Coconut is a magnificent overseas delicacy that carries not only bright taste, but also significant benefits for the body. Once in the hands of a person, a nutty nut, however, is in no hurry to give up its tender milk and delicious pulp. In this regard, gourmets may have a question - how to clean coconut quickly and efficiently? And how to choose a nut that has the most useful qualities?
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How to choose a coconut
Buying any exotic fruits should be approached carefully. This rule applies to coconut. Although this fruit is a tasty and healthy product, its usefulness directly depends on the quality of the purchased specimen.
In order not to choose a nut with an unpleasant surprise when buying, you should use some recommendations:
- Carefully inspect the fetus. Its surface must be free from microdamage or cracks, otherwise nutrient and healthy milk may leak.
- An ideal walnut sample has no swelling, stains or bulges.
- Coconut "eyes" when pressed should not be pressed inward.
By the way. The absence or a small amount of fibers on the shell of an overseas walnut is not an indicator of the poor quality of the product.
How to clean coconut?
It is convenient to open a coconut bought and brought home using the following types of improvised means:
- stitching (nail, screwdriver, knife);
- percussion (hammer, topop, brick);
- sawing (hacksaw);
- Drilling is allowed - drill.
It will be useful to use a towel (film) - with its help fragments of the shell will not fly apart.
Peeling Coconut with Knives
Exotic fruit has a vulnerable spot - it is a small fold at the border of two halves. Gently exerted pressure on it with a knife will cause the peel to split into halves.
For this:
- The nut must be taken in one hand and, holding it on the weight, tap with a knife on the mentioned seam.
- Continue tapping until a small crack is formed.
- In the resulting gap, it is necessary to place the blade of the knife and chop the nut in half.
The fruit during processing must be slowly and carefully rotated.
Using a hacksaw or small saw
With this tool you can gently remove the flesh. In this case, you will have to use physical force.
The essence of the method is the methodical sawing of the coconut shell with a hacksaw (small file). Movement may shift slightly toward the coconut crown. In this case, you can get an original cocktail bowl. However, extracting the pulp in this case will be more problematic.
How to clean coconut with a hammer
The Hammer Method also requires physical effort. And although it is less aesthetic compared to the other two, the use of the tool guarantees a quick result.
- It is better to wrap a nut in a film or a towel (you can use a bag).
- Next, the fruit is placed on a hard surface.
- The next step is to hit the wrapped coconut with a hammer or similar object until cracks form on the surface of the shell.
This procedure produces a lot of noise, and as a result of such exposure, the coconut will be divided into several inaccurate pieces.
Methods of heating and freezing coconut for peeling
Another effective method for peeling a coconut shell involves a refrigerator or heating appliances.
Before the procedure, coconut milk must be drained. If this is not done, the nut may explode during heating.
- Coconut is put in the oven and heated for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. An alternative is to use a microwave oven installed at the highest power.
- Then the fetus is immediately sent to the refrigerator for the same period of time.
- After this manipulation, the nut is independently separated from the pulp by gently tapping the shell.
In the case of careful cleansing, only the flesh will remain intact, with which it will only be necessary to cut off rough skin.
Practical recommendations
If you need to urgently open a coconut, and there was absolutely no suitable object at hand, you can use alternative methods of extracting the pulp:
- Lean the nut with a seam against the corner of the house, border, brick, and so on. Next, you should methodically press on the fetus with all your weight, turning a little. This method requires methodology and patience, but the result justifies itself.
- Throw the nut onto a hard surface (floor, wall, wood) with force. It is necessary to ensure that the blow falls on the middle of the fetus. From the first time, coconut can crack and milk can be easily extracted or drunk through the slot. Then the action should be repeated, usually the second throw finally splits the coconut into halves. In some cases, more attempts may be required.
The choice of method for peeling coconut depends on the ultimate goal and the expected appearance of the pulp. If it should not be damaged, the shell is best removed by temperature exposure or by thoroughly tapping the hammer.
Under the influence of temperature, the peel will independently depart from the inside of the fetus, and the “hammer method” is a bit like peeling the shell of a cooked egg.
If you just need to separate the pulp from the peel, regardless of its appearance, it is quite possible to use a knife. This method, although less aesthetic, is undeniably effective.
Shelling a coconut is not difficult, but time-consuming.More often than not, additional tools will be needed to achieve the result, but if there are none, you can do without them. The main conditions for the high-quality extraction of coconut pulp are methodology, accuracy and perseverance. The result of such efforts will be obtained delicious delicacy - coconut flesh. In addition, with careful removal of the peel, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious milk from overseas walnut.