Blooming orchids often adorn the windows of ordinary apartments. Bright, delicate flowers admire passers-by. The owner is proud of them. They are given, bought on their own, shared with friends. I always want an unusual flower to live forever in the house.

The issue of creating the required conditions for the growth of any type of orchid is not quite simple. The capricious plant gives a lot of trouble to the grower. How to transplant an orchid at home step by step you need to know, strictly follow all the tips.

Preparatory Activities

They are carried out in advance, facilitating the process of plant transplantation:

  • Determining the time for the transplant process. It occurs on the basis of the natural cycle of the plant or in emergency adverse situations.

Important! Orchid roots recover hard, for a long time. Without need, the flower cannot be disturbed. For about three years, the substrate in the pot is considered suitable for the normal development of the plant. There is no need to replace it.

  • The main signs of a need for a transplant. The smell of dampness, mold is heard from the pot. The substrate is donkey, the pot has become free. Is it possible to transplant a blooming orchid?

Important! We must wait until the end of flowering orchids. See new roots, leaves. It is impossible to transplant a blooming orchid with flowers.

  • An urgent orchid transplant is necessary when a wilted appearance, darkening of the roots becomes noticeable. Diseased roots have a gray, brown color. A healthy root system is green. The soil became like dust, pests appeared. The green mass of the plant hangs from the walls of the pot. In the case of the purchase of an orchid and the presence of these signs, it must be transplanted immediately.
  • Preparation of items required for a proper orchid transplant. Conducting work is convenient if there is new soil nearby, a prepared pot, sharp scissors, a knife, fungicide.The best option for planting is considered a transparent, plastic pot. Its dimensions are slightly larger than the previous one. All instruments are disinfected with alcohol.

Step-by-step sequence of stages of transplantation

At home, a transplant of dendrobium, phalaenopsis is done as follows:

  • Extracting the plant from its former capacity. First, gently crush the pot with your hands, gently tap on its walls. When the soil, the roots are separated from them poorly, you can use scissors, cutting the container into pieces. Keeping it whole fails. It is better to clean the roots of the old soil under a stream of running water. You can hold the substrate in a container with warm water until completely soaked. Carefully consider the root system of the orchid. All roots must be dense. Among the living, green roots may be part of the yellow. These are good roots, growing without light, not participating in photosynthesis. Plants are left with the roots that have retained part of the velamen. This is a substance covering a thin root. It absorbs water, stores it. Thanks to velamen, for example, Phalaenopsis orchids do not require frequent watering. The root dies if the substance disappears due to unforeseen circumstances. Dry, diseased, roots are removed with scissors. Places of cuts are disinfected, sprinkled with activated charcoal, cinnamon.

Important! Together with bad roots, lower leaves with a yellowish tint should be removed. Transplant into a new pot after drying the roots for eight hours.

Soft hollow bulbs should also be cut. These are bulges appearing on the shoots. They accumulate useful substances, water for plant nutrition. In poor conditions, they help the plant survive. The shape, size of the bulb depends on the type of plant. If they are weak, sick, then it is better to get rid of them during a plant transplant.

  • Preparing another tank. In a sanitized transparent pot, effective drainage is done. To do this, it is recommended to make holes in the walls of the pot. A layer of expanded clay and ceramic pieces are used as drainage. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 6.7 cm. It allows water to pass freely without the formation of harmful stagnation at the roots of the orchid. In the drainage layer, it is recommended to fix the device for the future garter of the plant. Two thirds of the pot is filled with a substrate layer. The optimal composition for the soil of orchids is considered a mixture of bark, polystyrene, any type of moss, fern roots, peat, osmunda. It is easy to buy. The properties of substrates for orchids, the proper work with it, are determined by its composition. When the main component of the soil is bark, it is changed every three years. If the soil contains the largest percentage of the moss content, then a complete substitution of the substrate must be carried out every two years.

Important! Soil should not look like a fine powder. Pieces of bark should always be visible in it. The substrate gradually decomposes, is depleted, loses the optimal value of acidity. Its moisture capacity increases. It is constantly salted from water for irrigation. This determines the need for a planned plant transplant once every three years.

The right choice of sizes of a new pot depends on the variety of orchids. This is a feature of transplantation, for example, dendrobium, phalaenopsis. Dendrobiums need tight containers for efficient growth. When transplanting phalaenopsis, it is recommended to use pots 2 cm larger than the previous ones, but they should be a bit cramped. It is useful to put a small piece of polystyrene under the neck of the plant. This will protect her from excess moisture.

  • Transplanting orchids to a new place. The plant is lowered into the center of the pot, holding the root of the neck. It should remain at the height of the edges of the pot. The substrate is carefully added, compacted. Pieces of bark should fill the space between the roots well. Orchid should not move in a pot. You can immediately tie a flower. All roots must be straightened.Their air parts do not fit inside the pot. The growth point of a plant is never covered with soil. To quickly see the flowers in a new pot, you need to transplant an orchid correctly.

It is interesting: orchid has faded - what to do with the arrow?

  • Transplanting orchid kids. These are plant processes that completely repeat the characteristics of the parents, having independent roots. They do not always appear at home in flower growth. Seeing them, you need to use the baby to get a new orchid, preserving the mother plant. Appearing on the stems, peduncle, from the baby’s roots, it is necessary to carefully cut with a sharp knife, without damaging the main plant. To disinfect a place of a cut, to dry. Unlike an adult plant, a baby has fewer reserves for survival. Therefore, the first watering is done in three days. In a small pot, the baby will develop for about a year. Subsequently, the plant is transplanted to a permanent place. Orchid bloom begins in two, three years.

Important! It is only necessary to transplant the baby when 3, 4 leaves, roots, at least 5 cm long appear. Longer roots are more difficult to lay well in a pot without damage.

Leaving the children in the main place, you can give the plant an interesting shape.

  • Plant care after transplantation. Any transplant is a great stress for the plant. At first, the plant stops the development of roots. To survive it helps proper care, care of the owner. To do this, put a pot of orchids in the shade without the rays of the sun. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22. Often the pot is placed on the window on the east side. Watering an orchid after a transplant is not recommended. Do it in a week. The leaves of the plant are carefully sprayed with settled water at room temperature.

Important! The correct watering regime must always be observed. Make it a dive method. The pot is placed in an additional container. Water is poured almost to the edges of the pot. The flower is aged in water for about 20 minutes. Such watering is enough for a week.

During the transplant, it is convenient to reproduce the orchid by dividing the roots, stems, side shoots, and children. This will create a real garden of beautiful flowers, give friends a magical plant.