The appearance of pimples is a common phenomenon. Therefore, each of us associated with such a problem. However, not everyone knows how to get rid of acne at home. There are several effective techniques, which you will learn more about in the article.
Material Content:
- 1 Causes of Acne
- 2 Face masks at home
- 3 Ointments and gels
- 4 Acne Tinctures
- 5 Means for oral administration
- 6 Acne Nutrition Guidelines
- 7 Vitamins and minerals to eliminate
- 8 Effective remedies for traces and red spots after acne
- 9 Can I get rid of the problem in 1 day?
- 10 Remedies for purulent cones
- 11 How to avoid acne?
Causes of Acne
Unfortunately, the dermis periodically undergoes an inflammatory process, which leads to the appearance of acne. If in adolescence, this is a natural phenomenon caused by hormonal failure, then in adults, rashes can cause significant harm to health.
The most common causes of acne:
- Imbalance in hormonal balance.
- Age-related changes.
Read also:products containing iodine
However, there are a number of other factors that provoke the inflammatory process:
- excessive secretion of sebaceous glands;
- ecology;
- malnutrition;
- lack of skin care;
- menstruation;
- pregnancy;
- gastrointestinal tract diseases;
- disturbed the process of updating the cells of the dermis;
- decreased immunity;
- the consequences of using low-quality cosmetic products;
- reaction to exposure with chemicals;
- heredity;
- the effect of medications.
Green foods, as well as those that are rich in fiber contribute to improving the condition of the skin.
According to studies, identified products that provoke the appearance of acne:
- animal fats;
- chips;
- chocolate;
- soda;
- coffee;
- milk products;
- nuts.
However, most of the above products are necessary for the body. Therefore, completely abandoning them is not recommended. It will be enough to reduce consumption.
Face masks at home
Homemade formula recipes help fight acne.
Please note, an acne mask has contraindications:
- open wounds and other skin lesions;
- an allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
- peeling;
- dry skin suffering from dehydration;
- individual intolerance.
General recommendations for use:
- Apply mask to cleansed skin. It is necessary not only to remove makeup, but also to use a scrub or lotion.
- Excessive use of masks can harm the dermis, so you should not carry out procedures more often than twice a week.
- The mask will not help to remove acne, if you do not care for the skin additionally with creams and other similar means. It is also necessary to monitor your diet. For example, the use of fatty foods and sweets in large quantities activates the secretion of sebaceous glands.
- It is extremely undesirable to overexpose the composition. The maximum exposure time is 30 minutes. It is recommended to keep the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
- Do not squeeze acne before and after the procedure. Otherwise, inflammation will increase and irritation will appear.
- Masks are applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
Making a mask at home is very simple. We offer several popular recipes.
Mask from black dots
The product cleanses the skin, penetrating deep into the contaminated pores, and dries the inflamed areas.
Would need:
- kefir - 20 ml;
- dry yeast - a bag;
- peppermint essential oil - 1 drop.
- Sour milk product.
- Pour them with yeast and let it brew for 15 minutes.
- Add oil and apply on face skin.
The product is aged 10-15 minutes. Then it is washed off with water with the addition of bergamot oil.
Acne Fruit Mask
The mask smoothes fine wrinkles, nourishes the dermis and protects against external negative factors.
- kiwi - the flesh of one fruit;
- pomegranate seed oil - 1 tsp;
- flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
- lemon juice - a couple of drops.
- Mash the kiwi thoroughly with a fork and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
- Apply the mask in a thick layer and stand for half an hour.
After washing off, it is advisable to wipe the skin with an ice cube with herbs.
Washing with ice in the morning is the key to youthful skin. And cubes with herbs interfere with the inflammatory process.
Mask with carrots
Regular use of a vitamin mask will saturate the skin with useful trace elements, improve its color and condition in general.
- boiled carrots;
- 2 squirrels;
- tea tree essential oil - a couple of drops.
- Peel and chop the carrots in a blender.
- Add egg whites, oil and mix the ingredients together.
The mask is applied to cleansed face skin and washed off after 5-7 minutes.
Acne Clay
A mask is enough to do once a week. It dries pimples and deeply cleanses the dermis.
- black and blue clay - one teaspoon each;
- sea salt - 1 tsp;
- olive oil - ½ tbsp. l
- Clay of two types is mixed and diluted with water to bring the consistency of thick sour cream.
- Then salt and oil are added to the mass.
The mask is washed off after 10 minutes.
Honey mask
The mask disinfects and helps get rid of blackheads in a short period of time.
- honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
- flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
- yolk;
- aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l
- Melt the honey a little to achieve a liquid consistency.
- Get pressed aloe with garlic presses.
- Add honey to the juice, then yolk and flour.
Apply a homogeneous mixture to the skin of the face and décolleté. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product.
Mask against acne
The mask is suitable for all skin types. Tones, cleanses and nourishes.
- aspirin - 2 tablets;
- one teaspoon of herbal tea;
- cream - 2 tsp
- Grind and dissolve the tablets.
- Grind the dry collection in a coffee grinder.
- Mix the aspirin mass with herbs and cream.
The mask is aged 5 minutes.
Blackhead Coffee Mask
The mask smoothes fine wrinkles, scars and scars, normalizes the sebaceous glands, and improves complexion.
- cream - 20 ml;
- cocoa butter - 1 tsp;
- coffee - 1 tbsp. l .;
- the flesh of one slice of brown bread.
