The choice of perfectly fitting linen is a difficult and very responsible process. Not only her attractiveness, but also her health condition depends on whether a woman wears a bra. The information in this article will tell a woman how to determine her breast size as correctly as possible.

Table: breast sizes

Today, in the vastness of the network and in thematic magazines, you can find a huge assortment of tables for determining breast size. The information published below can be considered universal. It will help you navigate in large chain stores, where two variants of signs are marked on the bra and clothing labels at once.

Chest Volume (cm)Size for RF in numbersGeneral designation (international)
68 -7270S

How to take measurements for determining breast size

Of course, to accurately determine the size of the breast, you will need to correctly measure your own parameters. To do this, you need to choose an old bra that sits on the woman as conveniently and comfortably as possible, as well as a centimeter tape. Lingerie should not be with a visually increasing bust effect!

Measurements are carried out as follows:

  1. All clothing above the waist, except for the selected bra, is removed.
  2. The tape is held directly under the bust to measure body girth. At the same time, it should fit snugly to the skin, but not squeeze it. The result is recorded.
  3. Next, the tape is held directly on the chest. It should pass along the most prominent points of the underwear left on the body. In this case, the tape will need to be positioned quite freely.The result is recorded again.

These two calculated parameters will be quite enough to correctly determine your breast size and in the future acquire perfectly fitting underwear, even in online stores. Of course, the result of the girth of the bust may not exactly match the data from the table. Experts recommend adding 2-3 centimeters to the resulting figure. In this case, the matched bra will definitely not squeeze the chest.

It is important to determine not only the girth, but also the volume of the bust. This will not require any additional measurements. The size of the bra cup is determined very simply. It is enough to subtract the body circumference under it from the obtained girth of the chest. The figure in centimeters will prove to be an interesting parameter. It is also often indicated on labels of underwear, especially those produced abroad.

Choose a bra: table of Russian sizes

The table of Russian bra sizes is clear and detailed. To use it, two parameters will be enough - the girth of the chest and body under it.

DimensionsChest circumferenceChest Girth
70 A-B79-8967-72
75 AB85-9473-77
75 bc86-9673-77
75 C-D88-10073-77
80 bc91-10178-82
80 C-D93-10578-82
85 bc96-10683-87
85 C-D98-11083-87

It is interesting:how to determine the size of the bra

Sizes according to European standards

The usual designations of type 70A are not used by all manufacturers. For example, in French or Spanish underwear, buyers will see signs from 80 to 135, in American or English from 30 to 52, and on Italian models from 1 to 12. A special general table will also help girls deal with them.

RF, Germany, BelarusItalyUSA, Ukraine, UKAustraliaFrance, Spain

Recommendations when choosing a bra

The advice of experts on choosing a bra will greatly facilitate the search for the perfect option for the buyer, as well as reduce the risk of a failed purchase.

  1. It is not always worth getting a bra model that imitates the shape of the breast. It depends on the condition of the girl’s bust. If the breast has lost elasticity, then it is worth paying attention to options with horizontal seams or on the bones. And for owners of high elastic breasts, the type of corbey is well suited.
  2. You can not buy underwear for several years in advance. This is especially true for bras. With proper care, they will last their owner no longer than 8 months. It is best to buy several models and shades at once, and alternate them.
  3. Many women are sure that the main thing to pay attention to the size of the cup. In fact, it is more important to correctly measure the girth of the chest. The latter with cup A may well turn out to be more than 90 cm.
  4. You can not choose too tight underwear, even if it is seductive and sexy looks on the body. Wearing a chest compressive bra can cause serious problems with the mammary glands.

Instructions for guys: how to measure a girl’s chest with his hands?

Underwear sets are a common gift option from a man to a girl. You can truly please your sweetheart with such a present. Of course, only if the young man can choose a bra of the right size.

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If the real parameters of the chosen one are unknown to the man, you can use your own palms. Such a method can hardly be called accurate, but it can be remembered when there are no other options.

A hand is applied to one chest. If the man’s palm didn’t have to bend the palm, then the girl’s size is 0. If the fingers form a “boat” - 1. The palm bent at a right angle means size 2. If you had to use two hands at once, you should pay attention to the bras in the store 3 or 4 sizes.

Surely, sales consultants will be happy to assist in choosing a buyer. Well, if I managed to find out the size of the girl’s clothes.This will help determine which bra can suit her as much as possible.