How to get rid of acne on the pope, few know, but meanwhile this problem in the "soft" place often arises. Discomfort and itching are also, as they say, half-troubles, the real problem is to defile in shorts on the beach or in the pool. What causes acne on the buttocks and how to deal with them?
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Acne on the pope in adults - causes
If any pimple rashes in a child can be reduced to diathesis and allergies, then in adults in most cases this problem has more extensive causes.
Among the most likely:
- hormonal disbalance;
- reaction to allergens;
- consequence of cosmetic procedures;
- poor hygiene;
- wearing underwear made of synthetic materials;
- malnutrition;
- sexually transmitted diseases and so on.
Pimples on the buttocks differ in the intensity of the rash, and in appearance, and in the degree of inconvenience. They may not bother at all, impersonating themselves only tactilely with roughness and roughness when touching the skin, or they may hurt or itch.
It is easy to recognize allergic pimples - they are small, there are a lot of them, and they also itch.
Similar symptoms accompany rashes as a result of irritation after epilation, wearing synthetics or from rubbing underwear. Such skin "troubles" are the easiest to remove from the buttocks. The situation is more complicated with acne manifestations of hormonal failure. As a rule, such pimples cannot be cured by external means (creams and ointments).
Particularly painful and noticeable inconvenience are single large pimples with purulent contents - boils. Often you can get rid of them only with the help of a surgeon.
How to get rid quickly at home?
It should immediately be understood: pimple on the pope - pimple discord. First, it’s important to establish why the “fifth point” was sprinkled, and often this can only be done with the help of a specialist. Therefore, it is worthwhile to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. And if necessary, he will redirect to a surgeon (with abscesses and boils) or to a venereologist, or maybe just write a good ointment and let go for home treatment. How, then, to quickly remove acne on the buttocks?
The most “harmless" and easier to eliminate those pimples that appeared as a result of allergies. It does not matter what it is for - there is no allergen and no problems. It is important to comprehensively approach treatment and connect antihistamines to the ointment.
For example:
- Loratadine;
- Zirtek;
- Zodak
- Suprastin;
- Fenistil and the like.
The appointment of the drug should be done by a doctor! The medicines of this series have many contraindications and side effects!
As an external assistant for acne, gels and ointments are suitable. They may be:
- hormonal with steroid hormones and antibiotic components (Akriderm, Beloderm, Hydrocortisone, Diprogent, Kanizon and the like);
- anti-acne, which includes substances that relieve inflammation and regulate the production of sebum, as well as bactericidal components (Baziron AS, Zinerit, Differin, Skinoren);
- antibiotic suitable for the treatment of acne caused by the activity of microorganisms (Levometsitin, Levosin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and the like).
Zinc or salicylic ointments (pastes) are also cheap and effective. Ordinary anti-rashes can have a good effect:
- baby creams;
- powders with talcum powder;
- cosmetic lotions, etc.
With acne that has arisen as a manifestation of hormonal failure, external remedies will help slightly.
It is important to contact an endocrinologist, since a thorough examination and solution of the problem "from the inside" is necessary. Creams and ointments will not save from a rash that occurs with STDs. The first step towards treatment is a visit to a venereologist, especially since the symptoms of the disease are not limited to a rash in the perineum and buttocks, and are obvious even to a patient who is far from dermatology.
Folk remedies
There are many ways how to get rid of gluteal pimples and folk remedies.
Antiseptic and drying effect give herbal baths from:
- succession;
- calendula
- birch leaf;
- plantain;
- daisies;
- celandine.
These herbs can be used both singly and in combination.
- For example, chamomile and calendula are brewed 1: 1. For the preparation of broths, 3-5 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are steamed with a liter of water and allowed to infuse. Then the broth is filtered, diluted with hot water (2: 1 ratio) in the pelvis and take local warm baths for 10-15 minutes.
- Undiluted broth is used for local compresses and lotions. To do this, it is necessary to moisten a tissue cloth abundantly in the decoction and, laying down on his stomach, apply it to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes.
- You can lubricate acne with fresh aloe juice. Many people practice cauterization with iodine, alcohol, salicylic acid. However, be careful: these substances can cause burns!
Is it possible to remove pimples from the buttocks in 1 day?
It all depends on the nature of the rash and the right method of treatment. On average, it takes 5-14 days for a visible improvement in the condition of the skin during treatment with ointments, however, a minor allergic rash-irritation can disappear in a day.
What to do if after removing acne on the priest there are scars and scars?
Usually small allergic acne disappears without a trace in the literal sense of the word. There are no scars or scars from them, if the skin is not injured, they are not combed and burned with various aggressive preparations.However, boils very often leave scars after themselves, especially if their elimination was carried out at home - the pimple was opened and squeezed out.
Such scars are effectively eliminated in the cosmetology room (cryotherapy, peels, etc.). Specialists even cope with very noticeable skin defects. You can try to eliminate small traces of acne on your own, especially if they have not yet healed.
It is interesting: cryotherapy
Pharmaceutical preparations are suitable for this:
- Contract tubes;
- Aekol;
- Vinylinum;
- Mederma;
- Dermatix and the like.
These funds have contraindications, which must be read before use!
So that pimples on the pope do not appear again, it is important to follow simple rules:
- Do not forget about daily hygiene, using neutral hygiene products for this, and with excessively sensitive skin it is best to use baby soap;
- wear linen made from natural fabrics (cotton), which is not cramped, that allows air to pass through, and is nevertheless clean (if you are prone to rashes, it is better to wash your panties with baby or household soap or powder for babies) and ironed;
- avoid excessive consumption of sweet, flour, smoked and foods high in preservatives;
- if possible, arrange buttocks with air and sun baths;
- after depilation, in order to avoid the spread of irritation, use special balms and creams;
- do not expose the “fifth point” to excessive overheating and cooling;
- regularly clean the intestines and monitor the state of immunity.
Despite the fact that the buttocks are hidden from prying eyes, monitoring their health is very important. Smooth and beautiful skin on the pope - this is the subject of admiration for the second half, and their own pride in a well-groomed body.