Knowing how to clean the intestines at home, you can protect yourself from various diseases. A large amount of waste products accumulates in the colon, which become a good environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms.
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Why does a person need a bowel cleansing?
Irrational nutrition and the maintenance of a harmful lifestyle for many years provoke the formation in the intestine of whole fecal deposits with a mass of parasites. Therefore, bowel cleansing is a critical procedure to prevent chronic poisoning of the body.
Many doctors believe that most diseases begin with the intestines.
Bowel cleansing is indicated for people who:
- eat foods that contain a lot of unhealthy food additives;
- often eat fatty foods, alcohol;
- love to visit fast food establishments;
- prefer animal foods to plant foods;
- do not play sports;
- live in large cities.
Flatulence, a bad smell, skin diseases, constipation and fatigue are the main signals that the intestines are clogged with unnecessary substances and waste. First of all, you need to clean, bring a healthy lifestyle and then maintain yourself in good condition.
Neglecting cleaning can lead to intoxication of the body, heart disease, migraines, the accumulation of many worms and accelerate aging.
How to clean the intestines with drugs?
For effective bowel cleansing, potent laxatives are often used, which are available in the form of powder, capsules, tablets or liquids.
Of the most famous drugs, the following remedies should be mentioned:
- Fortrans
- Lavacol;
- Moviprep;
- sodium or magnesium sulfate.
Their action begins within 3-4 hours after application. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is very important to follow the instructions carefully so as not to harm your body. These preparations need to be cleaned very rarely, since laxatives remove not only harmful substances, but also useful ones.
Activated carbon is considered one of the most useful, cheap and safe methods of cleaning. It is often used for intoxications of various etiologies, since this powerful adsorbent can quickly “attract” toxic compounds onto itself and bring them out. And this despite the fact that they significantly surpass it in mass and volume. Experts advise drinking it along with the psyllium husk, which mechanically cleans the intestinal wall.
Reception of a large amount of coal can cause dehydration, therefore, during cleaning, you need to drink plenty of water. As a rule, coal is taken no more than 3 times a day, 6-7 tablets at a time (based on the calculation of 1 piece per 10 kg of body weight) 2 hours before meals. The duration of the course is 3-6 days.
If side effects (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation) are observed, the use of coal should be stopped immediately.
Folk recipes for cleansing
In folk medicine, there are many simple recipes that help cleanse the intestines from feces. You can choose any method, at your discretion.
Kefir drink
The regular use of dairy products is the key to the health of the body. These fermented fluids help to quickly restore microflora and create an unpleasant habitat for parasites. Kefir or yogurt are indispensable in the treatment of flatulence and many intestinal diseases. To enhance the effect in dairy products, you can add fruits rich in fiber.
The easiest way to cleanse the intestines of toxins - drink during the day for 1 tbsp. kefir. The daily dose is 2 liters. Additionally, you can drink 3-4 tbsp. clean water, if necessary.
Of the other options to mention:
- Kefir with linseed flour. In the first week, 100 ml of kefir with 1 tsp is enough. flour, in the second - 100 ml with 2 tsp. powder. In the third week, the amount of drink is increased to 150 ml from 3 tsp. flour. The mixture is drunk instead of breakfast.
- Kefir with buckwheat. Pour the cereal with kefir and put it in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. For 10 days, drink a little warm water every morning and eat a portion of porridge in an hour. Lunch may be ordinary.
- Kefir with olive oil. On 1 tbsp. fermented milk product take 1 tbsp. l oils and sorbitol.
It is also very useful to eat bran with kefir.
Prunes Kissel
Such a drink will help not only clean the intestines, but also get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen.
- oat flakes - 50 g;
- prunes - a handful;
- small beets - 1 pc.
- Grind beets on a coarse grater. Cut prunes into slices
- Combine all components, pour 1500 ml of boiling water.
- Boil on low heat no more than ¾ h.
- Strain and drink during the day.
The remains of the cake do not need to be thrown away. They can be eaten the next day as breakfast.
Bowel Cleansing Beetroot Juice
Beetroot is one of the best products for normal bowel function. Therefore, it should often be included in your menu. The list of healthy beetroot dishes is quite extensive - soups, borscht, casseroles, a variety of salads.
Beetroot juice has a specific smell and taste, which causes nausea in many.Therefore, it can be diluted with carrot juice, rosehip broth or add a little honey. For 1-2 weeks, daily drink 100 ml of juice, divided into three doses, ½ hour before meals. Reception begins with small doses, gradually increasing them.
Freshly squeezed beet juice is not suitable for consumption. It is necessary that he at least 40 minutes settled in a cold place. So it is much better perceived by the body.
Flax seeds
Flaxseed is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber. The whole product is not digested, since the outer shell of the grain is very dense. It is best to gradually add the seeds in the crushed form in different dishes: yogurts, cereals, meatballs, salads, drinks. In a small amount, they can be consumed daily. Such an additive will help to obtain the amount of insoluble fiber necessary for the body. This is one of the best natural bowel cleansing methods. Seeds absorb liquid and swell, helping to remove toxins and mucus, improving the intestinal microflora.
