Despite the fact that not much is known about small ulcers and inflammations on the surface of the oral mucosa, even a person who is far from medicine knows how to treat stomatitis. But you should not completely trust popular methods - all diseases have their own nuances, which everyone needs to familiarize themselves with.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

It is well known that stomatitis manifests itself in the form of inflammation and manifestations on the mucous membrane of the inner side of the lips or cheeks, less often - the tongue or the area under it. But the nature of the disease can be different, with different symptoms and methods of treatment.

Therefore, before searching for the most effective means to get rid of the characteristic manifestations, it is important to familiarize yourself with the varieties of stomatitis.

CatarrhalFailure to comply with personal hygieneRedness of a certain area of ​​the mouth, burning and pain when touching the affected area
AphthousInjuries, allergies, hypovitaminosis, other systemic diseases (gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, immune system), geneticsIt appears in two forms: acute and chronic. In the first case, small ulcers are found on the mucous membrane, covered with a white and yellowish film, upon contact with which there is severe pain, burning, less often - high temperature and swollen lymph nodes.
Chronic form: traces of erosion periodically appear and disappear, accompanied by pain of varying severity, increased salivation
HerpeticHerpes simplex infection (most commonly seen in children)A rash in the form of vesicles is found on the mucous membrane, the temperature rises (from 37 to 40, depending on the severity of the disease), weakness, drowsiness, and sometimes gingivitis (gum inflammation) appear
FungalCandida fungi that multiply in the oral cavity with prolonged use of antibiotics or immune system dysfunctionsThe appearance of white plaque on the mucosa, the removal of which leads to the formation of ulcers and sharp pain, reduces salivation
ViralEpstein-Bara virusSymptoms are similar to the manifestations of herpetic stomatitis.
BacterialReproduction of streptococci and staphylococci in the oral cavityThe formation of ulcers, which soon turn into inflammation and ulcers, their multiple nature; gum disease, increased salivation, bad breath

Children during the disease become capricious, tearful, refuse to eat. With the appearance of the first signs, it is necessary to examine the child's mouth for inflammation. Children are more sensitive to various pathogens, so their stomatitis can begin with lethargy and fever. If there are no ulcers, then you should pay attention even to slight redness on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

How to treat different forms of stomatitis in children and adults

The most common cause of stomatitis is non-compliance with hygiene rules or an injury that occurs if you bite or injure (for example, a sharp bone) the oral mucosa. Without exposure to negative factors (hot, sour food), it passes on its own in 2-3 weeks. A number of medicines available in almost all pharmacies will help speed up the process.


The main problem of stomatitis is significant pain that interferes with eating, drinking, and sometimes talking. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable analgesic. Doctors recommend choosing a complex-action drug suitable for the mucous membrane, capable of disinfecting the surface, and not just relieve discomfort. Possible medicines: Lidocaine Asept, Lidochlor, Hexoral, Anestezin.

For children, accelerated drugs are needed to help quickly get rid of pain and prevent the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria - Munzidal-gel, Stomatidin and others.

For all types of stomatitis, a drug is required to relieve inflammation, which has a disinfecting effect. Suitable gels and aerosols based on essential oils or lidocaine.

The most effective means for the treatment of mucous membranes:

  • Ingalipt, Lugol, Ingafitol, Kameton - preparations based on oils, practically have no contraindications, except for a possible allergic reaction;
  • Kamistad - a gel with the active substance, lidocaine and chamomile, which will have both anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • Eucalyptus M - lozenges with eucalyptus oil, natural anesthetic.

For the treatment of children, you can use Lugol, Chlorhexidine, Rotokan or Miramistin.

You can not give children drugs based on lidocaine. This is an active tool that, with an overdose, causes malfunctions of the heart and muscle cramps.

But all these funds will help only in the absence of a specific causative agent of the disease. Otherwise, the treatment will be delayed for a long time until the main cause is eliminated - a fungus, bacteria or virus. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat stomatitis in adults and children in different forms of its appearance.

