Every person from time to time thinks about the topic of their appearance and excess weight. The most common problem is fat accumulation on the hips and abdomen. The unsightly folds on the waist make many people, especially women, wonder: how to lose weight without diets and remove your stomach?
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Motivation, how to make yourself lose weight
Many are familiar with the problem of lack of motivation. With regard to the correction of his own figure, it looks like this - a person enthusiastically brings the body into shape, playing sports and adhering to certain rules, and after a short time abruptly throws everything. Why is this happening? Everything is simple - enthusiasm has disappeared, but there is no proper motivation.
- Find a good reason that will be your incentive to combat figure flaws. Buy a blouse that you have been dreaming about for a long time, but you could not buy it because it opened all your flaws. Plan a vacation at sea, where you must look stunning. In extreme cases, just fall in love.
- Imagine how beautiful and, most importantly, healthy you will be if you get rid of fat on the sides and stomach. Remember, a good result is not easy. Only hard work and willpower will help achieve this goal.
Healthy Diet for Weight Loss
So, you were able to embark on a mission to destroy excess weight. And the first thing to start with is healthy eating. This does not mean that you have to drink one water and eat cucumbers with tomatoes.
The principles of a healthy diet differ from exhausting diets in the absence of restrictions on food and a variety of diets.
Proper nutrition is a good habit, which gradually turns into a lifestyle. Weight loss and body shaping occur naturally as a logical result of cleansing the body and restoring the activity of all vital systems.
Such nutrition includes calorie counting, a balanced diet, and the elimination of harmful and heavy foods. You save the body from unnecessary load, and it begins to work correctly, to produce the optimal amount of energy and destroy fat cells.
Here are some rules for a healthy diet:
- Every morning, drink a glass of boiled water on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before a meal. Thus, you start the digestion mechanism, and your body prepares for breakfast.
- Enter fractional nutrition. Eat often, but little by little. About 4-6 times a day. Try to have snacks at the same time. With such a system, the stomach manages to digest the incoming food and does not accumulate reserves, which eventually turn into excess weight.
- All that you fry can be stewed or steamed, the taste will be the same, but much more useful. Fried foods can be eaten, but rarely and in small quantities.
- Do not overload at night. The last meal should occur 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- In the morning you need food rich in carbohydrates, and in the evening - protein.
- Eat porridge and pasta with vegetables.
- Fruits and vegetables are useful in any form.
- Teach yourself to drink plenty of water.
- Give up sugar. If you can’t drink unsweetened tea, it’s better to add half a tablespoon of honey, it will be much more useful.
- From meat it is better to give preference to beef or chicken. Be sure to eat chicken without skin. It contains a lot of cholesterol.
- During fractional nutrition, you can eat vegetables instead of a single meal. This is a great option for a light but satisfying snack.
- You can eat some nuts and about 40 grams of butter per day.
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight after 45 years.
Exercise to quickly remove the stomach and sides
The next step towards a perfect body is the introduction of physical activity.
To start playing sports, you do not have to buy a gym or fitness club membership. Regular exercise at home will help you get an equally decent result.
Consider the different options for effective training:
- Cardio training (or cardiac muscle training) - it includes running, jumping, cycling and walking, exercise on a stationary bike and on a treadmill. The main thing is to maintain a pulse, which is considered normal for you. To calculate this from 220, subtract your age and multiply by 0.85. As a result, you will get the upper limit of the pulse, which you can not exceed.
- Exercise "Twisting". Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Lift the upper body on the exhale, and lower on the inhale. Complete 10 climbs in 2 sets.
- Strap. Take a push-up position with your elbows bent. Your body should be stretched parallel to the floor. Tighten all your muscles without bending your lower back and knees. Start the exercise with one minute, gradually adding time.
- Slopes. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands join over your head. Tilt your body to the left until you feel tension. Hold position for 15 seconds. Repeat the same to the right. Take 10 sets each way.
- Raising legs sitting on a chair. Sit on a chair, grab a seat with your hands and raise your legs to your chest. Hold them in this position for 15 seconds. Do 15 more repetitions.
How many calories you need to eat per day to lose weight
The future result of your workouts depends on the amount of calories you consume. A diet that includes high-calorie foods leads to rapid weight gain.
- Calories are a source of necessary energy.But when we exceed the permissible norm, the excess turns into body fat.
- Conversely, if they are not enough, then the body again stores them in the form of fat, and receives energy by splitting muscles. Both the first and second cases lead to weight gain.
- To calculate the optimal number of calories, you need to know your age, weight and height. Using the formulas below, you can easily determine your daily rate and no longer worry about the state of health and harmony of the figure.
- For women: 6.26 x (see height) + 10 x (kg weight) - 5 x (number of years) -161.
- For men: 6.26 x (height in cm.) + 10 x (weight kg.) - 5 x (number of years) +5.
To reduce weight, reduce the result by 20%.
Distribute food evenly throughout the day. The lowest calorie should be dinner. To simplify the calculation, keep a diary where you will record all changes.
How to care for weight loss
Our body needs constant care.
Therefore, for quick weight loss, it is advisable to introduce a number of special procedures:
- Cold and hot wrap. Treatments using clay, kelp, vinegar, peppermint, and a mixture of base and essential oils include cold wraps. The hot variety includes wrapping with honey, mustard, pepper. Warming body wrap is contraindicated in people with varicose veins and heart disease.
- Massage. Especially useful are vacuum massage, manual and with the use of a special massager.
- Cold and hot shower.
- Body scrubs.
- Salon procedures.
These methods will help not only to get rid of excess weight and cellulite, but also make the skin more toned and smooth.
The best tips on how to lose weight without diets and clean your stomach
If in the area of the waist there is fat deposits, popularly referred to as the "lifebuoy", or the stomach hangs heavily, then it's time to outline a program to bring yourself into shape.
And simple, but effective recommendations will help in this:
- Healthy eating Eliminate sweet and starchy foods from the diet, it is the fast carbohydrates contained in such foods that contribute to the formation of excess weight. Artificial sweets can be replaced with natural products, such as dried fruits.
- Physical activity should be moderate. During classes, monitor your well-being, do not over-exert yourself. It is enough to give training 2-3 days a week.
- If health does not allow you to do special exercises, replace them with walking. Take 10,000 steps a day. You can count them using a pedometer.
- Once every 2 weeks, you can arrange a fasting day on green tea or apples. Thus, you will rid the body of unnecessary water and speed up the metabolic process.
- Weigh yourself and take measurements no more than once a week. If you stand on the scales every day, the changes will be imperceptible.
In the fight against excess weight, the main thing is perseverance and willpower. Even if it’s hard, don’t give up. Only with constant adherence to the diet and training schedule can a significant result be achieved.