According to the norms, the frequency of bowel movement should be at least 3 times a week. If this happens less often, we are talking about pathology - defecation delay, which is called constipation. Potentially, this situation can lead to more serious problems, up to bowel obstruction. How to get rid of constipation is described in the proposed article.
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How to quickly get rid of the disease at home?
A gastroenterologist is involved in the treatment of constipation. Applying to him for an initial consultation is mandatory, since a delay in bowel movement can develop against the background of many diseases. But if the cause is the error of a diet or lifestyle, you can cope with constipation yourself, at home.
In adults
In healthy adults, problems with stool occur in the following situations:
- "sedentary work;
- snacks on the go, eating a lot of low-fiber, high-calorie, carbohydrate foods;
- insufficient water intake;
- numerous stresses, anxiety;
- violations of the regime of the day, overwork.
It is very difficult to get rid of constipation without eliminating its causes. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the way of life.At the same time, you can help the body to establish a regular stool with the help of funds, which will be discussed in detail below.
In older people
Defecation delay in the elderly is a natural phenomenon associated with the physiological process of aging. With age, the sensitivity of nerve endings that regulate the activity of the anal canal closure apparatus gradually decreases. As a result, a person does not always feel the urge to defecate on time and constipation develops.
More materials:laxatives for constipation for the elderly
Stool retention in the elderly is also associated with a general decrease in motor activity and the use of a large number of medications.
Constipation can also develop against a background of diseases:
- diabetes;
- multiple sclerosis;
- Parkinson's disease;
- atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
As in other cases, constipation in the elderly should be treated after identifying its cause. In addition, after 60 years, a person must strictly monitor the regularity of bowel movements, accustoming the body to "walk by the hour."
In children
Until the age of 3, the baby should go to the potty at least 6 times a week. For children older than 3 years, the norm of the frequency of bowel movements is established, as for adults - at least 3 times a week.
Stool delay in a child can be associated with various reasons:
- organic, associated with congenital malformations of the intestine;
- functional, caused by dysbiosis, enzymatic deficiency, helminthiases, rickets, poor nutrition and diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- psychological, which usually occur after placing a child in kindergarten and are associated with increased anxiety and conscious containment of bowel movements.
There are also occasional constipation in children caused by compaction of feces (due to dehydration or the use of “fixing” products) or a decrease in peristalsis in infectious diseases.
It is not difficult to save a child from a one-time constipation. It is enough to increase fluid intake and exclude a problem product from its diet. In other cases, it is required to identify the cause of the disorder and eliminate it.
During pregnancy
Constipation during pregnancy is common, especially in the later stages. During this period, the uterus compresses the lower intestine, interfering with normal motility. At earlier dates, an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone plays a role. It slows down the motility of both the intestines and the gall bladder, which affects the passage of feces and digestion in general.
In this regard, the question of how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy is not quickly resolved.
Many laxative medications are contraindicated in women in the situation.
Therefore, prevention is required:
- constant monitoring of the diet;
- sufficient motor activity;
- drinking regimen.
In some cases, irritating laxatives can help out, a detailed description of which is given below.
The most effective laxatives
Medications should be consulted after consulting a doctor and determining the cause of a defecation disorder.
Irritant drugs
Means that cause emergency bowel movement are laxative suppositories. The active substances that make up their composition, once in the lower intestine, irritate the nerve endings located on the anal sphincter. As a result, there is a urge to defecate.
The most effective irritant drugs are as follows:
Title | Mode of application | Contraindications |
Candles with glycerin | Rectally, after 20 minutes after eating. Adults and children over 7 years old - 1 candle with a dosage of 2.11 g. Children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 candle with a dosage of 1.24 g. Children under 3 years old - half a candle with a dosage of 1.24 g. | • cracks in the anus; • bleeding from the rectum; • exacerbation of hemorrhoids; • tumors and inflammation of the rectal mucosa; •appendicitis. |
"Bisacodyl" | Rectally 1 time per day, regardless of food intake. Adults and children over 12 years old - 1-2 candles with a dosage of 10 mg. Children from 8 to 12 years old - 1 suppository with a dosage of 10 mg. Children from 2 to 8 years old - half a candle with a dosage of 10 mg. | • inflammation and bleeding in the intestines; • exacerbation of hemorrhoids; • spastic constipation; • bowel obstruction; • appendicitis and peritonitis; • age up to 2 years. |
Glycerin suppositories act almost instantly - within 15-20 minutes after administration. Bisacodyl suppositories are softer, the effect of them develops after about 1 hour.