Catarrhal stomatitis

This type of stomatitis passes by itself in 7-9 days, if you start to observe the rules of hygiene. You should abandon the "aggressive" food - spicy, sour, hot and hard. Add to the diet foods rich in vitamin A, C and P, which will accelerate the process of regeneration of the oral mucosa.


It will take 3-6 times a day to rinse the oral cavity with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory drugs. The best option - funds based on chamomile (Romazulan), sage (Stomatophyte).

Prepare a rinse and based on:

  • hydrogen peroxide (not more than 3%): 1 tbsp. l per 100 ml of water. Stir the solution thoroughly;
  • potassium permanganate: per 1 liter of water - 5-10 crystals. Stir the composition until completely dissolved and obtain a pale pink liquid;
  • soda: 1 tsp in a glass of water at room temperature;
  • borax in glycerin: mix 0.5 tsp. substances, 1 tbsp. l salt in a glass of water.


Aphthous stomatitis is less malleable for treatment, with it you will not be limited to rinsing and diet.

Choose the right pain reliever and antiseptic. It is important that none of the components of the drug cause an allergic reaction, which will increase the symptoms of stomatitis.

If necessary, take an antipyretic (Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol).

Stomatitis caused by hypovitaminosis involves the inclusion of vitamin complexes, especially B and C, and preparations with iron and zinc ions in therapy.

Assigned and funds that accelerate the regeneration of mucous tissues in the mouth - Carotolin, Proposol Spray, Vinylin, Solcoseryl.

If stomatitis recurs after a course of treatment or therapy is delayed, does not bring specific results, is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation, the appearance of many ulcers, high body temperature, then you need to seek help from a specialist.


Despite the viral nature, this type of stomatitis is not difficult to tolerate. It is important to eliminate the causative agent - the herpes virus. This is done with the help of ointments: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Oxolin.

Next is the implementation of simple instructions:

  • regular use of antiseptic and analgesic (if necessary) drugs;
  • taking vitamins and drugs to increase the body's immune function (especially necessary for children);
  • taking antihistamines and antiviral drugs (only as directed by a doctor).

Herpetic stomatitis is prone to relapse, so you should pay special attention to hygiene and strengthening immunity after rehabilitation during the first wave of the disease.

Traumatic inflammation of the mouth

Traumatic stomatitis on the tongue, cheeks or lips provides the same treatment as with the catarrhal and aphthous form. You should understand the general principles and focus on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Allergic reaction

For allergies, it is necessary to combine standard treatment with antihistamines. It is better to consult with your doctor. He will prescribe a suitable drug that will not aggravate the situation. These may include: Cetril, Cetrin, Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadin, Fenistil, Tavegil and others.

Fungal stomatitis

Another name is candidal stomatitis. It is found in people with weak immunity or in the presence of other diseases that affect the protective function of the body (tuberculosis, diabetes, HIV, viral infections, a long course of antibiotics).

To get rid of the disease it is necessary:

  • regularly disinfect the oral cavity with solutions of hydrogen peroxide, soda, 2-4% borax with glycerin, prepared in the correct proportions;
  • use antifungal drugs (Diflucan, Nystatin, Candide, Fluconazole, etc.) and ointments (Levorin ointment, Miconazole gel);
  • temporarily exclude foods containing a large amount of simple carbohydrates (flour and confectionery) from the diet, which is necessary to deplete the food source of fungi.

For the treatment of fungal stomatitis in children, it is necessary to consult a doctor to choose the right antifungal drug suitable for age. As a rinse, a harmless solution of soda or borax with glycerin should be preferred.

Viral form

For treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the pathogen - the virus. You should not choose antiviral drugs on your own - it is better to instruct the doctor.May be prescribed: Viru-Merz Serol, Oxolinic ointment and other drugs containing tebrofen, oxolin, interferon, bonafton.

