With cockroaches in the apartment, peaceful coexistence is impossible. Because it is dirt, infections, spoiled household appliances and products. How to get rid of cockroaches? Every normal person thinks about this problem. Fortunately, there are very effective solutions.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment?

It is advisable to get rid of cockroaches not alone, but together with neighbors. But if understanding could not be found, you can try to discourage the ubiquitous insects with the means that the chemical industry offers today. Or make your own bait.

However, it is worth considering several factors at once:

  • the presence of pets in the apartment;
  • the presence of small children;
  • allergies in the family.

When choosing funds, it must be remembered that poisons are harmful not only to insects.

Remedies for cockroaches can cause both allergies and poisoning, whether it be aerosols, gels, powders or solutions. When purchasing the product, it is worthwhile to carefully read the instructions for use and pay attention to the warnings.

It is best to give preference to those drugs that act quickly, are inaccessible to children and animals, do not cause allergies. And there are such funds. You can see many offers on sites, in stores, hear advice from neighbors and friends. Which drug is better? The most effective remedy for cockroaches is one that will help in your situation.

The most effective professional means of struggle

Over how to bring cockroaches, humanity has been thinking for a long time. And so many ways have already been invented. Each of them has pros and cons:

Chocolate for cockroaches

Very effective gel containing insecticide. Sometimes such a gel smells like chocolate, sometimes sugar syrup - to lure baleen parasites. They spread the gel in the places of cockroach paths: near gutters, sinks, along baseboards, near ventilation openings. The advantages of this method: the bait is not noticeable to the eyes, it is very effective, does not require repeated application for a long time. Cons: dangerous for animals and children;


They are now trying to make them not too smelly, interrupting the aromas of flowers and fruits. Pros: the effect is instant. Cons: in addition to toxicity (for children, animals, patients) and allergies, the effect is not lasting, cockroaches will return again. In addition, spots may remain on furniture and wallpaper;

Cockroach crayons

Perhaps they bring some effect, but there are more effective means. Pros: easy to apply, cheap, not very toxic. Cons: ineffective, leave noticeable marks when applied;

Traps in the form of "houses" with Velcro

Usually, chocolate for cockroaches, a toxic gel, is still left next to them. But even without gel, insects crawl into traps and cannot get out of there. Pros: humane method, cockroaches stick well. Cons: the scale of the destruction of parasites is not large. With a small number of cockroaches in the apartment, it is quite a suitable remedy.

Cockroaches live on the earth for millions of years, because they can adapt even to poisons. Therefore, it is necessary to change the means of combating parasites.

Traps, devices, repellers from stores

In the store you can see many interesting devices for fighting cockroaches. For example, there are wheels. They have no smell, leave no traces. But in order for a cockroach to become infected and transfer poison to relatives, it must run through this disk. They lay out such an "ambush" on the cockroach paths. Cockroach traps with Velcro are also some of the most commonly used vehicles. But with the accumulation of insects, such a trap will have to be thrown out. An alternative to it is an electric trap. She lures parasites with the smell of food, warmth, and then kills with electric shock. Only occasionally shake out the contents of the trap and reuse it.

There are also devices such as ultrasonic repellers. Sometimes you can hear an advertising proposal that the lonely system destroys both midges, mosquitoes, and cockroaches. In fact, flying parasites can really get scared and fly away, and cockroaches need other ultra-waves, which are likely to also negatively affect people and animals. This is not proven, but not refuted. However, you can often hear complaints that cockroaches from such scare away do not get smaller, and people have a headache, pets lose their appetite.

Alternative methods of eliminating cockroaches

The people over the years of hard struggle with cockroaches came up with a lot of their own methods. One of them is based on the use of boric acid. It can be mixed with boiled egg, butter and potatoes. Roll up balls and arrange insects in your favorite places. Often such a place becomes the kitchen. Cockroaches will quickly disappear. But if there are pets in the house, this method will not be safe for them.

Another method is to use a glass jar as a trap. Inside the jar you need to smear with non-quick-drying glue and put the bait, for example, fresh onions. Cockroaches with pleasure climb on this smell, but will not be able to get back.

Good for these purposes is an adhesive tape or ordinary tape, which must be laid with the adhesive side up. An odorous slice of food is placed next to such a trap.

Top best parasite control products

In the ranking of numerous anti-baleen parasite products, several drugs are leading:

  • Globol is a German paste that has not high doses of toxic constituents, harmless to humans and animals.It is laid out in small dots on the habitats of cockroaches. There is no smell. After a couple of weeks, the insects disappear completely, and you can forget about them for several years;
  • Regent - an excellent remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, but also effective for cockroaches. It is enough to dilute a tiny bag of 250 g. water and spray the cockroach trails. Even when the product dries, the lethal effect remains. Cockroaches just disappear for a long time. He leaves no smell, no trace. But it is better that there is no contact with this substance for pets, significantly toxic;
  • Get is an excellent product that is diluted in water 1:10 and sprayed in problem areas. The drug is not toxic to humans and animals, has no smell, leaves no traces. And there will be no cockroaches for many months;
  • Dohlox gel is a non-toxic agent for people and pets, it kills cockroaches exclusively. Apply easily with a dashed line along the cockroach paths. Already on the third day, not a single mustachioed remains. The effect lasts for a long time.

Which of these means is the best - it depends on the number of cockroaches in the apartment and the presence of their relatives in the apartments of the neighbors. When choosing funds, you only need to choose less toxic and more effective. They are more expensive, but they are worth it.

Pest control and extermination in an apartment: specialized services

Calling specialized insect control services at home, you should prepare in advance. Remove food supplies, take pets away.

Experts, going to the specified address, first check the places of accumulation of insects, select the appropriate means to combat them. Usually, these products are safe for humans and animals, but harmful to cockroaches, fleas, rats, and even mold.

Processing may take several hours. Often used "cold fog." This is an effective method for indoor and outdoor use. After processing, the owners should air everything, do a wet cleaning.

Timely prevention of cockroaches

Cockroaches love unsanitary conditions. And also water. To prevent unwanted barbel from appearing in the house, it is necessary to keep the house clean, first of all, the kitchen. And try not to have a drop of water or plumbing leakage anywhere. The trash can must be tightly closed. And food for animals does not lie open on the floor. Plates and cups should be washed and stored dry in cabinets. The table top must be wiped after use.

You need to try to block the passages for insects - cracks, crevices. And you should definitely take out the trash for the night from home. After that, wash the bin and wipe it dry. For such insects, even a small crumb of food and a drop of water is enough for life. It is necessary to block their access to these two components.

And if there were cockroaches earlier, then for prevention, in the places of their possible appearance, harmless insect gels will be harmless to people and pets.

However, hungry and dehydrated cockroaches themselves will leave such living conditions to where they are most welcome.

Another prevention method is to ventilate the room on cold days. Cockroaches are thermophilic, they die from the cold.