Ficuses of various species are distinguished by their endurance and undemanding care. For harmonious development, experts advise regular trimming. In this regard, novice gardeners are interested in how to cut ficus in order to form a crown.

Types of ficus scraps

There are two main types. Use them depending on the goal pursued.


To ensure proper care of the flower, you should inspect it from time to time. This will help in time to identify twigs that are damaged or have begun to dry out. But some species of deciduous ficus bare their crown only with the onset of autumn. Sick shoots can be noticed only at this time. They must be removed immediately to prevent the disease from spreading to the entire plant.

Along with this, remove weakened and old branches, because they are an easy “catch” for infections and pests. Shorten it completely, along with the damaged area. When a diseased shoot grows from the ground, then it should be cut to the ground.


Use this method when the flower has suffered from cold or has begun to dry out.
To achieve that he again gave a lot of young shoots, it is possible by cutting branches so that one stump remains. Such actions stimulate the development of new root processes. Indoor varieties of dwarf ficuses respond well to this.
A plant with long branches and drying leaves due to excessively low only 2 buds. This stimulates the appearance of many cuttings. From them you can grow new plants or form a beautiful crown on the old trunk.

How to carry out the procedure

Trimming ficus for decorative purposes, is aimed at the following:

  • bush formation;
  • forcing the plant to form new branches where necessary;
  • removal of dry shoots spoiling the appearance;
  • correction of the direction of growth.

For home use:

  • a sharp knife, it can be replaced with scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • charcoal;
  • latex gloves;
  • medical alcohol;
  • cloth napkins.

Trimming recommendations are as follows:

  1. Decorative is carried out only with the onset of spring.
  2. Wellness, if necessary, is carried out at any time of the year.
  3. At the same time, you should not carry out two procedures that injure the flower, such as pruning and transplanting. The break between them should be at least 2 weeks.
  4. All tools should be disinfected with medical alcohol before work.
  5. The main trunk can be shortened by 30 cm once a year.
  6. The shoot should be cut off strictly above the kidney. Young twigs shorten horizontally, and adults - at an angle.
  7. After carrying out the necessary manipulations to form a bush, fertilizing should be done.
  8. On the branches after trimming, leave at least 5 leaf blades.
  9. Sections must be wiped with a napkin and treated with activated carbon.
  10. Sick and weakened flowers cannot be pruned.
  11. Try not to form hemp. They spoil the appearance of the tree and are a hotbed for pathogenic microflora.
  12. Direct aerial roots into the soil.
  13. Make sure that juice does not stain clothes, and does not get on skin or eyes. It is difficult to wash away, and it is also poisonous.
  14. To make the ficus crown thick and beautiful, remove the upper buds from the shoots. Elimination of the growth point on the main trunk will suspend development upward, the flower will begin to grow in width.
  15. To make it grow beautifully, shorten the branches.

When cutting the side branches, do not forget about the direction of the kidney over which the cut is made. The escape will continue to grow in that direction.

Crowning and shaping tips

This process can be called, in some way, creativity. First you need to carefully consider the shape of the apex, the appearance of the flower and its height. The correct formation of the bush is made infrequently. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account some nuances in order not to make mistakes.

To give the plant an attractive shape, sections are made under the apical bud. From it, an escape will begin to grow. You can not leave the cuttings without foliage - the flower will look plucked.

When there are too many internal branches inside the crown, the ficus should be cut so that it is fluffy. To do this, pay attention to which direction the upper kidney is directed. Its direction should be outward. Depending on this, it is possible to increase the height or width of the bush.

One of the classic forms will give the plant special beauty. When shaping your appearance, look at bonsai ideas and techniques. They can be copied without making the bush small.

The original tree will complement the interior of a room or office. For a beautiful plant, form a standard. At the same time, all shoots are cut, except for five, located on the top, having previously decided on the height.
The top of the head is pinched when the ficus grows tall enough. After this, side branches are trimmed to form a neat circle. In this way, several tiers can be formed. This can only be done with young specimens.

When growing several plants in one tank, they are cut so that they look uniform. This is not unimportant if the trunks in the composition are intertwined. Forming a pigtail, remove the side shoots.

To create a magnificent crown, the top of an adult plant is cut off, and then they resort to pricking. It consists in trimming from above to activate the development of lateral kidneys. This procedure is correct only if the deadlines are met.In other words, it can be produced in spring and summer.
After carrying out measures to shape the appearance, special care is required for the flower. It consists in frequent watering and top dressing. With the right cut and conditions, the bush will become attractive. Everyone will admire him.

Grade recommendations

Rubber-bearing ficus is cut off, following the rules:

  • cut the lateral and upper young shoots growing from buds located in the leaf sinuses. In some cases, they are inactive, and often by rapid growth inhibit the development of the tree. It is important to remove the tops, which will allow the culture to grow to the sides;
  • Before trimming an adult plant, find short internodes on the stem and make a horizontal or oblique section above the kidney.

Ficus Benjamin has flexible branches. They can be bound in several pieces. This helps to form a common trunk and a beautiful thick crown on it. Pruning is done before spring.

Ficus bonsai are striking because of the spectacular and original form. Such miniature trees will decorate any home or office.

Creating bonsai, use the following forms:

  • sacred ficus;
  • Karika
  • Panda;
  • Retuza.

The upper and side shoots are cut off from them, formed using special devices. Having learned about all the subtleties and having studied them, it will be possible to make compositions, giving the bush various forms.

Using imagination, carrying out careful handling and proper care, you will be able to grow a flower that has an original appearance. It will become a real decoration of a home flower arrangement.