Over the past few years, the number of people with syphilis has grown rapidly in our country. This is a serious sexually transmitted disease caused by the vital activity of pale treponema. The causative agent is able to affect various systems and organs of the human body. If you do not start therapy in a timely manner, you can encounter very dangerous consequences, including death. Every person needs to know how syphilis is transmitted to prevent infection.

How is syphilis transmitted?

The immune system is not able to give a full response to the causative agent of syphilis, therefore, when treponema enters the body, the probability of developing a pathological process is 80%. The disease progresses rapidly, is accompanied by expressive symptoms, affects bone tissue, nervous system, brain, etc.

You can get syphilis in the following ways:

  • sexual (due to unprotected sexual intercourse with the patient);
  • household (when using common household items);
  • intrauterine (transmitted to the child during the period of formation and development in the womb);
  • through breast milk when feeding the baby;
  • patrimonial (in the process of patrimonial activity);
  • blood transfusion.

The highest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (about 95%). Criminal liability is provided for the deliberate spread of infection. Both men and women can act as carriers of infection. To prevent infection, it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception. The risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the genital mucosa is minimized.

Household syphilis is extremely rare.The fact is that the pale treponema dries up if there are no conditions comfortable for it (increased humidity and high temperature).

Only 20% of people in contact with the pathogen do not become infected. This is possible due to the presence of special protein compounds in the blood.

The incubation period of the disease

Symptoms of syphilis do not appear immediately after the penetration of treponema into the body. The initial stage of the development of an infectious disease is the incubation period. And in this case it is very long: a minimum of 10 days, a maximum of 6 months. The average duration is 30 days. After the expiration of this period, the first symptoms of the disease begin to appear, a person becomes a carrier that is dangerous to others.

The following factors affect the duration of the incubation period:

  • the state of the immune system;
  • Lifestyle;
  • food;
  • quenching;
  • the number of sexual acts with the patient;
  • the use of medications.

If a person whose pathogens have entered the body takes antibiotics, the duration of the incubation increases. Antimicrobial drugs suppress the pathogenic microflora, weakening it and slowing its development.

Manifestations, primary symptoms

The sooner the patient seeks qualified help, the higher his chances of a full recovery. A few decades ago, syphilis was considered incurable. Today, there are effective methods of therapy that can completely destroy the pathogen and neutralize its negative impact on the human body. However, this is possible provided that treatment is started on time.

How to understand that there was an infection with syphilis?

In 20-30 days after sexual intercourse with the patient, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • peculiar spots at the site of infection, which are then converted into papules and erosion;
  • clearly limited red ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • rashes on the surface of the skin;
  • the appearance of problems in the work of internal organs, etc.

The condition of an infected person, as a rule, does not suffer. The development of the disease is not accompanied by a decrease in working capacity, deterioration of well-being, painful sensations and other symptoms that could signal a malfunction of important systems and organs. It is for this reason that patients delay a visit to the doctor.

If primary manifestations appear, consult a specialist immediately. The disease can progress imperceptibly, in a latent form. This is the most dangerous case. The patient continues his usual lifestyle, infecting other people.

Diagnosis methods

If infection is suspected, you should contact a medical institution. The attending physician will conduct a consultation examination, collect an anamnesis, and analyze the patient's complaints. It is important to clarify, when was the last unprotected sex, what manifestations concern the patient.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following methods are used:

  • study of biological material for the presence of the causative agent of syphilis (excretion, blood);
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • polymer chain reaction aimed directly at the detection of treponema;
  • other serological reactions.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist will prescribe effective therapy. Do not self-medicate. The use of topical preparations (ointments, gels) or taking drugs with an antibiotic effect can lead to a distortion of the clinical picture of the disease.

Alternative methods, homeopathic remedies for syphilis are ineffective.

The use of alternative medicine can lead to the progression of the disease and serious consequences.

How not to get infected with syphilis

It is very difficult to cure syphilis. The minimum duration of treatment is 3 months.During therapy, the patient should completely abstain from sexual intimacy, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and also take medications. The patient must be prescribed antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, etc.), vitamin-mineral complexes, immunostimulants.

In order not to encounter the unpleasant consequences of syphilitic disease, measures should be taken to avoid transmission of the pathogen and to prevent infection.

Prevention of infection is as follows:

  • avoidance of sexual intercourse with casual partners;
  • the use of barrier methods of contraception;
  • following hygiene rules after intercourse (washing, taking a shower, etc.);
  • sanitization of rooms in which intimate contact took place;
  • maintaining the immune system in good condition, etc.

Preventive measures do not guarantee 100% protection against syphilis, but significantly reduce the risk of infection.

After sexual contact, it is necessary to treat the mucous membranes of the genitals, the oral cavity, the anus with an antiseptic. If the disease is diagnosed in a nursing mother, the child should be transferred to artificial feeding in order to prevent infection. For personal hygiene and care of your body, use only individual items (toothbrushes, soap, towel, etc.). In medical institutions, tattoo parlors, cosmetology rooms, make sure that all manipulations are carried out in sterile conditions.