Hemoglobin is a complex protein that is responsible for supplying tissues and organs with oxygen. The level of this substance in the blood is an important indicator of the health of the body. Malnutrition, stress, blood loss and other factors lead to a decrease in protein concentration and the development of anemia with all the ensuing consequences, so the question remains: how can I quickly increase hemoglobin at home?
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Symptoms of low hemoglobin in the blood
Hemoglobin levels in the blood may increase or decrease. The indicators depend on various factors: age, gender, state of health, lifestyle, nutrition. The norm for women ranges from 118 to 145 g / mol. For men, the range of values above is 130-165 g / mol. A reduced protein level indicates the development of anemia. You can identify the problem using a general blood test.
A decrease in hemoglobin is accompanied by such manifestations:
- the skin and mucous membranes become pale;
- a blue appears around the nasolabial triangle;
- white spots can be seen on the nail plates;
- nails become brittle, begin to peel and break;
- hair falls out and grow dull;
- feeling worse;
- palpitations.
Against the background of developing anemia, working capacity decreases, thirst is tormented, sleep is disturbed. After intense physical exertion, the muscles hurt a lot. Symptoms are supplemented by general weakness, irritability, apathy, frequent headaches. If you find yourself with such symptoms, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.The specialist will direct for analysis, collect an anamnesis, after which he will be able to determine the cause of the ailments and prescribe an effective, adequate treatment.
How to raise hemoglobin at home?
If the indicators are non-critical, treatment can be carried out at home. Most often, patients with low hemoglobin levels are prescribed complex therapy. It is imperative to follow a diet, include foods with a high iron content in the diet and minimize the consumption of food, which prevents the absorption of this trace element. If you can’t adjust the indicators, iron supplements and vitamins are additionally prescribed. You should abandon bad habits, walk a lot in the fresh air. Some folk remedies will help increase the concentration of protein in the blood, but they are recommended to be used only with the permission of the attending physician.
Medications for low hemoglobin
Medications are prescribed in extreme cases, if using other methods to increase hemoglobin is not obtained. Indications for the use of drugs are as follows: significant deviations of the indicators from the norm (below 90 g / mol), there is no way to follow a diet (systemic diseases of the digestive tract), before surgery.
The most popular and effective medicines include:
- Sorbifer-durules tablets for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
- Fenyuls capsules - a vitamin complex with a high iron content;
- Ferrum Lek - an iron preparation, is available in the form of a solution for injection, syrup and chewable tablets;
- Ferro-foilgamma - gelatin capsules, which are prescribed for mild, moderate and severe form of anemia;
- Totem is an iron gluconate oral solution.
Do not start a course of treatment with the use of drugs on your own. Most of them have a serious list of contraindications and side effects. In order not to encounter dangerous consequences, you should undergo a full examination of the body and take only those medications that your doctor will prescribe.
Hemoglobin Enhancing Products
One of the most effective and safe ways to increase hemoglobin in the blood is diet therapy. Proteins of animal origin are best absorbed by the body, so you should include red meat, beef liver in the diet. High-quality, fresh red caviar contains a large amount of protein, vitamins and other useful substances, helps to increase hemoglobin level. With anemia, it is recommended to drink pomegranate juice. It not only compensates for the lack of iron, but also helps the trace element to be absorbed.
It is interesting:hemoglobin boosting products
The diet should also include:
- fresh fruits (especially apples, persimmons, viburnum);
- vegetables (beets, cabbage);
- dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes);
- walnuts;
- cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
- seafood;
- green and herbal teas (from chamomile, rosehip).
In case of anemia, the use of dairy products, coffee, strong tea, sweets, fast food, confectionery should be minimized, alcoholic beverages should be completely eliminated. Give preference to such cooking methods as cooking, "steaming", baking. Healthy food will help not only increase hemoglobin levels, but also improve the condition of the body as a whole.
Folk remedies
In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there is also a selection of effective tools that will help adjust indicators. The advantages of their use include accessibility, security.
- Grind and mix walnuts and buckwheat (steamed) in the proportions 1: 1, add a little honey. The mixture is taken daily for 1 tbsp. l
- Pass dried apricots, prunes and raisins in equal proportions through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with natural honey. Means to take in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Mix 100 grams of beetroot and carrot juice, add a little parsley root juice, drink before eating in the morning.
- Mix apple juice with beet and carrot juice, drink in small portions throughout the day.
- Fresh or dried rosehip berries pour boiling water, leave to infuse overnight. Ready to use infusion as tea leaves.
Folk remedies for increasing hemoglobin should be used only as part of complex therapy.
How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special period when taste preferences change, often accompanied by toxicosis. Anemia is one of the most common problems of expectant mothers in the last stages. If the body does not perceive juices and honey, which raise hemoglobin well, you can try to increase the protein level in other ways. Add a sufficient amount of meat products (chicken, turkey, beef) to the diet. Dry flaxseeds, legumes, and grains help well. It is enough to drink one glass of freshly squeezed juice a day, eat fresh vegetables and fruits to saturate the body with oxygen and useful trace elements.
Products that increase hemoglobin in children
When a child has a reduced level of protein, he becomes moody, tearful, nervous, refuses to eat. To increase the hemoglobin in the baby, the parent must somehow interest him. Of course, the child will give preference not to cereals, but to something tasty.
You can offer him:
- cranberry compote;
- berry fruit drink;
- assorted berries and fruits;
- pediatric hematogen;
- milk chocolate;
- dried fruits and baby nuts.
Carefully monitor the diet of children. For breakfast, feed them chicken eggs and meat, cereals. For lunch - salad with fresh vegetables, potatoes, soup. As a dessert, give your child honey, pomegranates, apples, apricots.
Products for the elderly
The difficulty in treating anemia in the elderly is that they are often disturbed by various systemic diseases. Nutrition should be varied, but healthy. Meat and fish products will help increase hemoglobin levels. Salmon dishes, seafood, beef contain a lot of iron. Cranberries, pomegranates, tangerines contribute to the effective absorption of trace elements. Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink juice from citrus-rich fruits rich in vitamin C (orange, lemon), lemonade, herbal teas, decoctions.
You can quickly increase hemoglobin levels at home if you have a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. The basis of therapy is proper, balanced nutrition, sufficient physical activity, good sleep and rest. In some cases, medications may be prescribed. If you suspect anemia, contact your healthcare provider. To avoid complications, respond to any changes in the body in time, because timely diagnosis is the key to a successful recovery.