It is important to remember that irritating drugs are a symptomatic remedy.
They are suitable for a one-time relief, but you can not use them daily.
Fillers are food additives that increase the amount of feces without being digested or absorbed. They can be of either natural or synthetic origin.
Among the effective intestinal excipients can be noted:
Natural | Synthetic |
• fiber "Siberian cleansing"; • fiber "Rutacel"; • bran rye, oat, wheat; • Plantain fiber with apple pectin and FortiFi spirulina powder. | • microcrystalline cellulose Ankir-B. |
Regardless of the origin, the mechanism of action of all intestinal excipients is the same. Once in the intestine, they absorb water, swell, stretch the walls of the intestine and cause a reflex response.
Contraindications to taking these drugs are:
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- pregnancy;
- intestinal atony;
- bowel obstruction.
The effect of fillers is slow, delayed. The effect occurs at least 12 hours later, sometimes after 1-3 days. To increase the effectiveness of this group of funds, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen, drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.
Laxative prebiotics
The safest drugs for constipation should be sought among the group of prebiotics.
These funds allow you to establish intestinal transit, increasing the activity of beneficial microflora:
Title | Mode of application | Contraindications |
Lactusan | In the form of tablets or syrup with food for 2 weeks. Adults - 4-5 tablets or 10 ml of syrup 2 times a day. Children - 3 tablets or 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day. | • lactase deficiency; • galactosemia; • bowel obstruction. |
Normase | In the form of syrup in the morning after a meal for 1-4 months. Adults: the first 3 days - 15–40 ml each, in the subsequent 10–25 ml each. Children over 6 years of age: the first 3 days - 15 ml, the next - 10 ml. Children from 1 to 6 years: 5-10 ml per day. Children under 1 year old - 5 ml per day. | • intolerance to fructose, galactose; • galactosemia; • bowel obstruction; • bleeding in the intestines; •appendicitis. |
Prebiotics have a mild effect and are not addictive, therefore they are used for a long time and have a minimum of contraindications. The effect of such therapy is very persistent.
Osmotic laxatives
Salt laxatives are called osmotic.
The mechanism of their action is as follows:
- saline traps water in the intestinal lumen;
- feces soften, their volume increases;
- osmotic pressure in the intestine increases and there is a urge to defecate.
The following drugs are included in the group of osmotic laxatives:
Title | Mode of application | Contraindications |
Forlax | Dissolve the powder in water and take orally 2 times a day. Adults - 1 sachet in the morning and evening. Children under 12 years - half a bag in the morning and evening. | • ulcerative lesions of the intestine; • intestinal obstruction; • individual intolerance; • age up to 8 years. |
Transipeg | Dissolve the powder in 0.5 cups of water and take orally. Adults - 1-2 sachets with a dosage of 5.9 g in the morning. Children from 1 year to 6 years - 1 sachet with a dosage of 2.95 g. Children over 6 years old - 1-3 sachets with a dosage of 2.95 g. | • bowel obstruction; • phenylketonuria; •dehydration; • sprain of the colon; • perforation of the intestine; • individual intolerance |
Mikrolaks | Rectally, by administering the drug through the tip of a tube of microclysters. Adults and children from 3 years old - a full tube. Children under 3 years old - up to a special mark on the tube. | • individual intolerance. |
Osmotic laxatives do not cause addiction and the development of lazy bowel syndrome, so you can take them for a long time. However, to avoid dehydration, it is not recommended to use drugs of this group for longer than 3 months.
Alternative methods of treatment
Many folk remedies perfectly cope with functional constipation and can act as an alternative or auxiliary tool in their treatment.
Fruits, berries and vegetables
Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries contain a lot of fiber and are a substitute for pharmaceutical intestinal fillers.
A pronounced laxative effect is possessed by:
- beet;
- all kinds of cabbage;
- pumpkin;
- plum;
- apples
- kiwi;
- figs;
- apricot;
- grapes;
- melon and watermelon.
Fruits and berries retain laxative properties in a dry form, so it’s useful to include dried fruits in the diet for constipation - prunes, raisins, dried apricots, dates.
Unlike pharmaceutical intestinal excipients, they are not contraindicated during pregnancy.
Grass and seeds
Some herbs enhance intestinal motility and are part of pharmacy laxatives and herbal preparations:
- Senna leaf (Alexandrian leaf);
- buckthorn (joster laxative);
- licorice (licorice);
- common flax;
- kelp (seaweed).
Also, to improve intestinal transit, you can use flax and plantain seeds, which contain a lot of mucus and have a beneficial effect on the formation of feces.