Symptomatic treatment includes standard steps - anesthesia, disinfection, diet and regular rinsing of the mouth.


In addition to local treatment, antibiotics are prescribed (penicillin, gentamicin, ampiax, lincomycin) and immunostimulants. You should not buy such drugs without first consulting a specialist.


In addition to these drugs, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Bacterial stomatitis in advanced form develops against necrosis of gum tissue. In this case, self-treatment is prohibited.

Stomatitis with chickenpox

This is a separate type of inflammation, which can not be fully attributed to stomatitis - expressions with itching, and then pain, are referred to as symptoms of chickenpox. Most often manifested in children.

There is no specific treatment for such rashes - they disappear after curing chickenpox. But you can reduce the discomfort caused by the appearance of inflammation:

  • rinse the oral cavity with weak solutions with a disinfecting effect (soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide);
  • lubricate the inflamed areas with painkillers;
  • standard diet;
  • in order to avoid additional irritation, it is recommended to feed the child with semi-liquid food;
  • apply ice pieces to the affected areas of the mucosa for 30-60 seconds with a strong burning sensation.

Read also:baking soda: useful properties, application and treatment

Folk remedies for stomatitis

With mild forms of the disease, folk remedies prepared at home will help get rid of stomatitis.

The most popular decoctions based on (1 glass of water):

  • 1 tbsp. l chamomile pharmacy;
  • 2 tsp onion peel;
  • 1 tbsp. l dry linden inflorescences;
  • 10 tbsp. l grass collection from birch leaves, sage and rosehip berries (in a ratio of 1: 2: 3).

Healing ulcers contribute to fresh juices from such plants:

  • carrots;
  • white cabbage;
  • horseradish;
  • aloe;
  • Kalanchoe.

Self-prepared natural ointments from:

  • pulp from 3-4 cloves of garlic and a spoonful of kefir or yogurt;
  • ampoules of novocaine, 1 tbsp. l honey and olive oil, egg protein;
  • grated potatoes and 1 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 1 tsp olive oil and mashed aloe leaf;
  • 0.5 tbsp. burdock root and unrefined sunflower oil (mix, insist for 24 hours, boil for 15 minutes, cool).

The advantage of alternative methods is that they are practically harmless (subject to the indicated proportions) and suitable for children, but the effectiveness has not been clinically proven.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Changes in the composition of hormones can trigger stomatitis during pregnancy. The treatment should be treated with due attention. Firstly, inflammatory processes can affect the health of the child, so you need to get rid of erosion immediately. Secondly, it is important to choose the most harmless drugs.

Among the solutions, it is better to give preference to liquids based on hydrogen peroxide, soda, Romaluzan, Stomatophyte.

Ointments - natural - based on oil from sea buckthorn, rosehip, propolis. If stomatitis is caused by a virus, then use interferon, trebofenovym, oxolinic gels.

It is not recommended to use anesthetics for pregnant women, but with severe pain, you should consult a doctor so that he prescribes a safe drug for the child.

When choosing any pharmacy remedy for stomatitis during pregnancy, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Give preference to foods high in vitamin C and B vitamins.


To prevent stomatitis on the lip, cheeks, tongue, follow the established rules:

  • compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, the use of dental floss;
  • reduction in the amount of spicy, acidic, salty foods, infrequent use of confectionery (to prevent the development of fungal stomatitis);
  • the use of toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate, which makes the body prone to inflammation in the mouth.

To prevent stomatitis in children, follow the recommendations:

  • sterilize nipples and soothers;
  • do not allow the child to take foreign objects into his mouth;
  • when breastfeeding - keep clean, wear bras made from natural fabrics.

Stomatitis is an unpleasant disease, but most patients do not experience difficulties with treatment. If inflammation and suppuration in the oral cavity occur frequently, then self-treatment should be discontinued and a dentist should be consulted.