Among all proctological ailments, hemorrhoids occupy a leading position. This phenomenon is very unpleasant, and at the same time dangerous, can develop into oncology. How to treat hemorrhoids will be described in today's article.
Material Content:
- 1 Symptoms and signs of hemorrhoids in women, men
- 2 When you need to see a doctor
- 3 Which doctor should I contact for the treatment of hemorrhoids
- 4 Necessary diagnostic procedures
- 5 How to prepare for the reception
- 6 Hemorrhoid treatment at home
- 7 Features of treatment for external, internal, combined hemorrhoids
- 8 Pregnancy and lactation treatment
- 9 Diet for hemorrhoids, what foods are contraindicated?
- 10 Prevention
Symptoms and signs of hemorrhoids in women, men
Hemorrhoids are an ailment that occurs in both men and women. Many, having found small bumps in their anus, do not attach importance to them, they do it in vain.
At the initial stage, the disease can be treated quickly, using rectal suppositories or special healing ointments is enough.
The signs of hemorrhoids are as follows:
- In the anus, itching appears, which only intensifies over time.
- It seems that a foreign body has appeared in the anus. Unpleasant sensations do not go away even after bowel movement.
- White, mucous discharge appears. Their number increases after physical exertion, long sitting on upholstered furniture.
- From the discharge, the skin around the anus becomes inflamed.
- There are difficulties with going to the toilet "for the most part." The reason for this is the closure of the rectum by small venous nodules. If the disease is not treated, the situation will only worsen.
- With bowel movements, severe pain occurs, you can notice a drop of blood on the underwear.Hemorrhoidal nodules are injured, their inflammation and infection can begin.
- In women, signs of hemorrhoids can pass to the labia. There is their irritation, itching appears. When combing, small papules filled with liquid form, suppuration begins.
- Nodular prolapse is an extreme stage. It occurs in most cases in men whose work is associated with increased physical activity.
It should be understood that if treatment is not started in time, then the case will end with surgery and removal of hemorrhoidal nodes.
When you need to see a doctor
As a rule, patients turn to doctors with an advanced stage of hemorrhoids. At the initial stage, many prefer to self-medicate.
At home, it is not always possible to cope with a problem. If you start treatment during an exacerbation, you can aggravate the situation.
When a visit to the doctor is necessary:
- constant pain and severe itching appeared in the anus;
- blood is visible on toilet paper and underwear;
- hemorrhoidal nodes fall out.
If the patient has this symptomatology, you can not lose time, a trip to the doctor is mandatory.
Which doctor should I contact for the treatment of hemorrhoids
Many, faced with hemorrhoids, do not know which specialist you can contact. This problem is addressed by the doctor proctologist.
His tasks include:
- consultation of patients;
- inspection of the anus;
- carrying out diagnostic measures;
- the appointment of conservative treatment.
If the case is started, the proctologist is obliged to refer the patient to the surgeon-coloproctologist. After diagnosis, the patient is usually prescribed an operation to remove hemorrhoidal nodes.
Necessary diagnostic procedures
To establish an accurate diagnosis, the proctologist must conduct a diagnosis.
It includes the following methods:
- Visual inspection It is especially informative with external hemorrhoids. The doctor can evaluate the size of the nodes, see their condition.
- But internal hemorrhoids can not be detected so easily (if there were no knots). In this case, the doctor must palpate the rectum of the patient. If there are problems, the nodes will be compacted, increased in size.
In addition, the doctor may need additional examinations:
- Anoscopy A proctologist, using a special device (anoscope), studies the condition of the rectal mucosa. This allows you to detect nodes that are in the depths.
- Sigmoidoscopy. A rectoscope is inserted deep into the anus (up to 25 cm), the doctor assesses the condition of the rectum.
- Colonoscopy The patient swallows the probe, his digestive tract is examined.
- Irrigoscopy. The patient is injected with a colored solution that allows you to assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa and rectum.
Which method to choose should be determined by the proctologist after a visual examination. If the case is not started, the doctor manages only by palpation.
How to prepare for the reception
For many, visiting a proctologist is a sensitive topic. Most patients postpone a visit to the doctor until the last because they are shy of visual examination and palpation. There is nothing unnatural about this.
How to prepare for the appointment:
- in a few days, switch to “light” food, exclude products from the diet that can cause fermentation and increased gas formation;
- put a cleansing enema the night before. It can be with the use of medicinal herbs. You can also use micro-enemas, such as "Microlax";
- carry out hygiene procedures in the morning, wash thoroughly;
- put on clean underwear.
Also for inspection you will need:
- sterile gloves;
- the film that lay on the chair.
A specialist can direct you to donate blood, so it’s better to come to an appointment on an empty stomach.
Hemorrhoid treatment at home
The treatment of hemorrhoids alone can be dealt with only at the initial stage of the development of the disease.If the ailment is launched, you can not do without the help of a specialist.
Rectal suppositories are actively used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. They gently act on the mucosa of the rectum, have anti-inflammatory, healing effects.