To avoid bloating during increased fiber intake, you need to drink more water.
A good result is the use of water (200 ml) with chopped flaxseed (1 tbsp. L.). This liquid should be drunk 2 times a day for ½ hour before breakfast and before going to bed. Alternatively, you can take flaxseed with kefir.
Mineral water
The easiest cleaning option is to drink plenty of water. Every day you should drink at least 11 glasses of clean water without gas.
This is necessary for such purposes:
- stimulation of intestinal motility;
- maintaining water balance in the body;
- providing a normal amount of fluid for the removal of harmful waste products.
Our body is a completely self-sufficient system, we just need to help it a little by consuming the necessary amount of water every day.
In the case of mineral water, you need to be careful. It is better that a doctor pick up mineral water. To cleanse it, you need to bring it to a warm state and dissolve 2 tsp in it. sea salt. This liquid should be drunk on an empty stomach 1.5 hours before lunch. In the evening, you can dine on stewed vegetables or porridge cooked on water.
Dietary whey with herbs
Serum with herbs cleanses the intestines well and eliminates excess body fat. Approximately 1,500 ml of yogurt should be poured into an enameled pan and put on a small fire. While the liquid is warming, you need to chop the greens. When the curd begins to emerge, pour in the greens, reduce the heat and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. After that, separate the cottage cheese from the liquid and drink the serum 25 minutes before eating.
Bran recipe
The use of coarse particles of grain shells gives an excellent cleansing effect. They contain a large amount of fiber, which is not digested. Once inside, it almost immediately begins to swell and absorb toxins and poisons, helping to free itself from perennial deposits of fecal stones.
This natural product is completely safe. It should be taken three times a day for ½ hour before eating 2 tbsp. l Bran must drink 2 tbsp. water. The duration of the course is 4 weeks, but it should be done no more than 1 time per year.
If a person often eats bran products, then he practically does not need cleaning. Many unpeeled cereals act on the same principle: rice, barley, buckwheat, oats.
Figs for cleansing
Dried fruits also cleanse the intestines well. Figs are especially useful. You can prepare a combined mixture: take 100 g of figs, raisins, dried apricots and pass them through a meat grinder. Pour 1.2 l of boiling water over the hay grass and insist for at least 2 hours. Combine the filtered infusion with crushed products and put in a warm place for 8-10 hours. After that, the composition is stored in the refrigerator, consuming 1 tbsp. l mixes every evening for 7 days.
Using salt water
In ancient India, a method of cleansing the intestines with salt water was often practiced. Proponents of this method argue that warm water with the addition of sea salt completely cleanses the entire digestive tract, and not just the colon. The procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after waking up: you need to drink 1 liter of warm water with 2 tsp. sea salt. Within 2 hours, the process of purification should begin, so at this time it is better not to go anywhere.
It must be remembered that this method is risky, since a large amount of salt can harm the body. Therefore, for people with weak kidneys, hypertension, heart disease, puffiness or diabetes, this cleaning method is contraindicated.
We clean from toxins with the help of various herbs and plants
A good effect is given by a laxative, independently prepared from rowan berries. The collected berries are placed in a glass jar, sprinkled with sugar, covered with gauze and put in the sun to dissolve. After that, the bank is put in a dark place for 20 days. The mass is filtered and added alcohol (500 ml of liquid 25 ml). To drink such a remedy should be on an empty stomach of 15 ml.
It is useful to drink teas made from nettles, hay, buckthorn and yarrow, and eat more apples.
Some herbs, such as wormwood, also have an anthelmintic effect, which is doubly beneficial for the digestive system.
Enema for getting rid of feces
Enema is a less effective remedy that cannot completely empty the intestines. For a stronger effect, the procedure is carried out several times.
Before an enema, you need to spend a one-day hunger strike or fasting day on fermented milk products or vegetables. The procedure is carried out in the early morning or evening. Water must be boiled. For 2 liters of water you need to take 1 tbsp. l lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. It is advisable that the mixture is infused before the procedure for at least 10-11 hours. After the composition is introduced into the rectum, you need to wait 10 minutes and only then empty the intestines.
When are the procedures contraindicated?
Despite the fact that cleansing the body has a lot of advantages, you need to know that there are contraindications. Do not deal with such procedures for pregnant women, as well as people who suffer from diabetes, hepatitis and pancreatitis.
Among the list of contraindications:
- oncology;
- postoperative period;
- weakening of the body, regardless of the cause.
Also, do not clean at elevated body temperature. First you need to determine the cause, eliminate it, and only then begin to cleanse the intestines.
When is a specialist consultation necessary?
Cleaning is an important procedure on which much depends. Therefore, it is better to consult with experts and knowledgeable people whether it is worth doing it at all in a particular situation. A person who is an expert in this field will tell you the best way to clean, the duration of the course and give the necessary advice.
Bowel cleansing is a feasible task for people who are worried about their health and want to lead the right lifestyle.