allowed. At the same time, substances do not enter the bloodstream and are not excreted in breast milk, but act only locally.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug is strictly prohibited if the patient has intolerance to the individual components of Miramistin.As a result, its use by people with any allergic reaction should be closely monitored.

And also you should not use the solution for children under 3 years old, not yet able to gargle with all the rules. In such cases, the method of using the agent described above is suitable.

Side effects of rinsing with an antiseptic are rare.

Symptoms are as follows:

  • the occurrence of allergic reactions like dermatosis;
  • burning sensation of the throat, which passes quite quickly.

If such reactions appear, you must immediately abandon the drug and consult a specialist who will adjust the amount of the agent used or prescribe its analogue.

Cases of overdose with a solution for the treatment of throat were not observed.

Analogs of Miramistin for throat diseases

Rinses can be replaced by irrigation with the same medicine in the form of a spray.

Pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs that are successfully used for such purposes.

Products containing chlorhexidine bigluconate as the active component are considered to be similar according to the principle of exposure to Miramistin.

These medicines include:

  • Cital;
  • Katedzhel;
  • Amident;
  • Chlorhexidine.

There are other antiseptic agents that can successfully replace Miramistin:

  • Octenidine;
  • Malavit;
  • Octenisept;
  • Chlorophyllipt.

A doctor should prescribe such medicines, but in pharmacies they can be bought without a prescription.

Summing up, I would like to note that Miramistin is one of the best antiseptics used in the treatment of inflammatory pharynx of pharynx. Its proper use in the form of rinses will help to cope with a sore throat quickly and effectively.