Vegetable oils
Vegetable oils help cleanse the intestines thanks to their stimulating effect on the gallbladder. By provoking the production of bile and its release into the intestines, they powerfully increase peristalsis.
The following oils are used as a quick-acting laxative:
- sunflower;
- sea buckthorn;
- olive;
- flaxseed;
- castor.
Contraindication to use - pregnancy, gallstone disease, age up to 6 years.
In other cases, 1 teaspoon of any oil is mixed with 1 cup of low-fat kefir and consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.
Water treatment
Treatment of delayed bowel movements with mineral water is included in the programs of many spas. In fact, water of strong mineralization is an osmotic laxative.
The following types are especially useful for constipation:
- sulfate water - "Essentuki No. 20";
- chloride ones - Essentuki No. 4, Aksu;
- sodium - “Smirnovskaya”, “Narzan”;
- Magnesium - "Erinsky";
- magnesium sulfate - "Uglichnaya", "Mirgorodskaya".
Mineral water is consumed before meals in 1 cup, slowly, in large sips. It is better that it be without gases and have a temperature of 18-240C.
Soap for constipation
Soap laxatives are an old way to stimulate emergency evacuation of intestinal contents. This tool is an alternative to pharmacy suppositories of an irritating effect.
A small piece is cut from a bar of household or baby soap, which is administered rectally. Calling for bowel movements occurs quickly - after 10-20 minutes. Contraindications to use are the same as for pharmacy irritating drugs.
Laxative food
In addition to fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, a laxative effect can be achieved by eating the following products:
Product Groups | Grocery list |
High in fiber | •whole wheat bread; •oat groats; •buckwheat; •Brown rice; • nuts. |
Rich in fructose, dextrose, levulose | •honey; •sugar; • jams, sweet compotes, jams. |
Rich in organic acids | • fatty dairy products; •sauerkraut; •pickled vegetables. |
Salted fatty fish also has a laxative effect. By holding water in the intestines and stimulating the gallbladder, this product works like an osmotic laxative.
Diet for the disease
Diet with a tendency to constipation should include the obligatory daily use of first courses - vegetable soups, borscht, broths, pickles. It is recommended to introduce a large number of salads from fresh vegetables or fruits, vinaigrettes, fermented milk products into the diet.
Meat and fish dishes should be eaten sparingly. It is better to cook them in pieces, since grinding into minced meat slows down motility. Of the side dishes, cereals should be preferred, excluding white rice.
Nutrition for constipation should be subject to three golden rules:
- to be fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions);
- contain at least 50% coarse fiber;
- include a large amount of water (at least 1.5 liters per day).
Alcoholic beverages are completely eliminated because they cause dehydration, inhibit the liver and exacerbate the problem.
Exercise and massage at home
Exercise and massage are a great help in treating constipation.
The simplest complex is performed in the morning, before breakfast, immediately after waking up:
- wrapping your hand in a damp cool towel, make circular rubbing of the abdomen in a clockwise direction for several minutes;
- after the massage, the legs are alternately bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach;
- get out of bed, drink a glass of mineral water and perform 10 squats;
- in the last squat, squatting a few minutes.
This complex is recommended for everyone except pregnant women.
Enema for constipation
An enema is given to a child with the help of a rubber "pear" syringe. For an adult, the procedure is performed with an Esmarch mug.
The amount of water is determined based on age:
- newborn children - 25 ml;
- children under 6 months - 30-60 ml;
- children under 1 year - 150 ml;
- children under 2 years - 200 ml;
- children from 2 to 5 years old - 300 ml;
- children from 5 to 10 years old - 400 ml;
- children from 10 to 14 years old - 500 ml;
- children over 14 years old and adults - 1-2 liters.
The tip of the syringe or Esmarch's mug is smeared with petroleum jelly. The required volume of warm water is slowly introduced in the lying position on the left side.
Cleansing the intestine with an enema is contraindicated in hemorrhoids, inflammation and bleeding in the intestine, oncological processes, prolapse of the rectum.
In order to avoid the development of dysbiosis, manipulation is carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
Preventative measures
To prevent stool delay, the following measures must be observed:
- adhere to the rules of good nutrition;
- consume enough water;
- lead a physically active lifestyle;
- monitor the bowel movement, avoid prolonged restraint of urges;
- control the intake of medications, maintain a normal state of microflora.
It is very important to monitor the emotional state. Often constipation has a psychological cause and occurs against a background of chronic stress and depression.
Observance of simple preventive rules allows not only avoiding problems with the stool, but also preventing the passage of episodic constipation into a chronic form.