Among these drugs are most in demand:
- "Relief." The main component is shark oil, which quickly restores the state of the mucosa. If the case is painful, you can use Relief Advance. They not only relieve inflammation, but also contribute to the rapid healing of cracks and wounds.
- "Hepatrombin." These candles will help if there is damage to the nodules, spotting from the anus is observed. The drug is based on several diverse components. It relieves swelling, the inflammatory process, eliminates pain.
- "Proctosan." Doctors recommend even with the acute stage of hemorrhoids. But it is worth noting that the drug has serious contraindications. Therefore, it should be used after consultation with a doctor.
Rectal suppositories are best set at night. It is important that the body is at rest.
With external hemorrhoids, ointments are excellent. You can apply them several times a day.
The following funds are allocated:
- "Aurobin." It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is impossible to apply constantly, as prednisolone (hormone) is a part.
- Nefluan. It copes with both external and internal hemorrhoids. It is inserted into the anus using a special tube. It is applied several times a day.
As a rule, rather serious substances are part of ointments, therefore it is not recommended to use them alone.
In order for the treatment to be comprehensive, you need to drink medicines.
They act on the hemorrhoids from the inside:
- "NSAIDs." These are non-steroidal drugs. They relieve inflammation, relieve pain, promote healing of cracks. Ketonal and Diclofenac deserved good reviews.
- Venotonic. They restore blood microcirculation, strengthen the walls of venous vessels. Doctors often prescribe them for preventive purposes.
Folk remedies
Alternative methods can also be used. They should be used only in combination with the main treatment.
Well-established medicinal plants (calendula, chamomile, string). They can be taken orally, make lotions, used for douching.
Baths with herbs, infusions
With hemorrhoids, you can take baths with herbs. The only moment - the water should not be hot (maximum 37-38 degrees), otherwise the itching will intensify.
Decoction from the tops of carrots. To prepare, take the tops (300 g), pour a liter of boiling water. Pick up a bath, add a decoction. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.
Infusion of plants. Take the husks of onions and garlic, calendula inflorescences, chamomiles. Boil in a liter of water, let it brew.
Such bathrooms can be used if you do not have individual intolerance to the components.
Enemas and lotions against the disease
Lotions can be made from decoctions and tinctures that have been described above. A potassium permanganate solution is also not bad, the water should be a light pink hue. If you use a lot of crystals, a burn will occur.
But it is better to refrain from enemas. With hemorrhoids, there is a high probability of damage to the walls of hemorrhoids.
Remember, folk remedies are good at the initial stage of the disease.
Features of treatment for external, internal, combined hemorrhoids
Before starting treatment, the doctor must find out the type of hemorrhoids:
- outer. Only ointments, gels are used, baths and lotions are used;
- interior. Candles, medications are prescribed;
- combined. Applied complex treatment.
The patient will not be able to independently recognize the internal type of hemorrhoids, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor.
Pregnancy and lactation treatment
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common occurrence.A disease does not require special treatment if it is at the initial stage: the nodes do not hurt and do not bleed. Otherwise, the woman may develop anemia. The problem is especially pronounced after childbirth, when a woman is very hard.
How to treat hemorrhoids after and during childbirth? During these periods, the use of most funds is prohibited.
Doctors prescribe the following treatment:
- Ointments. “Relief”, “Heparinova” proved themselves in the best way. They have the most natural composition, quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.
- Sea-buckthorn candles. It can be used up to 2 times a day. They have an analgesic effect, make feces softer.
Any folk remedies are prohibited during this period. They can be used only with the permission of the doctor, so as not to harm the baby.
If hemorrhoids cause a woman great discomfort, there is a chance of them falling out, the patient may be offered ring ligation.
This operation is done without anesthesia, takes no more than 10 minutes. A special device finds a hemorrhoidal node, a latex ring is put on it. All symptoms and discomfort pass.
Diet for hemorrhoids, what foods are contraindicated?
With hemorrhoids, it is important to follow a special diet. From the diet, you need to exclude any dishes that cause increased gas formation, constipation.
Among them:
- carbonated drinks;
- alcohol;
- rice porridge, pasta of hard varieties;
- beans, rye bread, beans, peas;
- chocolate;
- fried foods;
- mushrooms;
- mayonnaise.
It is very important to maintain water balance. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, you need to follow these recommendations:
- If you have a sedentary lifestyle, get out of the chair every 2-3 hours, do a little exercise, you can walk along the stairs. This will improve blood circulation.
- Establish a diet. The menu should not contain spicy, fatty dishes. Preferences should be given to fruits and vegetables. Servings should be fractional, small.
- Follow basic rules of personal hygiene. Do not forget to wash yourself in the morning and evening.
- If you suffer from constipation, set up a bowel movement. You can use mini enemas. Include beetroot, plums, prunes, Jerusalem artichoke in the diet, drink more water.
- If your work is associated with physical activity, once a year undergo a scheduled examination with a proctologist.
Hemorrhoids are a common ailment. Dealing with it is not always easy. If you find yourself with symptoms of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor. At the initial stage, it is much easier to overcome the ailment. Self-medication can lead to complications, up to oncology.