- Cream a little warm.
- Pour the flesh of bread with them.
- Mix softened bread mass with other ingredients.
Massage onto the face and leave for half an hour.
Ointments and gels
In pharmacies, you can find a huge assortment of acne medications. It is not only about specialized products, but also about budget ointments of a wide range of applications.
We suggest you familiarize yourself with a list of inexpensive ointments that help in the fight against acne:
- zinc, salicylic-zinc ointment;
- Vishnevsky ointment;
- syntomycin;
- Erythromycin emulsion;
- ichthyol ointment;
- regecin;
- streptocide liniment;
- Dimexide (gel);
- traceride.
A good acne remedy should have the following properties:
- Do not cause adverse or allergic reactions.
- To produce a disinfectant and antibacterial effect.
- Regenerate damaged areas of the dermis.
- Dry the papules.
- To have anti-inflammatory effect.
Effective acne cosmetics include the following products: Baziron, Garnier "Clear Skin", Zenerit, Boro Plus, Differin.
Acne Tinctures
Tincture is very easy to use, and most importantly, effective.
The application of all tinctures is the same:
- It is necessary to dilute the product with a small amount of water.
- Moisten a cotton pad in it.
- Wipe your face in the morning and evening.
Since tinctures have a high alcohol content, water is needed to soften. Wiping the product in its pure form can cause dryness of the dermis.
To eliminate the process of inflammation of the skin and normalize the work of sebaceous flows, the following tinctures are suitable:
- Calendula.
- Celandine.
- Eucalyptus.
It is also useful to rub the skin with herbal decoctions. Chamomile, for example, relieves inflammation.
Means for oral administration
Often, rashes on the face are associated with diseases of the intestine. In this case, the problem must be treated internally.
The most popular and effective drugs:
- Lactofiltrum.
- Doxycycline.
- Chloramphenicol.
- Clindamycin.
- Unidox Solutab.
Attention! Specialist consultation needed!
Drugs are prescribed depending on the problem. If acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance, then birth control pills are prescribed. For example, Jess.
Acne Nutrition Guidelines
Acne treatment depends on the age, severity of the problem and the individual characteristics of the body.
Acne control methods fall into the following categories:
- means of external use;
- drugs for oral administration;
- cosmetic procedures (for example, cleansing your face from acne);
- cosmetic products.
It is recommended to prescribe complex therapy in conjunction with proper nutrition.
The diet during treatment should contain exclusively natural products, without the content of food additives.
Recommended Acne Products:
- Sour milk with a low percentage of fat.
- Rich in fiber.
- Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
- Meat of low-fat varieties.
- A large amount of water, a minimum of 2 liters per day and the use of another liquid. Drinks should be healthy and non-carbonated.
Prohibited Products:
- Simple carbohydrates. Sweets, ice cream, soda, etc. They only provoke rashes.
- Animal fats. It should be replaced with herbal components.
- Fried foods with lots of cooking oil.
- Alcohol.
- Coffee, strong tea.
- Soda.
- Milk.
Make sure that there is more food in the diet that normalizes the functioning of sebaceous flows.These are foods rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Vitamins and minerals to eliminate
The intake of vitamins accelerates the process of treating acne almost twice.
The most effective drugs:
- Vitamin C.
- Retinol
- Vitamin E capsules.
- Brewer's yeast.
- Nicotinic acid (B3). In order not to lack vitamin PP, you should eat mushrooms and beef liver.
It is recommended to give preference to food products containing the above vitamins.
Vitamins necessary for clean and beautiful skin without pimples - A, E, C, PP, group B.
Effective remedies for traces and red spots after acne
Specks after acne are a cosmetic problem. To quickly get rid of the defect, you should resort to clarifying ointments.
Effective acne markers:
- Levomekol;
- Lorinden;
- streptocid ointment;
- ichthyol;
- Elidel;
- Fenistil;
- heparin ointment.
Almost all professional stain control products contain kojic acid. The whitening effect is produced by the hydroquinone substance.
Can I get rid of the problem in 1 day?
If some important event is approaching, and a pimple jumped on your face, which spoils the appearance of the whole, then you can take emergency measures.
Before proceeding to the procedures, it is necessary to find out the type of problem. If the pimple is just starting to form, you can burn it with iodine, or dry it with toothpaste. And if the pimple is already ripe, then it can be squeezed out. Only after the procedure, makeup should be abandoned for several hours, and preferably for a day. Then wipe the face with decoctions of herbs.
Ointments are sold in pharmacies to help relieve inflammation during the day. Which drug is better to take depends on whether your subcutaneous acne or purulent.
Remedies for purulent cones
Pustules are a sign of an infection that is treated with antibiotics. For example, Metrogil, Dalacin gel or Zinerit solution.
Pus cannot be removed in one day, while inflammation can be reduced with Vishnevsky ointment. The tool can remove the contents per night.
How to avoid acne?
There are elementary methods that contribute to the elimination of pimples:
- Personal care, hygiene, cleanliness. Use cosmetics, wash your face every morning and evening. Keep track of the sanitary conditions in which you live. Clean regularly; wash clothes, including bedding, towels, etc.
- Vitamins, diet and sport. Watch your health. This is proper nutrition, exercise and vitamins. Follow the measures in the complex.
- Skin care. Make face masks regularly, wash with special foams, for example from the Clean Skin series, etc.
Above all, love yourself. A self-loving girl will not allow her skin to suffer.